WHAT:CB **Domonique Foxworth** from* *the Baltimore Ravens, Good Samaritan Hospital and organizers from KaBOOM! will host a design day for children at the hospital's Child Development Center at 3 p.m. on Wednesday, April 8. Children from the Center will put crayon to paper and draw their dream playgrounds, which will ultimately become a reality. Elements from the children's drawings will be incorporated into the final design for the new community playground to be built by Ravens players/staff and community volunteers in early June at the Center. The design day will also be the first meeting of the playground planning committee that will work for the next eight weeks to prepare for the construction of the new playground.
WHERE:Good Samaritan Hospital Child Development Center
5601 Loch Raven Blvd.
Baltimore, MD 21239
WHEN:Wednesday, April 8
3 p.m. – 4 p.m.
VISUALS: Children drawing their dream playgrounds
CB Domonique Foxworth
Ravens Mascot Poe
Ravens Cheerleaders
Before shots of the site
Volunteers from the Ravens and the Good Samaritan Hospital participating in planning meeting