I'll admit. I knew "Legatron" was a nickname already taken by Rams kicker Greg Zuerlein.
But it was just so perfect after beating Calvin "Megatron" Johnson and the Lions with a 61-yard field goal that I couldn't shoot it down on Monday night, and neither could Tucker.
"I don't know if I'm necessarily big on nicknames, but I feel like Legatron is pretty cool," Tucker said.
Tucker brought up Zuerlein at the time, and since then he's continued to try to distance himself from "Legatron" as much as possible.
"I can't disrespect him by trying to wrestle away a nickname that he's earned," Tucker told reporters today. "That's his deal."
That leaves us as at square one. But Tucker does need a nickname, that's for sure.
So I turned to Twitter, and I'm asking you now to think hard about coming up with something awesome.
A bunch of fans (and former Ravens defensive tackle Marcus Spears) threw suggestions at me on Twitter. Here's a sampling:

Optimus Nine * JustIncredible * J-Clutch * Tuckertron * Legomatic * JT3 * Justin Bourne (Spears' suggestion)
I ran the list by Tucker and, hate to break it to you, but he wasn't a fan.
"I can't just pick one of those. Somebody else has to do it," he said.
"That's the media's deal. I'm just here to kick the ball."
Optimus Nine is cool, but I think it's time to get away from the "Transformer" references. One kick in Detroit isn't going to define Tucker's career. JustIncredible is neat, and I love the graphic (courtesy of Caw So Hard), but it just doesn't seem tough enough.
I get the sense that Tucker isn't a big fan of the play on words.
I'll say this. Tucker (who already has six game-winning field goals in two years) does like the movie "Pulp Fiction." There is a guy on there known for being the closer. What's his name?
The Wolf. I dunno, just a suggestion.