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Press Conference Transcript - Practice 12/9


Head Coach John Harbaugh

On the strengths of CB Chris Carr and what he has shown to earn the playing time he receives:"He's been a starter every game, and he's been in the regular package, and he's been in the sub-package. So, we kind of put it in terms of what packages guys are in and how much they're playing and all that. Chris has played very well. He's probably been our most effective corner, or at least our most consistent corner, might be the best way to describe it. He plays inside, he plays outside. I put him in the category before of Ed [Reed] and Ray [Lewis] as far as how he studies and how much he knows about the defense. [He] makes a lot of calls for us, recognizes routes. He just does a really good job."

On whether Carr has exceeded expectations since he was originally brought into Baltimore:"You try not to put any limitations on anybody. I think he's done everything [in] a role that you might have planned for him, and more, sure. But Chris has high expectations for himself. I think he started a bunch of games in Tennessee, and he's played as well as he ever played and probably better."

On what is happening in pass protection that they've allowed more sacks over the past few weeks:"I just think we've had too many sacks the last four games. I think we've had three or four sacks in the last few games, and to me, it's too many."

On whether it's more of a recent issue than a season-long thing:"Yes, yes. And I didn't really base it on stats. I guess I just based it on my feeling. And obviously, a pretty big sack at the end of the [Pittsburgh] game, too."

On whether there is a tangible advantage for Houston having a few extra days to prepare for this game:"Yeah, there is. It's probably a big plus. We talked about it… I think we felt like we had a little bit of an advantage in the Carolina week as well. They have more time to study. Twenty-four hours more is a plus, [and] they had four days more. So preparation-wise, it helps them, it helps them health-wise, it helps them rest-wise. All those things are valuable."

On whether there is any validity to Steelers' LB James Harrison claiming that G Chris Chester intentionally tried to injure him on an extra point attempt:"I've got nothing to say about it. It's history. That game's history, and I'm not interested in talking about any of that really. It's not relevant to what we're trying to do in this game here. I could care less what [Harrison] thinks about that."

On whether this week is a good time to run or pass given Houston's pass defense ranking last in the league:"It's a good time to run and pass. (laughter) We like to do both effectively; that's the goal."

On whether RB Ray Rice's numbers being down are because they've been passing more often this year:"No, actually we've run more this year than we did last year at this time. So, we just haven't… Our yards-per-carry [average] is probably the issue in the run game more than anything. We just have to run better, more effectively, and that's our goal and it's important because it opens up everything. If you can run effectively, it opens up the pass game, helps you protect. It all ties together."

On whether he can give any insight into the circumstances that are ideal for the no-huddle offense:"No, it wouldn't be valuable, and why would I want to do that?"

On whether he can talk about how much they've run the no-huddle:"I don't have a percentage off the top of my head."

On whether they are where they'd like to be with the no-huddle in terms of percentages:"We don't have a target for it."

On Texans WR Andre Johnson being big and physical, and him playing on a bad ankle most of the season:"It doesn't look like he's playing on a bad ankle to me, and he's very effective. He's the fourth-, I think, or fifth-leading receiver in the league. He's their go-to guy in every down and distance situation, he and [RB Arian] Foster. Obviously, they're getting Owen Daniels back. You know, that's going to be a big plus for them. When he was in earlier, he's in that mix, those three guys get the ball a lot. So, he's just a premiere, elite wide receiver in this league – size, speed, hands, tough, he'll block you. [He's a] high-character guy. [I] had him in the Pro Bowl a couple years ago. He's just a really top-notch threat."

On what type of factor DE Mario Williams is:"He's a big factor. Mario Williams is another premiere player. You know, both their defensive ends are dominant players, both in run and pass, and you've got to know where Mario Williams is at all times. You've got to know where he's at in field-goal rush; he's a great field-goal rusher. So, he just does a lot of good things for them."

On whether the Ravens can be a power running team, or if it's more of a finesse kind of running game:"Well, it's a valid question. I think that we have elements of both – if you want to call them power and finesse – I think we've got both of those elements. [I'd] like to be able to do both effectively, but I do think that to be the kind of football team that we want to be, we need to have the power part of it. We need to be a physical, powerful run team."

CB Chris Carr

On what type of passing game the Texans have and how to handle WR Andre Johnson:"They throw some three-step routes, but [QB Matt Schaub] throws the deep ball very well. It's kind of that old-school, Denver Broncos-type of offense, with Jake Plummer, where they'll boot and get out of the pocket and throw a lot of deep shots. So, they throw Andre Johnson like a lot of 'deep Z-read' patterns and a lot of deep-over routes with him. And they also run a lot of crossing routes with him, too. So, he's a pretty accurate quarterback [and] he gets out of the pocket. He's not really like a scrambler, going to scramble and get open like a Ben Roethlisberger, but he's going to be out of the pocket, get some depth so he can see and so he can buy time to throw the ball. And Andre Johnson just… Probably the best receiver in the NFL."

On whether he'll try to tick Johnson off:"No, I mean I just play my game. It doesn't matter. If somebody gets mad, they get mad. [I] just go out there and play my technique. I'm not [Tennessee Titans CB] Cortland [Finnegan] that likes to talk and hit people after the play. That's not my game, and I've heard [Johnson's] not that type of player as well. I mean, he just wants to go out there and play. And so, I just focus on what I've got to do. If people get mad, then that's their thing."

On how much they have to worry about RB Arian Foster on the outside:"He's kind of like Ray Rice was last year for us. Third down, he's going to catch a lot of balls out of the backfield, and if you're not on him – and checkdowns on first and second down – and he's a type of guy [who] it can be third-and-long, and he can catch a checkdown of four yards and run after the catch and get the first down. And so, he's going to be vital to us stopping him. Andre Johnson is a threat, but he's probably the second-biggest threat, passing-wise. And running backs, they can be a problem, too, because not too many running backs can cause that many problems out there. Ray Rice is one of those running backs, Reggie Bush is one of those running backs, and Foster as well. But we can't forget about [TE Owen] Daniels, [WR Kevin] Walter actually catching some balls on third down as well. But, Foster's definitely one of those guys like, 'Hey, you can't let him cross your face, because he runs a little angle route very well coming out of the backfield."

On whether Houston is a big play-action team with as much as it runs the ball:"Yes, and it's very effective, because when you can run the ball – I think Foster, I think he's leading the league in rushing right now – when you can run the ball like that, it's going to open it up for a lot of people. And it's vital for them to run the ball, too, because Andre Johnson is going to command so much attention because he's such a great player. But when you're forced to deal with maybe the best running attack in the NFL, it opens the passing game up. So, it's definitely one of those things that play-action is going to be a big thing. And if we're playing the pass, us as a secondary, we can't be worrying about the run. We have to read our keys and can't be biting up on Foster, because [with] their passing game that's what we're supposed to do. That's what we're supposed to stop, and we're not going to be stopping the run and stopping the pass at the same time."

On whether the Pittsburgh game was a step in the right direction for the defense, aside from the outcome of the game:"I just thought we played well overall. I think one thing you should take from every game is that you just need to get better. If you play well, you can't sit there and gloat about how well you played and then the next week you go out there and you don't play well. You know, if you play bad, you can't sit there and sulk and talk about how bad you are. You just need to get better, because like I said, that saying, 'If you don't get better, you get worse…' And it's true, because teams going into this playoff run, teams are getting better towards the end of the season, and if you're not getting better, it's going to be hard to stop these teams. So, we just need to focus on that, especially every week we play. It's going to present a lot of challenges for us, and so I don't think anybody on the defense is going to look at Houston and get overconfident, because we need to go out there and play our technique and be on our game to play well. So, it's one of those things like, 'Hey, that's the way we're supposed to play, and let's keep it up.'"

On whether he feels like this is the healthiest the secondary has been all season:"Yeah, I mean we've been pretty healthy all year, [especially] the past couple of weeks, and so that's good. And I think we're starting to communicate pretty well here. A couple of weeks ago we had some communication failures that really cost us in Carolina, one deep ball – [it's] just communication. So, I think we're healthy and we're used to making calls with each other and we're showing up all our signals and all that stuff. So yeah, being healthy is always good towards the end of the season, because it's a long road. And so, you want everybody healthy. Having [Tom Zbikowski] back and having Ed [Reed] feeling good, it's a good thing to have."

QB Joe Flacco

On whether it's a rough to have an extra day or time well spent: "I think you use it wisely. I don't think it matters. A loss is a loss, and you've got to move on either way. I don't think an extra day is something that we're going to all sit around and sulk because of."

On why the pass protection needs to improve: "There's times where it's just good defense, and there's times where we need to do a little bit better job executing. For the most part, I think we've had good enough pass protection. You're going to have sacks every now and then, but I think our guys have done a great job all year."

On whether he feels like he is moving around the pocket better than earlier in the year: "No."

On what he sees from the Houston secondary: "They've made a switch at corner. They've got a guy [Jason Allen] that used to be in Miami that comes in and plays nickel. Every now and then, they're going to jump something. I think they've got a good pass rush at times on the outside, and they can do some things. We're going to make sure that we attack them in a good way. I think they're all good players, but we feel like we can take advantage of some plays downfield."

On whether he agrees that the running game needs to improve: "Yeah, I wouldn't disagree. I would agree. I would say when we run the ball, we have to run the ball better. That's the biggest thing. When we're in those situations, and when we're in times where we need to run the ball and run the ball well, we just need to – I don't know if we need to do it anymore or anything like that – but I think we'd like to get a little more production when we do do it."

On RB Ray Rice's yards-per-carry average being down almost a yard this year: "I think we just need to execute it better all around. I don't know if we can pinpoint one thing. I think we just need to executive it a little bit better, and those guys – if we create a little bit of room – those guys will make something happen."

On being a good week to pass against the league's worst pass defense: "We'll see. We're going to go in there with a similar game plan that we always have, and whatever is successful, is successful. We've got the guys on the outside that can do it, and we've got the backs that are good in checkdowns and good in one-one-ones with the linebackers. So, we feel pretty good about, really, all parts of our game. But, we're going to go in there, and we're going to have to put some points up on the board. That's the way we're going to look at it, offensively, and we need to do a better job of doing that than we have the past weeks. So, we're really going to go in there with an open mind and see the best way of putting points on the board."

On whether he thinks the offense is more efficient in the no-huddle: "I don't know. It's tough to tell. It's something that we definitely like to do. When you can keep a defense on the field and wear them out a little bit throughout the course of a long drive, it definitely makes it a little tougher on them. So, that's why it's something we like to do."

On whether he is more comfortable in the no-huddle offense: "Not really. I feel pretty comfortable no matter what we're doing. I think everybody kind of likes that tempo of the no-huddle, and like I said, it kind of puts the defense back on their heels a little bit. So, I think my comfort level is pretty much the same on each of them, but I do like the no-huddle."

On whether he asks to include more no-huddle in the game plan: "It depends if we're home. It depends if we're away. It's a lot different how we operate things. We need to be able to hear. We have the signals and everything. Sometimes it's based on whether we're home or whether we're away, how much subbing the team does. Are they going to keep everybody on the field and allow us to wear them out like that, or are they going to do a lot of subbing?"

On how much the no-huddle is limited on the road in a loud stadium and whether that means they have to get out of it: "We can do it. We can definitely do it. Sometimes it's a little bit tougher to deal with the amount of formations and shifts and stuff like that that we run. It can be a little bit tough to communicate that with everybody, so we've just got to make a decision before the game."

LB Ray Lewis

On him not talking to the media after the Steelers game:"When you've been in this business long enough, you learn very quickly, and when you're that emotional, there was nothing I would've said that probably would've been good. So I was like, 'You know what? The best thing for me to do is keep [my mouth shut].' But honestly, when you put your heart outside like that, and to lose the game like that, it can mess with you. And I always tell you guys, you always go through your 24-hour rule. Get it out your system – win, lose or draw – and then it's done. Today, and even right after the game, I was right back at it because other things had me thinking about other things. But at that time, as a leader, I knew I shouldn't have done it, so I definitely apologize. Will it ever happen again? Hopefully we don't lose like that again. But, bottom line is just move on and make sure it don't happen again."

On what he thinks about the loss to the Steelers:"It's over. It's over. They're 9-3; we're 8-4. And now, we're facing a team this week that, if you did dwell on last week, you can get embarrassed on Monday night, because they have the type of talent in the Houston Texans... That has to be our… Even when you're watching all the other games and [focusing on] who loses, who wins and what this means, and what that means, the bottom line is the next day you have to move on. And that's why we had to move on very quickly."

On why the Ravens have the mental capacity to move on after a tough loss, and whether it's because of experience or leadership:"I think it's really from both. I think it's from both sides, because we have been through a lot. We have been through those ups and downs in games. But at the end of the day, it comes down to our leadership. There are guys, definitely myself, who started talking to other guys about what this means. It means nothing outside of we lost the game. So, let's just move on. Let's go to the next week. So, I think it's a combination of both [experience and leadership], definitely."

On what he thinks about Texans RB Arian Foster:"Very shifty back. Very shifty. He runs way faster than people think he runs. He's one of those more smooth-type running backs. I don't want to go to Eric Dickerson or Roger Craig, but it kind of reminds you of that type of flow when you see how he flows with the football. I think the thing that people don't give him credit [for] is how well he catches out of the backfield. He catches the ball very well. He's very high, up-down, third downs... [QB Matt] Schaub does look for him a lot on third downs. He makes some big plays, even in the screen game. He's a very capable back and well-deserving to be the No. 1 rusher in the league right now."

On how important it is to not let the Texans get on a roll and play in a shootout:"You can kind of get in trouble both ways with that. Sometimes shootouts can turn to be a bad thing for you. I think when we went down there a couple years ago, [we gave up] a couple big turnovers here and there, and then the game was lopsided. So, I think they're going to come in with a different game plan and definitely try to have some different things we haven't seen to match up against us. But for us, it's just for us going down there to play our type and style of football."

On what the writing on his shirt (RL 52) means:"It's one of my companies that I just recently started – a clothing company – about four months ago called You can go on there and really… *(laughter) *You saw that plug? You can go on there and check it out. It's a very fun and interactive clothing line that I'm doing with my fans and really just making them a part of it. One of the huge things I'm getting ready to do in Baltimore is [with] some of my clothing, I'm giving all of the kids in Baltimore the opportunity to actually name what my line should be or name what my clothing should be through the school system. So, that's really, really a neat thing because it gets a lot of people involved. It's just one of my companies that I'm really just having fun with."

On whether he thinks his young teammates understand the opportunity they have in front of them with where the team is:"I don't know. I don't know if you can say that. I think [you would have to speak to] each guy individually, because I can't tell you I was thinking that way when I was younger. So, I can't really tell you what they're thinking when they're young. I know we have enough veterans and we have enough guys on this team that we let them understand what we're fighting for. So when you do lose a game like that, we let them know the position you could've been in and now the position you're not in. At the end of the day, you want to be in the playoffs, but there is a certain way you can be there if you take care of business. From us, I think me, Derrick [Mason] and a couple other guys, that's the thing that's our job to keep relaying to those young guys to make them understand what we're trying to do."

On whether head coach John Harbaugh's style of football gives the team a more physical mindset:"Yeah, [we] never take a break from who we are, identity-wise, and that is even coming out of that game last week against Pittsburgh. He just wanted to come back and put us in pads [for Wednesday's practice] so we could just get back to [being] physical again. And everybody gets it. Everybody gets it as soon as he does it – whether we like it or not when he does it. *(laughter) *But, everybody gets it, and we came out and had a great day yesterday. We had a great day. 'Ones' vs. 'ones,' we really got after each other – saw some different looks. So, I just think it's a great overall concept what he did. And he started this years ago, so a lot of guys are really accustomed to it now."

On whether he talks to young guys on an individual basis or as a group:"I don't know if it's just an individual basis, because a lot of times it's in groups, it's in whatever. Me and Ray [Rice], even yesterday we left the house... When we left here yesterday, he stayed at my house for almost five or six hours just talking. Really, [it was] me just telling him: 'Sometimes, man, don't stress. Just keep pushing. It's a journey. And if you understand that it's a journey, at the end of the day you're going to figure out where you're at. You're going to know where you sit at the end of the day, and that's what you put your efforts toward.' But, you can't go through that emotional rollercoaster like that, because if you do, you're going to find yourself always down when you lose and always up when you win. And that [isn't] the way the business should be. The business should be if you give everything you've got, regardless win, lose or draw, the next game is up. I've got to have the same mentality. So for me, talking to each guy individually, it's about me just getting in their heads and trying to get into their mentalities about what we should be doing or what we should be focusing on."

On what he sees in QB Joe Flacco in regards to his passion that other people don't see:"Joe [Flacco] is different. We never saw Joe Montana with that much passion, either, outside of raising his hands up, scoring touchdowns. It's kind of the same thing. Joe is just Joe. It's always been his demeanor. It's not like he turns it off. He doesn't turn it on or off; it's just who he is as a person. And if you know him as a person, you know that's who he is. I love it because you know exactly what you get, good or bad. You know exactly what you get with Joe. I would never change who he is, and I tell him that all the time. Every time we get ready to walk out on the field, [I tell him]: 'It's just football. Just go have fun. It's just football. Win, lose or draw, good plays or bad plays, whatever it's going to be, it's just football. Let's just play the game.' I just think Joe is that. Joe plays the game the way the game should be played."

On what he thinks about LB Jameel McClain's fine:"I told him I might try to help him, but that's a rough one. *(laughter) *Once again, I don't want to get into the fine thing again, but you see a guy just breaking on a ball. I understand defensive things here and there, but $40,000 is $40,000. We've got to do whatever we can do for him to definitely help him out."

On the league fining defenders for being in the wrong place at the wrong time:"I think what's hard is to keep arguing about it, because they're going to do it, regardless. That's what's frustrating, that it's going to happen. Even when I saw [McClain's] hit, I'm like, 'Good hit.' I'm telling him 'good hit.' Not that you want to see somebody on the ground like that, but I'm saying 'good hit.' Then the next two days, you hear $40,000, and you're like, 'Wow, for real? For a hit?' Once again, I think guys just have to keep moving on because they have a plan in play right now, and they're going to execute it from what they've shown. It doesn't matter what you say; it doesn't matter what you try to do. If you deal with it long enough, you're going to drive yourself crazy. Play the game, have fun, and hopefully those things don't come your way."

On whether the fine was so significant because it was a national game against the Steelers:"Probably. Probably. I don't know. Like I said, I don't sit in those meeting rooms when they're making these decisions. I would love to. I really would love to [be in the meetings] to see how they actually judge or rate the fines or whatever. But like I said, it's just too much to think about."

On whether the collective bargaining agreement situation will be an issue: "Yeah, and I think mostly it's going to definitely be an issue for a lot of young guys. A lot of guys that don't have their careers set and don't have their futures in place, that can really… That year or whatever, however long we go without [playing], can be crucial for them. We have to fight for that. We have to fight so they understand. I'm telling guys to start to understand what's going on with the CBA, because if you don't, you're going to fall so far behind because there's so much going on. Like I said, [NFL commissioner] Mr. [Roger] Goodell, they're trying to work it out, and NFLPA is trying to balance it out, but I just think more people, more guys need to become way more involved to really solve this thing."

On how well he understands the CBA issue:"I know it enough to say it's a bad thing. It's a bad thing. I don't get it, realistically. I don't get why both sides are so far apart when your product is who we are. We go out there and we lay our lives on the line every time we step on the football field. That part should be respected and appreciated from Day One. The other business side about when you want to get into money or you want to get into this or that, I just think that's a whole other issue. I think you always should protect your product, and that's what my argument or my stand is."

On whether he is advising players to save their money in the event that there is a lockout:"Yeah. Yeah. And more importantly, not just save it, don't spend a lot of it. Understand what you're doing with it. You really don't know what's going to happen. You just don't know."

RB Ray Rice

On talking with LB Ray Lewis at his house yesterday: "It was basically just a conversation more about life. There is so much more about the game and life that you learn from these situations. A lot of the situations you can take from the game and apply it to life. Whenever you've got times like that… That's a moment in my life that I'll never forget. It was funny, we were talking about it, and I was just playing around like, 'Ray, I'm coming to the house right now.' He said, 'Right now?' I said, 'Yeah, I'm going outside to my car.' And he called me on his way out. I said, 'Where's your car at?' and he flew right by me. I said, 'I'm behind you.' So, it was a good time. I definitely appreciated the time."

On why the running game hasn't been as effective this year: "You've got to get the chemistry. With our offensive line, we had some people banged up, in and out, [Jared] Gaither not being around. So, you had to kind of get the chemistry where it was. I think we're right in the phase right now – getting this week with this extra day – of trying to get this fixed up. We know what we've got to do, and we know how we've got to execute it as players. It's not as coaches. Coaches can't get that done. We've just got to get the chemistry back with our offensive line. I think they've been doing a fair job of getting on guys. We've just got to stick with our blocks a little longer. [Running] backs, we've got to trust. We've got to be patient. But, the time is now, being that we want to accomplish certain things towards the end of the year and get this late-season push for the playoffs. So, the time is now to get it corrected. That's our job. We've got to get that fixed and get it corrected. We're looking forward to getting it done this week."

On whether he is frustrated with the way this season has gone for him: "Absolutely not. Absolutely not. You might say my numbers are down, but if you look at where I'm at, and where I was last year, it's not that far off. I think that with the extra target on me in some aspects, people might say the numbers are down. The carries and average might be down, but I think as far as production, I've maxed out, especially the looks I've been getting. I've maxed out the production that I was able to produce. And still, with four games left, there's no way to say what's left out on the table. I'm just really, right now, in a position just trying to help my team as much as I can, whether that's blocking, rushing, receiving. Right now, it's all about one thing, and that's getting to the playoffs. With the division, if a couple things fall out the way it's supposed to pan out, if Pittsburgh takes care of business, we know where we'll end up at. It's written. We just have to take care of our own business."

On whether his average is down because he hasn't had as many long runs: "The big play hasn't happened, but one thing I can say is that the chopping at the bit and getting as many yards as I can and not forcing the issue has kept my numbers right where they're at right now. I'm still heading towards a 1,000-yard season, and that'll be consecutive. The big runs will happen. Everything is a learning experience to me, but being able to get the yards the way I'm getting them – especially at my size – sometimes you've just got to take what's there. The big play, I'm not going to force it. The one big play I had was a screen and it got called back, but I'm not going to force the issue. I'm just going to continue to trust my guys, and I'm sure as men we'll get the job done. They'll get it done."

On why he hasn't gotten the longer runs this year: "It might be a track by me, or getting on a guy, staying on a guy longer. Every play is different, and every play is a developing play. Sometimes it's me getting on a safety. I had a play this week where [Troy] Polamalu just got me by the legs. Those are plays that when you study a safety, you've got to study that kind of situation. Do you want to square him up or do you want to run away from him? So, I'm going to have at least one or two guys I have to account for when I run the ball, and that really accounts for a big play. Our receivers are doing a great job blocking down the field, but once we get into the secondary, I think it's our job as backs to take care of those guys. And that's where we have to get to. Just get to the secondary."

On what it will mean to have FB Le'Ron McClain back this week: "Having Le'Ron McClain is big. If we would have had him last week against Pittsburgh, our run game would have been a little different because of his presence alone. We can run different sets. Having the two young, rookie tight ends in there and putting them against the Pittsburgh linebackers is a different scenario, when Le'Ron McClain is used to blocking those kind of guys. So, having him back, knowing that he is going to be on the linebackers, and the linebackers know they have to face Le'Ron McClain, that's a great scenario for me. I love running behind him. In the run game, it's just pieces. You face adversity throughout the season, guys getting banged up, in and out. I faced something during the year, but I was able to come back, bounce back. I'm definitely anxious to see how the guy bounces back and gets out there this week leading in front of me."

On whether Monday's game could turn into a shootout: "We don't want it to be a shootout. I think our defense will do a great job against them. But, I think what we have to do as an offense is play fast and strike first. We have everything to lose right now, and they have things to gain if they beat us. [If] we go out there and take care of business, we'll be sitting back here with the rest of the season ahead of us. We don't want it to be a shootout. That's not a game we're looking for. We're looking forward to going out there and taking care of business in Houston, and getting back on the plane and getting ready for the game next week."

On how much running the ball is a mentality: "Running the ball is a mentality. For the past few years for this team, it's been our mentality. But, adding the talent that we have… One thing, we don't have to look on our team and say we don't have the talent. Putting the run game together with the amount of talent that we have, there's only one ball to go around. We have a bunch of unselfish guys who are willing to sacrifice for the better of the team, including myself. So, if it's taking a lesser carry or going out there and taking less carries for Joe [Flacco] to get the ball to the other guys, or it's a game where we know we can run the ball, that's what the game comes down to. We know different kinds of fronts that we face. But like you said, running the ball is definitely a mentality. You've got to have the mentality that when you're going to run it, you have to expect four yards or better."

On what worked so well for the running game against Denver: "One thing about Denver, that game was big-on-big. Every team is different. This team is more of a twist- and move-around front. We were able to put our big guys on their big guys, and then the backs, we were able to find creases and go. That's the kind of front that Denver possesses. Pittsburgh is a little different. Houston is different than Pittsburgh. We're facing a totally different defense this week, a 3-4 compared to a 4-3. It's just one of those things where they've got a lot of twisted movements. [If] we catch them in a twisted movement, get our fullback on a linebacker, then the back is one-on-one with safeties in that defense. Regardless of what their record shows, it's Monday Night Football. Everybody shows up for Monday Night Football, whether it's the first quarter or the fourth quarter. That's what kind of game it's going to be. We're expecting them to come out there and do what they can. We're going to do what we've got to do as well."

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