So maybe I don't have the greatest job in the world.
If you've been checking out at all for the last two days, you've probably noticed that I've made some pretty strong claims (with some video evidence to back them up) that I have the best job ever. Today however, I was considering filling out an application for a job on this island.
This morning, I had the opportunity to join seven of our Ravens cheerleaders on a boat ride and snorkel adventure. Richelle K. was one of these girls and wrote all about the fun experience in her blog entry today. However, she failed to mention Mr. Sharky.
We arrived at the beach from where the boat departs at around 8:30am. The temperature was in the mid-80s, the water was so clear you could see to the bottom, and I was surrounded by NFL cheerleaders who were rubbing suntan lotion on each other. When you're getting paid to be in that setting, you might think that it can't get any better.
I thought that way. Until I met Mr. Sharky.
Mr. Sharky (I'm going to go out on a limb and say that's not his real name) is the local Dominican man who runs the boat/snorkeling tours. He spoke several different languages so he could instruct—and joke with—all the tourists on board who were about to snorkel. After a brief introduction and my signature on a waiver that I didn't read (which probably said that Mr. Sharky is not responsible if I get eaten by a shark), it was all aboard the glass bottom boat.

It was everyone's assumption that we were just going swimming with some fish for a little while. Mr. Sharky had other plans. Dance music started blaring immediately after leaving the dock and the boat's staff began dancing on the main deck. They encouraged all passengers to do the same.
There were fun little games played and lots of tourist-interaction between Mr. Sharky, his staff and all the passengers. At one point, when we were all relaxing in the shallow water, Mr. Sharky pulled out a football—an American football—and started playing catch with everyone in the ocean.
On our way back to land around noon, after Mr. Sharky gave away a calendar to the person on the boat who came closest in guessing how many different types of sharks there are, I mentioned to a few of the girls that I wanted his job. This guy spends every day on his boat, swimming with sharks and exotic fish. He meets people from all over the globe. He poses for pictures with girls doing a swimsuit calendar shoot. The weather is always nice in his office. (And, hey, if it's not, he gets the day off!) Really…What's not to like about this job?
In the bus on the way back to our hotel, Sammi Jo asked me if I submitted my application before we left. I think we were all a little jealous of Mr. Sharky.
But let's get serious here, folks. Watch my behind-the-scenes videos from this week. I don't think I can actually complain about my work week. If Mr. Sharky's occupation qualifies him as having the greatest job in the world, I will happily take second if it means doing what I get to do.
Sorry to cut this short, but work is calling me. I need to run off to the beach to see how the first photo shoot is going!