'Shepherd's Men' to Visit M&T Bank Stadium
Please find attached a press release from the Shepherd Center detailing the SHARE Military Initiative and its upcoming "Share the Burden" running event, which will make a stop at Baltimore's M&T Bank Stadium on Tuesday, April 21 at 2 p.m.
Beginning on April 19, 12 former and active U.S. service members who call themselves "Shepherd's Men" will run 911 miles to help fund the Shepherd Center's rehabilitation program. The Shepherd's Men will visit M&T Bank Stadium this coming Tuesday for a video/photo opportunity in Unitas Plaza (across from Lot B/C) on Hamburg Street.
The runners' journey begins at the 9/11 Memorial in New York City and ends April 26 at the Shepherd Center in Atlanta. Along the route, the Shepherd's Men will meet with veteran and community groups, lawmakers and service members to raise awareness about the SHARE Military Initiative and the need for treatment.