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Transcripts: Breshad Perriman Press Conference



Breshad, the comment was made last night that because of your connections to the pro game – your father, his teammates – that the pro game would not be too big for you. Do you agree with that? (Joe Platania)

(PERRIMAN) "Yes, I do agree with it. I feel like I've been raised around pro football. My dad played in the league for about 10 years, so I feel like that's a major advantage to me."  

Breshad, what's the best lesson you think your father has taught you that will apply to playing in the NFL? (Luke Jones)

(PERRIMAN) "Basically just that hard work beats everything. You can't really rely on talent all the time, because everybody at this level is talented, so you have to beat your competitors with hard work."

When you're watching the pro game, are there certain receivers that kind of remind you of yourself, of what you would like to be compared to or anything like that? (Jamison Hensley)

(PERRIMAN) "For the most part, I would have to compare myself to Julio Jones. He's kind of a big receiver like myself, but he can play as a small receiver as well. He can stretch the field vertically, he has great quickness and he's physical. That's the one I like to compare myself to."

Booby, are there any receivers out there that you look at Breshad and say, "He kind of reminds me of this guy."? (Ryan Mink)

(ENGRAM) "Yes, same guy [Julio Jones] he mentioned. But you look at a guy like Alshon [Jeffery] … There's a lot of bigger receivers in the league. But to me you look at … You take him as his own guy and for his skill set and his ability, and [I am] excited about what he's going to bring to the Ravens."

What skills jumped out to you when you watched him on tape?* (Ryan Mink)*

(ENGRAM) "He has great size, speed. He bends really well for a big guy. He's a hard worker. He came from a program that was tough, and we've had guys come to the Ravens from that program, and I think those guys are ready, because like he said, hard work is what's going to separate you at this level. But he has the ability to take a short gain and take it to the house. You see him working in the run game – all of the things that we're going to ask him to do at this level."

Bobby, you were at the pro day. What did you come away with? What were some of the impressions that he left you with in terms of hands, routes?  (Aaron Wilson)

(ENGRAM) "I was impressed – as I told the staff – with his pro day. You saw a guy that moved really well, quick, agile for his size. He caught the ball fluidly, and obviously he ran really fast, and I think that got everybody's attention. But to me, that was just a piece of the puzzle. When you're evaluating, you look at a guy like Breshad [and] you try and gather as much information as you can, and you make that decision. And I feel very, very fortunate that we have him in the building."

Breshad, after you were picked – you probably weren't watching this, I don't know if you've seen any of it – but coach Jon Gruden, he kind of digged on you a little bit for the drops. Does that motivate you when people question your hands, and is that something you'll kind of have a little chip on your shoulder about? (Aaron Wilson)

(PERRIMAN) "Yes, definitely that's something I have a chip on my shoulder about. But at the end of the day, I know what I can do. I know that I can catch. I did have some lack of concentration, some mental drops in this past season, and that's something I've been working on tremendously. I don't really see it as a weakness, but I will use that as a motivation."

Do you feel like that's something teams will try to exploit at the beginning knowing they consider it maybe your only weakness?* (Jerry Coleman)*

(PERRIMAN) "They may try to exploit it, but I feel like it won't work. I feel like it will work to my advantage if anything, because that's not a weakness. That probably would be one of my strengths – would be ball skills and catching the ball."

Breshad, one thing that shows when I watch you is the way you attack the football. Coach Engram mentioned Alshon Jeffrey. Obviously, coach Marc Trestman used Jeffrey in a way downfield, allowed him to use his body to attack the ball. Did they talk to you about anything, how they would use you in that same manner? (Turron Davenport)

(PERRIMAN) "They told me for the most part I'd just be doing what every other receiver does – stretching the field vertically. No matter what it is, really, whatever they want me to do, I'm willing to do it 100 percent, whether it's [to] be a decoy man and just run defenders out to get Steve Smith open, whatever I have to do, I'm going to do it 100 percent and hopefully get the job done."

Breshad, what have the past 12-15 hours been like for you? I'm sure when you got the call all sorts of emotions were going through your head, but now that it has sunk in and you're starting to think about going forward, what has it been like to get the news? (Jeff Zrebiec)

(PERRIMAN) "It has been a little hectic. It's just very … Emotions have been very high for me. [I am] very excited; it's like a dream come true, and I'm very blessed to get that call and to be able to play on the highest level of football. I'm just very blessed and kind of anxious at the same time. I can't wait to get to work."

When did you have an inkling that the Ravens were really going to be the team that was going to call you? Because you impressed them at your pro day, you visited with them and when it came time, did you expect that the phone was going to ring? (Jerry Coleman)

(PERRIMAN) "I was hoping that it was going to ring from them. At the end of the day, I feel like we all had a good connection here with the coach and Ozzie [Newsome] and the head coach and everyone like that. So, I really didn't have any expectations going into it though. I was just hoping to land somewhere in the first round, and wherever God put me I was going to make the best of it."

Bobby, where do you envision lining up Breshad primarily, and how competitive do you feel like it's going to be with him and the other receivers you have back, besides Steve Smith Sr.? (Aaron Wilson)

(ENGRAM) "I see an extremely competitive situation, the same as it was last year. And we see Breshad lining up as an X wide receiver. But he knows that he's going to have to come in here and earn everything that he gets. We have guys that have been here – guys that have made plays and we've had a lot of success with – and these guys have put in a lot of time. But we brought him in here because he has the talent and the skill set that we want to definitely add to what we have, and usually, the competition at the end of the day sorts itself out."

Breshad, have you talked to any of your teammates, and if so, what have the conversations been like? What has the welcoming been like from them? (Pete Gilbert)

(PERRIMAN) "I talked to Marlon [Brown] just a minute ago. He seemed like a real cool dude and he just basically told me what I've been told all my life, that hard work [is] really going to put you where you want to be when it comes to this game at this level. [I] also [talked to] Steve Smith. He has been texting me since I landed, just telling me that he's really ready to finally get a chance to work with me, and I'm really looking forward to it."

Bobby, when you looked at the film you talk about the talent you saw, the speed you saw. Other than the drops issue, do you see things technique-wise that are part of the things you can work with him to make him even better as a matter of technique? (Peter Schmuck)

(ENGRAM) "Yes, that's one of the things I liked about Breshad. I think he does have some room to grow, and that's great for us. But we talked about just transitioning in and out of breaks, making sure he's coming off the ball. As young receivers coming into this league, you always have to continue to work your craft in terms of working releases. Breshad has plenty of quicks for his size. We just have to get him working his hands a little better. But those are the things you get excited about, because that's what can make a really good player great."

Bobby, how do you envision Perriman being involved in the return game? With the loss of WR Jacoby Jones, you can see him as a kick returner as well for [special teams coordinator/associate head coach] Jerry Rosburg. (Aaron Wilson)

(ENGRAM) "That's a question for coach Rosburg."

Do you feel like you have those [return] skills Breshad, and do you have an interest in being a kick returner at all? (Aaron Wilson)

(PERRIMAN) "I feel like wherever they need me to be, that's what I'm going to do. If they need me to get back there, then I'm going to get back there and try it and give it my all if I'm back there."

Breshad, was your dad with you at the draft? (Jeff Zrebiec)

(PERRIMAN) "Yes, he was." *(Reporter: "What was that like with him when you got the phone call and when you got the first chance to talk to him after you got the news? What was that like?") *"It was very special. It was just a major blessing. For him to be able to play in the league for that many years – 10 or so years – and for me looking up to him when I was a child, I kind of wanted to follow in his footsteps. Once I created a great passion for the game, I wanted to make a name for myself. I'm slowly doing that, and I feel like there's no one else better to celebrate that with and go through this experience with in my family."

Breshad, is one of your goals or immediate goals to be a starter? Is that important to you to be an immediate impact guy? (Jamison Hensley)

(PERRIMAN) "I would like to come in, establish myself and produce. Whether if it's a No. 1 [receiver], No. 2 or No. 3, no matter where it is on the depth chart, I want to come in and produce some way, somehow."

Do you think if you're called upon, do you think you're ready to step up right away? (Jamison Hensley)

(PERRIMAN) "Yes, I do think I'm ready. I'm up for all challenges."

I know he hasn't been a Raven for very long, but first-round draft picks are held to a very high standard here, and yet drafted receivers for the most part haven't played up to their level. Has it been conveyed to him already what he has to live up to? (Joe Platania)

(ENGRAM) "We've talked about it a little bit, but I'm sure there will be a lot more conversations. And he has talked to Steve and Marlon, and there's a standard that has been set in the wide receiving room, and the bar has been set high. He's up for the challenge, like he just said. He's going to come in and work hard, and he knows that with this responsibility of being drafted first has great expectations. We just have to get him ready. You just have to come in ready to work, we do our job as coaches, and I think he'll be fine."

Breshad, people have talked about the deep routes. What are some of the other routes that you consider strong routes for you? What do you enjoy running the most? (Aaron Wilson)

(PERRIMAN) "I feel like there's not really any set routes. I like running the whole route tree. I feel like I can do them all. I'm more than a receiver that just runs straight down the field. I feel like I can do any route on a route tree."

Breshad, what are your early impressions of QB Joe Flacco? (Brian Bower)

(PERRIMAN) "Great quarterback, great vet. [He is an] experienced quarterback, and he has a strong arm. I know it's going to be a great experience and a major blessing just to be out there with him on the same field and catching passes from him."

Have you heard from Joe, too, or a text or otherwise? (Aaron Wilson)

(PERRIMAN) "Honestly, I probably did, but I haven't read all my messages yet." (laughter)

What do you remember about his dad playing? Do you see any similarities in their game, or what do you remember about watching him play, too? (Garrett Downing)

(ENGRAM) "His dad?" (Reporter: "Yes.") "I can't recall. That was a long time ago." (laughter)

Breshad, you were raised in the game of football, at what point did you really realize that you had a future being a professional football player, and what is it about football that you love? (Turron Davenport)

(PERRIMAN) "For the most part, I realized that I was going to be able to play on the highest level in the NFL … I started really seeing it my freshman year, maybe that it could be a possibility. It was my dream since high school, but it was just really a dream. And I feel like freshman year I went in and did some good things, and that [is when I thought it] may be a possibility for me. And that's about it for the most part."

Breshad, Ozzie mentioned last night you grew up around guys like Michael Irvin and Bennie Blades. What did Michael Irvin impart to you? Are you guys still talking? Is he someone that gives you tips, and if so, what is that relationship like? (Aaron Wilson)

*(PERRIMAN) *"Yes, I talk to Michael Irvin from time to time. My dad calls him, he makes him give me some pointers from time to time, and Mike tells me really small things to work on [like] stacking defenders. Just little things that maybe some other receivers may overlook – may not see it as that important – but he sees it as very important as running the route."

Did the University of Miami let you get away? (Aaron Wilson)

(PERRIMAN) "I don't know. I don't know. They didn't offer me, but it all played out great."

Bobby, speed is only one part of the equation, but when a guy like him has exceptional speed, what does that mean to Steve Smith Sr. and some of the other guys? (Peter Schmuck)

(ENGRAM) "I think it means a lot to our entire offense. He puts pressure on the defense, and if he's winning his one-on-one matchups, then the defense has to account for that. And the more playmakers you have on the field that can do that, the more it bodes for your offense. I think it just alleviates pressure off of the entire offense."

Bobby, how hard did you press the front office to draft Breshad? (Ryan Mink)

(ENGRAM) "I had a strong opinion. But our front office, their track record is well-documented, so I just tried to really do good evaluations and give my opinions and step out of the way and allow those guys to do their jobs. But obviously, I'm excited to have Breshad here."

I know you didn't play with him in college, but how familiar are you with WR Kamar Aiken being a fellow Central Florida guy? (Luke Jones)

(PERRIMAN) "I already knew a little bit about Kamar before I got here. I know he's a Knight, he used to go to UCF. And from what I hear, he's doing great here; he works hard. That just comes from the program he comes from, and he has established that work ethic from UCF. So, [I am] excited to play with him as well."

Breshad, a lot of rookies like Odell Beckham were successful last year. Do you see that as an encouraging thing that it's possible for a rookie to come right in and make that big of an impact? (Aaron Wilson)

(PERRIMAN) "Yes, it's very encouraging for all rookies no matter what position you play, because it really shows you that nothing is impossible. All things are possible; you just have to work at it."

Breshad, what did your dad have to say to you last night? After saying congratulations, probably, what was the first thing he said to you? (Ryan Mink)

(PERRIMAN) "Time to go to work. That's basically all he said."

(ENGRAM) "I like that message from dad."

(PERRIMAN) "He said, 'Celebrate it. Enjoy the whole process, but when it's over – when the day is over – you know it's really time to go to work.'"

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