Hola Baltimore Fans! Today was absolutely wonderful!
Six different girls started their days at 4am this morning, while the rest of us had the day off. This could not have come at a better time because I feel like I've been going 110 mph since we found out we were selected to do this calendar shoot!
My day started at 8am with a run on the beach and a very intense ab workout. Afterwards, I joined the other girls for a delicious buffet breakfast at the hotel. Most of the talk at breakfast was about how pleased each of us were with our individual shoots yesterday.
After breakfast we jumped on the hotel trolley to our only planned activity for the day. We arrived at the other side of the resort and the views of the beach and palm trees were amazing! We were greeted by our hostess who informed us we could choose between playing futbol (soccer) or taking dancing lessons as our activity for the day. As you might have guessed, we choose dance lessons! We had fun learning the local dances and acting goofy with the beautiful beach and white sands as the backdrop.
Following an hour of dancing lessons, we were ready to go back to our hotel. When we returned, the next set of girls prepared for their 2pm shoot while the rest of us grabbed lunch.
When we finished lunch, most of the girls who were off decided to lie out poolside and catch some sun. A few of them went to the beach and actually practiced some cheers. I used the free time to walk around the resort and admire the gorgeous scenery—complete with beautiful palm trees and lush green gardens. It was all a picture-perfect, peaceful setting with a panoramic view overlooking the ocean. HEAVEN!
The day ended with another team dinner. Lights outs…we have a 4am shoot tommorow morning. ADIOS!