In case you missed it, thought I'd share with you part of PK's MMQB from last Monday (8/3). Peter describes Ed Reed signing autographs. He writes it better than I ever could and it reflects what a special person Ed is.
Friday, 11:30 a.m. (Ravens camp, Westminster, Md.) Ed Reed* *walks the autograph line. One reason I'm always so adamant about teams having training camp away from home is because I've seen how players can impact so many lives with the simple act of human kindness through an autograph or a handshake to a kid. I want to show you this, and the best way I know how is to walk with Reed and let you hear and feel what he hears and feels as he spends 37 minutes signing autographs and interacting with kids who, one after one, looked at him like kids used to look at The Beatles. The play-by-play of Reed on the autograph line, with the Reed words in italic:
"Ed! Ed! Mr. Reed!"
"I'll get there. Don't worry. I'll get there."
"Thank you. Thank you."
"You're my favorite player on the team."
"Thank you."
"Ed, how's it feel to be a great player?"
"Pretty good! Thank you."
"Can I have one of your gloves?"
"No. I need them for the afternoon practice."
"How about your shirt? Can I have your shirt?"
"If I gave you my shirt what would I practice in?"
"Can I have one of your gloves? Please! Please!"
"No, I need 'em."
"Can I have anything?"
"You can have an autograph."
"Please keep signing, please please."
"Don't worry, I will. Just don't push."
"Can I have one of your gloves?"
"Don't ask him that! It's my question!''
"Eighty people have asked me for my gloves. I can't.''
"Take one to the house this year.''
"I'll try."
"My brother can't be here today. Can you sign his helmet?"
"Sure. You got one too? Give it to me, little man."
"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you."
"Do you need your glove? Could I have a glove please?"
"Can I have your shirt then?"
"Can't have that either, but I'll sign for you."
"Can you sign my shirt?"
"Yes, sir. How's that?"
As this is happening, I'm looking over Reed's shoulder at the quasi-legible scribble that looks like "E Reed 20."
"I try to make it legible. I learned that from Arnold Palmer," Reed said. "I was watching the Golf Channel once and Arnold Palmer came on and was talking about autographs. He said, 'Make sure people can read it so they remember you.' So that's what I try to do, even on a long line like this. I want people to look back at that and know it was me and remember me."
"Bet you get 12 interceptions this year."
"Nope. 13. I'll get 13."
"Mr. Reed you're my favorite player!"
"Thank you."
"How's the neck this year? Are you OK?"
"It's a little sore I'll be OK."
"You da man!"
"Thank you."
"Hey, can I have one of your gloves?"
"I can't give you my gloves. I need 'em today."
"Best safety ever! Better than Lott!"
"I guess I'll take that."
"Ed! Ed! Ed! Mr. Reed!"
"Don't worry, I'll get to you. Don't push."
"How'd you get so good?"
"Practice. Like doing math in school. You like math?"
"Hate math. I like science."
"OK, science. The more you practice it, the more you study it, the better you get. That's like football."
"You're never going to leave us are you?"
"Good, we need you."
"I like those gloves. Can I have one of your gloves?"
"Mr. Reed! Mr. Reed! Can I touch your beard?"
"No. How do I know where your hands have been?"
"Ed! Ed! Right here! One more!"
***Kevin Byrne** * is in his 30th NFL season and is the Ravens' senior vice president of public and community relations. He has worked in the NFL since 1977, when he was the then-youngest public relations director in the league (for the then-St. Louis Cardinals), except for the two years he was the Director of Public Affairs for TWA (Trans World Airlines). He has been with the Ravens since they began, and before that was a vice president with the Cleveland Browns. He has won a Super Bowl ring with the 2000 Ravens and an NCAA basketball championship with Al McGuire's Marquette team in '77. He was on the losing end of historic games known for the "Drive" and the "Fumble." He has worked closely and is friends with some of the best in the game: Ozzie Newsome, Brian Billick, **Ray Lewis**, Bill Cowher, Marvin Lewis, Mike Nolan, Marty Schottenheimer and Shannon Sharpe to name a few.