WHAT:The Baltimore Ravens, Reservoir Hill Improvement Council, Inc. and organizers from KaBOOM! will host a design day for children at the John Eager Howard Recreation Center at 3 p.m. on Thursday, April 21. Joined by Ravens cheerleaders and Poe, children from the center will put forth their best creative skills in drawing their dream playgrounds, which will ultimately become a reality. Elements from the children's drawings will be integrated into the final design for the new community playground to be built by the Ravens organization and community volunteers in mid-June, just a short distance from the center. The design day will also be the first meeting of the playground planning committee that will work for the next seven weeks to prepare for the construction of the new playground.
WHERE:John Eager Howard Recreation Center
2100 Brookfield Avenue
Baltimore, MD 21217
WHEN:Thursday, April 21
3 p.m. Site walk-thru
4 p.m. Children's portion (youth will draw dream playgrounds/share ideas for an ideal play space)
5 p.m. Adult portion (community volunteers meet to identify resources/join planning committees)
VISUALS: Children drawing their dream playgrounds
Ravens Mascot Poe
Ravens Cheerleaders
Volunteers from the Ravens and the Reservoir Hill Improvement Council, Inc. participating in planning meeting
Ravens All Community Team Foundation
The Baltimore Ravens All Community Team Foundation is committed to improving, encouraging and enabling the healthy development of youth in the Baltimore area, as well as other parts of the state of Maryland. The foundation focuses on programs that help youth, and in some cases their families, with various needs, including housing, hunger, education, athletics and mentoring. Foundation signature projects include the stadium renovations at Baltimore Polytechnic Institute and Mergenthaler Vocational Technical High School, and KaBOOM! playground builds at Collington Square School and Good Samaritan Hospital's Child Development Center. Visit www.baltimoreravens.com/community for more information.
KaBOOM! is the national non-profit dedicated to saving play. Because all children deserve to be active and healthy, KaBOOM! works to ensure that every child in America has a great place to play within walking distance. Since 1996, KaBOOM! has used its innovative community-build model to bring together businesses and communities to construct more than 1,900 new places to play across North America. KaBOOM! also fights the Play Deficit with online tools that empower communities to join the movement to save play. The KaBOOM! website, kaboom.org, allows communities to self-organize and take action to support play on a both a local and national level.