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Transcripts: Browns Postgame Quotes (Nov. 10)

Head Coach Hue Jackson

(opening statement) "Obviously, we didn't play as well as we liked in the second half. I thought the defense did some good things in the first half. I don't think we played as well as we could have on offense. Obviously, I made a switch at quarterback because I felt we needed a spark. I didn't think we were doing some things even in the first half that I thought we could do. Nothing against Cody [Kessler]. I think it's tough when you're a young player, and you come in, and you played the week before, and you're playing again on Thursday. Again, I know I made the statement before – I'm not playing musical chairs. I wasn't playing musical chairs today, but I was trying to give our offense a chance to function at a faster rate and do some different things. That's a decision I thought I needed to make, and I made it. I don't regret it at all. Obviously, the turnovers are what hurt us in the second half. Not able to slow them down in the second half, the same second-half issues reared its ugly half, as always. I haven't solved that yet, and that's kind of where we are."

(on the confidence of Cody Kessler) "I'm not worried about his confidence. I know Cody very well, and Cody totally understands. I think Cody's fine. I'm not worried about that, and I don't think he's worried about his confidence. I think at the time, we weren't playing as well as we needed to. I think he'll bounce back, and we'll bounce back. It's just a part of this League."

(on what he will do now at the quarterback position) "What do you mean, 'What do I do?' Cody is still the quarterback. I took Cody out of the game because I wanted a spark. Like I said, a young player playing a couple days and all of a sudden I think it was a little bit different and difficult, so I wanted to try the veteran. That's what I did, and it's nothing more to it."

(on if he could find out more about Cody on the road) "No, I found out about Cody on the road. I've been on the road with Cody. This is what I wanted to do. You guys can question the decision all you like. I felt good about the decision I made. Whether we lost the game, played better on offense or didn't, you're still going to ask the same questions because I took him out of the game. That's what I wanted to do, so I'm not going to back off it. We lost the game. We turned the ball over. Maybe those things wouldn't have happened with him in there. I made a decision, and I'm not going to back up from that."

(on if he's going back to Cody in 10 days) "Absolutely. I'm still going to play him. He's a young player, and I'm going to go put him back out there. I don't think he's going to be disappointed or hurt or all the sudden hurt his confidence because I took him out. As long as I explain to him why I'm taking him out, then he's fine."

(on if Cody missed chances to go deep) "It wasn't about going deep. I just thought there were some things that normally he does real well. Just wasn't happening early, and I think he'll be the first to tell you that. Those things happen with a young player. It's just part of it. It's a lot of pressure and stress playing on Thursday night in front of everybody, and to me, that's a tough spot to be in for a team that hasn't been playing well. So, I made a decision to put the veteran in there, and that's what we did."

(on trying to get it going on third down) "I wanted to get it all going. I thought Josh [McCown] would give us a spark, and it didn't happen that way. That's not Josh's fault. You can blame all this – what's going on with our football team – on me. There's a lot of things I think on offense that I think we can do a little better and be better at, and we just have to keep working."

(on if he thought about taking Josh out of the game) "No. Once I put the other guy in, I'm going to stay with him. I'm not going to go back and forth. If I made the decision to take the other guy out, I'm going to put the other guy in and go from there."

(on if Robert Griffin III is close to getting back) "I don't know how close. I know he's getting closer. How fast that's going to be, we'll know as we keep getting more reports about where he is. Obviously, he's throwing and moving around and doing all those things, so we'll see where he is as we get ready for next week."

(on if he would like to see Robert Griffin III again this season if healthy) "I think it's too early to say, because until I know exactly what it is and if he can be healthy before we make those decisions. Again, Cody is going to be the quarterback next week. This is no indication of what I think Josh McCown is. He went in there and battled his butt off. Sometimes things don't work good. They just don't. They just happen, and they did. That's part of it."

(on if he has figured out what keeps happening in the second half) "No. I wish I could. I've tried every different kind of speech to no speech, to whatever you can think of. I can't put my finger on it. Obviously, it's a problem. We've got to fix it."

(on having 12 guys on the field on the first play of the game) "I wish I knew that, too. Obviously, there was miscommunication with what the personnel was. I think they were yelling to try to get the guy off, and he didn't hear them. I think he was so wired and dialed-in to what he thought the personnel was that he didn't hear everybody trying to get him off, so it's disappointing."

(on if searching for a spark was motivated by the record) "I don't think it's desperate times calls for desperate measures, but I think it's any situation. If you feel that something's not going the way you want it to, then you need to change it. You've got to change it up every now and then. That's what I decided to do. I think, obviously, scoring a touchdown and being up 7-6 was good. I would have liked to have been up 20-6. I thought there were some plays that we left out there on the field. Again, I wasn't going to sit there and keep watching the plays being missed. You've got to try something different, and, being in the situation we are, why not try something different? I just think that's the best way to go about it. If it works, we'll be excited about it. If it doesn't, then you guys will keep asking me all these questions, so I do get that, and I respect it."

(on saying he's not playing musical chairs, but still making quarterback changes) "You can take it like that, but that's not musical chairs. I'm trying to give our team the best chance that I thought to win. You can say that all you want. I didn't think we were playing good enough at that position at that time, so I wanted to do something different. If I had left him in there, and we're still not playing good, that's not good either. I'm going to try something, and I will continue to try things. I never said Cody was the starting quarterback for the rest of the year. That's what you just said. I never made that statement. I said, 'I'm going to see Cody for the rest of this season, as much as I deem necessary.' That's my choice, and I decided to take him out, and I put Josh in. So, end of discussion on that."

(on if he's surprised at Josh not playing well) "Yes, but again, I think Josh is put in a tough spot, too. I think it's a tough spot for all these guys. I think they're battling as hard as they can. So again, the finger points at me. I don't think it points at them. These are my choices, my decisions. How we got about things on offense, we've got to get better."

QB Josh McCown

(on coming into the game in relief) "Nobody had said anything to me about playing in this game, but things change. You just have to roll with it. You go into the game and do the best you can."

(on his performance) "It was a tough game. When I got into the game, we had some really bad breaks… early. On the first interception, my arm got hit as I threw and they intercepted it. On the second interception, the Ravens did a good job disguising the coverage. They made a good play on that."

(on Coach Hue Jackson, saying he put him in a bad spot) "I don't know about that. You've just got to be ready and do the job when you get into the game. I wanted to help the offense get a spark, but we had some bad breaks."

(on his reaction to Cody Kessler being pulled) "That's part of being in the NFL. I went right over to him and told him to keep his head up. This is a good opportunity for him to grow. He is so early in his career and I know that he will be able to bounce back from this."

(on the Browns 0-10 record) "It's tough, there's no way around it. Nobody expected it, but this group fights and works hard every day. These are very adverse times, but we have so many opportunities to get better. We need to keep going and improve. The mental toughness we are developing will help us down the road."

(on how surprised he is about the team's record) "You never think you are going to be 0-10. I know it may be hard for you people to see what's going on from where you are, but this is all about the bigger picture. We will continue to fight and work hard and we will be successful."

QB Cody Kessler

(on being removed from the game) "That's Coach [Hue] Jackson's decision. I need to get better. Obviously, I wish we could've been more successful and converted more third downs. I will just work harder to prepare better. It motivates you to work harder and when I came out I made sure I was supportive of everybody else because I'm a team player."

(on whether it was the first time he's been taken out of the game as quarterback) "My sophomore year at USC, I was part of a weekly quarterback competition. We would alternate halves and that was hard. Fortunately, I won the job by the end of the season and I wasn't taken out again."

(on whether he was surprised that he was taken out) "I wanted to stay in and compete, everybody does, but I'm a team player and I want to do what's best for the team. I need to be more efficient and I need to make better reads. We need to do better on third down and in the red zone."

(on being 0-10) "This is very frustrating. Every week we work so hard and prepare. We've been close several times, but close isn't good enough."

(on his touchdown pass to Seth DeValve) "That was a good call in that spot. He got behind the defender and I saw him and put the ball right there for him. He had a good catch."

TE Seth DeValve

(on his touchdown catch) "That was the kind of route that doesn't get called very often. I came through the linebackers and I was free. I just kept running and Cody [Kessler] laid it up there for me. I made the catch. I didn't spike it or celebrate because I wanted to keep this ball."

(on scoring his first NFL touchdown) "It was very special for me. Whether it's high school, pro, or college, your first touchdown always means a lot."

(on receiving more playing time) "As a player, you are always trying to build a role for yourself. You have to make the most of every opportunity that you get."

(on the Browns 0-10 record) "There are better days ahead for this group. We are not flinching and we are not giving up. These guys are working hard every day to get a win."

OL Joe Thomas

(on the offense) "Obviously, we didn't score enough points tonight. Seven points is not enough to do it on most nights in the NFL. We've got to find a way to consistently move the ball down the field."

(on the third-down efficiency) "I haven't looked at the numbers obviously, but I think the key on third downs is keeping yourself in third-and-manageable, where it's third-and-six or less and you have a variety of play options so you can convert. But, when you're in those third-and-longs it's tough for anybody."

(on the Ravens defense) "They're a good defense. They did a pretty good job on third downs. Any defense who gets in the third-and-longs in the NFL is good enough to make it tough on the offense."

(on the quarterback changes) "You know, they really didn't say anything about it. We all found out about it when Josh [McCown] came out there in the second half."

(on being 0-10) "The mindset is you just have to stay positive. We're going to have to try to find a way to get a win here. We have a few days off here before we come back. I think we have Pittsburgh next, so we can refresh a little bit, refocus, and see if we can get a win against Pittsburgh."

(on the second half problems) "It always just comes down to execution. That's always the bottom line. That's something we will look at probably here over the next 10 days, and see what we can do differently in the second half, to finish teams off. This is several games now where we've had the lead in the first half and we weren't able to finish them off in the second half."

RB Isaiah Crowell

(on the offense) "I feel like we have to execute better."

(on using different quarterbacks) "I don't know what happen with the quarterbacks. You just have to ask the coaching staff."

(on the Ravens defense) "They played well. They did a lot of execution. They played well. They stopped us."

LB Demario Davis

(on the defense play) "At the end of the day, when you lose, you're just not good enough."

(on being 0-10) "Well, today we lost the game, but you can't talk about the whole season today. Today we lost one game."

(on the Ravens offense) "They did some good things. You have to give them credit."

(on the pressure for the defense to force turnovers) "You have to play better to win. You have to play better to win games."

DL/LB Emmanuel Ogbah

(on the defense) "We did okay. We could have done better. The second half of the game, we've got to be better. We have to go back and see what's going on and see why we're not finishing. We've got to go back and watch the film, because I don't know why we're not finishing."

(on being 0-10) "It sucks losing, but we got to look forward and keep getting better. We're getting there. We just have to keep on fighting. I'm not used to losing, but we just have to keep getting better."

DL Jamie Meder

(on the defensive play) "In the first half we did great. In the second half we got outworked. We just have to learn how to finish. I think they come out in the second half with better adjustments, and we just need to learn how to make our adjustments."

(on the Ravens' rushing game) "It all goes back to the first half. We were doing great against it. I mean, they had a few big runs, but they weren't killing us on it, and then in the second half they opened up on us."

(on the losing streak) "There's not much to say about it. We just have to get better. There is only one way."

WR Corey Coleman

(on the offensive play) "We used different looks and some different schemes. We'll just have to go back to work. Each week we've got to focus on getting better and stand together as a team. We've got a lot of good guys. The potential is there."

(on the Ravens defense) "I've been up against them before. It's a good defense, solid, real disciplined. I've got a lot of respect for them. You can see they've been putting in the work to do well."

(on returning from injury) "I'm full go. We've just got to figure out some stuff. We're going to be good."

DL Danny Shelton

(on the defensive play) "I thought we did great in the first half, then we weren't able to finish, like in every other game. We've got to find a way to get over that hump and finish."

(on how to learn to finish games) "You've just got to have it, be born with that dog mentality inside. Looking at these vets on this team, Joe Haden and Joe Thomas, we want to try our best. Tramon Williams Sr., a guy who's been in this league for 10 years, we've just got to have it for them. We, being the younger guys, have to have that fight when we're down like this."

(on the Ravens offense) "They're a good offense. Just like we knew coming in. They lead our division for a reason. We needed to slow them down in the second half, but weren't able to do that."

DB Joe Haden

(on the defensive play) "We've got to get more stops. In the first half we did a really good job getting off the field on third-down. We were winning on some first downs, making them go long on later downs, but the second half they started getting us on first-down, getting ahead of the sticks, being able to open up the play book. They did a really good job of getting in the red zone."

(on the Ravens first drive in third quarter going no huddle) "I expected them to change it up because of what we were doing in the first half, and getting to them. Just like a good team does, they made halftime adjustments in the locker room, came out in the second half and did their thing,"

(on his interception) "I was covering somebody else. I had the running back outside with me. He [Joe Flacco] was scrambling, looking. He wasn't looking at my guy so I fell off him and made the play."

(on how to play a full 60 minutes) "I wish I knew the answer. We just have to try to get that energy up. Try to come out the same way we do at the beginning of games. If I knew the answer we definitely would have come out better. We just need to keep working and come out in that second half playing better."

(on the possibility of his interception providing a spark to the offense) "The biggest think we harp on is trying to get turnovers, and get the ball to the offense. I hoped it would help, but we just got to get more turnovers and try to get off the field more."

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