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Transcripts: John Harbaugh And Offensive Coordinator Marc Trestman Conference Call


*Head Coach John Harbaugh and Offensive Coordinator Marc Trestman


Head Coach John Harbaugh

What made this such an expedited process? (Joe Platania)

"There were good candidates available, and we just moved quickly. The one thing with the way it worked out with [former offensive coordinator] Gary's [Kubiak] situation, we kind of had an idea on Wednesday of last week that this was a possibility. We obviously didn't know what he was going to do exactly or what direction he was going to go, but we knew there was a chance he could end up in Denver. So, we got moving on it then, and we were able to close it out on Monday. "

What about coach Marc Trestman made him such an attractive candidate for you? (Jeff Zrebiec)

"I've known Marc [Trestman] for years from afar, just as an acquaintance. He had worked with my brother at one time in Oakland, and Jim [Harbaugh] has had a lot of respect for him, so I've always had a lot of respect for him personally. And then watching what he's accomplished in many years as a coach has just been tremendous, so I knew what kind of a coach he was. Once we had a chance to get talking, along with his background, the main thing is that he's such a good fit for us going forward. His experience level, his background in this offense, the fact that he can take us exactly from where we are, offensively, in terms of the terminology and the system that's in place and move it forward and build off of that, that was the determining factor."

Marc Trestman is known more of a passing type of coordinator. Did you talk about the running game and trying to build off of that as well? (Jamison Hensley)

"I don't know what he's known as, or who knows him as what, but we have a way we want to play and we have a system in place. We've been running the ball here for a long time. That has been our philosophy and our belief, and Marc understands that. Marc has run the ball at different places with a ton of success, too. I'm not worried about anybody's perception of the whole thing. I understand what kind of an offense we're going to be going forward and Marc believes in that, and we're ready to roll with that."

You've had success hiring former head coaches as offensive coordinators. What about Marc Trestman's experience in that realm do you feel helps him out to return as an offensive coordinator? (Ryan Mink)

"Right, we've had a number of head coaches that have been a part of what we've done for the last seven years, going on eight years now, so I think that's an advantage in and of itself. Guys having had that experience – bringing that experience to the table, just like any other experience. It's kind of a unique experience, and it helps in a lot of different ways from perspective to big-picture view of things. But, Marc [Trestman's] experiences are broad. It's not just being a head coach, although that's a big part of it – he has been a head coach for a number of years, very successfully in Canada and in Chicago, especially the first year. And he has been highly experienced as an offensive coordinator in a number of different systems, going all the way back to San Francisco in the Bill Walsh West Coast System, which is his foundation. So, he brings a lot of experience to the table, and that's going to be a big plus for us."

From a personality standpoint, we've heard really good things about Marc Trestman and his ability to mesh with all kinds of players. How do you think he'll mesh with QB Joe Flacco, and how do you think they'll collaborate together? (Aaron Wilson)

"Yes, that's a big part of the decision. I had a chance to talk with Joe [Flacco] a couple of times, more toward the end when we were deciding which way we were going to go, and Joe is on board with it. He's excited about it. He knows Marc's [Trestman] reputation. I think personality-wise, they're going to hit it off very well because they're both very smart, they're both very detailed, and they're both very direct in their communication. Marc, and the way he explains football and the way he talks about it, is very black and white and to the point and clear cut, and Joe will appreciate that kind of communication. So, I think those guys are going to hit it off really, really well."

Ravens Senior Vice President of Public & Community Relations Kevin Byrne:

"Speaking of Joe [Flacco], I don't know if you spoke to him last night … Marisol [Renner], are you on? I guess Joe and [his wife] Dana had their third son last night?"

Ravens Publications & Public Relations Specialist Marisol Renner:

"Yes, a little boy. Francis Michael, 9 pounds, 7 ounces."

John Harbaugh:

"That's awesome. Joe [Flacco] was fired up. Joe was fired up about it. He had to make a decision; [The NFL] called him about the Pro Bowl, and he had to decide, you know, Dana or the Pro Bowl? (laughter) I think we can all agree that he made the right choice."

Kevin Byrne:

"Long term, he certainly did."

Is there a part of you – I know you've got a job to do while you're out in [Arizona coaching in the Pro Bowl] – is there a part of you, maybe, that wishes you were back in Owings Mills? You still have a couple of coaching vacancies to fill … And who's going to run your [Pro Bowl] offense out in Phoenix? (Jerry Coleman)

"[Former Ravens quarterbacks coach] Rick [Dennison] is still with us, and he's going to call plays along with [senior offensive assistant] Craig Ver Steeg. We have a coaching staff still in place, so it's not the most complicated game plan in the world, I promise you that. I don't think it's going to be too hard to put that together. Those guys, everybody's enjoying themselves out here. The families are out here. We had a meeting last night with the NFL and all the staff. We'll have the draft tonight – we're looking forward to that. That should be fun. In the meantime, it's really more about spending time with people. You get a chance to … I had a great talk with some players last night, and [then enjoyed] the pool with the kids. … I saw Marshal [Yanda] and different players around the league. It's really fun to hang out with them a little bit and their families and meet the parents. … That's really what this is about as much as anything."

I hate to take you off topic, but there has been a lot of talk about deflated footballs and New England. There's a report out there that said some of the Ravens noticed that they were a little under-inflated when they played up there [in the Divisional Playoff game]. Was there anything that you noticed with the balls, and is it possible that your players did? (David Ginsburg)

"It's really not something that's in the forefront of our mind. I can tell you that, David. The NFL is doing an investigation. They did call some of our people about it, and as far as I know – I didn't know exactly what the conversations were – but our guys answered honestly. We did not notice anything. We never had a ball that they were using on offense, so we don't know anything about that in our game. We didn't have a chance to handle any of their offensive footballs. As far as the kicking balls, you know, it was 20 degrees outside. The balls were softer. Our guys told us during the game, and I just chalked that up to the fact that it was cold. Both teams were kicking the same kicking balls, so I didn't really think anything of it during the game. Other than that, it's not something that I've really given any thought to at all."

How quickly do you anticipate filling out the rest of your open staff positions, and would you be open to looking collegiately like you did last year with [running backs coach] Thomas Hammock and [wide receivers coach] Bobby Engram? (Luke Jones)

"We do have something that we got done this morning: We hired [former Jets offensive coordinator] Marty Mornhinweg as our quarterbacks coach, and that was finalized last night and into this morning. Marty is going to come on board. Marty has a great history and background with the offense that we ran last year and that Marc is going to build on this year. He's a great quarterback teacher of fundamentals, footwork, reads and quarterback mechanics in the passing game. So, I'm really excited about that. Marty is a great coach and is going to be a great addition for us. I know he'll work really well with Marc and work really well with Joe."

John, could you enlighten us about the protocols of the footballs and how teams turn them in to the refs, and the details of that process? Would you have any concerns that this may have happened in the past? (Steve Davis)

"I'd really rather not. I can't sit here and say that I know the details or the protocol of how the footballs are [tested for weight] and how they stick the gauge in there and when they do it before the game. There are people who can answer that question a lot better than I could that understand the protocol a lot better. As far as in the past, I don't really want to get into all that. I don't have any comment on that."

If I could follow up on something, you said that Rick Dennison was out there to help you run the offense at the Pro Bowl. Is he sticking around with the Ravens? (Jerry Coleman)

"No, Rick [Dennison] and [former Ravens tight ends coach] Brian [Pariani] are going to go to Denver with Gary [Kubiak]. But they've earned this trip out here, so they're part of our family out here for this week."

Marc Trestman interviewed at two other places … Did you have to twist his arm to pick Baltimore, or did he express the idea that Baltimore was the best fit for him as opposed to the other two places? (David Ginsburg)

"Yes, [Marc Trestman] can definitely answer that. But I can tell you this – he's excited about it. I know that he believes it's a great fit, as far as what he brings to the table and as far as what we have going here, so he's excited about being here. [He] can't wait to get started. I know he is going to be in the office on Thursday and get rolling, he and Marty [Mornhenwig] both. So, he's fired up, but I'm sure he can answer that question for you."

Another off-topic question … Do you have an update on TE Dennis Pitta? (Reporter)

"I do not. I do not yet. Dennis [Pitta] has met with some specialists that we talked about. I did get kind of an overview of that report from our trainer that I wouldn't really want to share until Dennis has had a chance to kind of consider all of the ramifications of it. But I think we'll have something on that in a couple of weeks, kind of on Dennis' timeframe. We'll see where that goes."

Marc Trestman is known for taking a lot of feedback. How much did that play into him becoming the offensive coordinator? (Jamison Hensley)

"When you interview a coach and want to bring somebody into your organization, all those things are part of it. Marc [Trestman] is a great communicator. He is a very thoughtful guy. I like the way he thinks. I like the way his mind works. He has got kind of a wide range of depth to his thinking. I know that's going to mesh well with Joe [Flacco] and the way that Joe thinks; all that is part of it. He is a great communicator – you've got to take input, stuff like that – but most of the coaches we've had around here in the past have done that. Gary [Kubiak] was good at that, too. But Marc, that probably is one of his special qualities and something that makes him who he is."

What's the process like, from a head-coaching standpoint, adapting to a new offensive coordinator? (Brent Harris)

"I'm the one who sets the philosophy as the head coach – that's the responsibility of the role of this job. It's not like as a head coach you've got to adapt to a bunch of different philosophies. You decide what the philosophy and approach is going to be, and you bring people into the organization that are going to be able to best carry that forward. We've never brought a coordinator in here that hasn't been in the same, really, not just ballpark, but really aligned with what we're trying to accomplish. Now as far as the details of how that gets done, and terminology and those kinds of things, as a head coach, those are things that you have to adapt to and learn and study and come together with some of the differences and nuances. But that's what we do as a coaching staff; we talk, and we meet, and we make decisions about what we're going to do and about what we're going to be going forward. As a head coach – at least the way we do it here – we're involved in every part of our program, every part of our team – offense, defense [and] special teams – all the staff, organizational stuff and personnel. The offense is going to be a huge piece of that, and I'm looking forward to working with Marc [Trestman] and building on who we are as a team and as an offense."

At this stage of QB Joe Flacco's career, do you feel that the challenge of adjusting to a new coordinator is easier for him to handle than maybe it was earlier in his career? (Clifton Brown)

"That's probably a good point, Cliff. Obviously, [Joe Flacco's] knowledge level is way beyond what it was early on, so he has got much more experience and much more football knowledge than he had at the beginning. Very few quarterbacks go through the same system their whole career; I don't know if you can [count] them on one hand even. Tom Brady, maybe Aaron Rodgers has been basically in the same system even though he had a coaching change there. But almost all of the guys are going to have some change in their career, system-wise. Even Peyton Manning went through it. So, that's OK. That's a part of it. Joe has had to deal with different coordinators; he had one basic system change in his career, [and] that was the change last year that we made. We're going to carry forward that system going forward. I know Joe can handle it. That's one of his strengths, [and] he's done great with that in the past, and I know he can handle it going forward."

John, do you anticipate the blocking scheme and that sort of stuff staying the same, or is that going to depend on Marc Trestman's input and experience with that? (Jeff Zrebiec)

"I anticipate that staying the same. That's one of the major reasons that Marc [Trestman] is the right man for the job, because he has got a heck of a background in this particular system, and he wants to build on that. We've got a lot of coaches in place, and we're going to build on the past. If you're talking about the run game, Jeff, we've been running stretch-zone here, really as a primary [scheme] since 2010. I thought that Gary [Kubiak] and Rick [Dennison] and Brian [Pariani], along with [offensive line coach] Juan [Castillo] really took that to another level as far as the nuance, the scheme. Because that's something they've been doing all those years in Houston and in Denver, and they're probably the four most guys around the stretch-zone. So, we've learned from that, and that's a part of us now going forward, and we'll keep it."

**John, was there any talks with Marc Trestman about the possible longevity of his stay given how frequently you've had to do these offensive coordinator searches in the past couple of years? *(Jon Meoli) *

"A little bit. It can't be the main thing, because you never know what's going to happen. I know that Gary [Kubiak] was planning on being here for some number of years, then all of a sudden things change in the blink of an eye. When you hire great coaches, coaches are going to get opportunities. I kind of look at it like I put it in God's hands, and you have faith in what the path is going to be going forward, and we'll make the most of it. All things work for good, and this is going to be a good thing going forward just like having Gary here for a year was a good thing. I'm not worried about how long it is or how long it goes – I'm worried about this year and the type of football team that we can be immediately this year going forward. How well we're playing the very next game. How well we're going to practice in the very next practice. That's the immediacy of what we're doing, and that seems to be the primary thought here."

Coach, one thing I've been asked by a couple of people about the mechanics of it: On where you [and Marc Trestman] met, when you met, and could you talk a little bit about that? (Kevin Byrne)

"I had a chance to talk to Marc [Trestman] – I don't know what day it was, exactly – maybe it was Sunday that we kind of talked on the phone for a while. Maybe Marc remembers better than I do. Then he was traveling around – I'll let him kind of say where he was – and then we talked about possibly meeting at the Pro Bowl here in Arizona. Then, we both decided that we needed to try to do this as fast as we could as far as having a conversation. So, he flew in [to Baltimore] on Monday morning, and we started meeting around one or two o'clock Monday afternoon and went for a number of hours there. And then as has been reported, [former Broncos offensive coordinator] Adam Gase came in Monday night, and he and I met until very late at night. I wouldn't mind saying that Adam did a great job as well. He was excellent in the interview, and you can see why he has been successful and why he has such a bright future. I was very impressed with Adam as well, and we just made the decision going forward that [this was] the best fit, what we're trying to do scheme-wise, and in other ways, too. So, I'm excited about what we're doing."

Offensive Coordinator Marc Trestman

From afar, what have you seen from QB Joe Flacco? What do you consider his best qualities to be? (Joe Platania)

**"I think that's an overwhelming question right now. Certainly [Joe Flacco] has established himself as a Super Bowl caliber quarterback. He has done that [and] has been extremely effective. I've seen a courageous leader, and a very tough guy. I'm excited to be able to coach him and get to know him."

You're known – fairly, unfairly – as the guy who's great with quarterbacks, loves throwing the football, and then sometimes people say you don't run it enough. As you know, John Harbaugh and the Ravens are a physical football team. How do you see what you like to do offensively meshing with what the Ravens have been in the past? (Clifton Brown)

"I think that John [Harbaugh] has a vision of playing continuity football and complementary football, and I think that's what has allowed the Ravens to be so successful. They're not just an offense, defense and special teams, but they play complementary football. That's something that I've paid attention to and will certainly have in mind each and every day as we work within the framework of the offense."

I was wondering how much is this going to be your offense, or how much are you going to have to adapt to what the Ravens [do]? Obviously, they had the best offense they've had in ages here last year. How much are you sort of going to work off that, and how many new things do you plan to bring? (Jeff Zrebiec)

"There [are] a number of questions there: Let me just start by saying it's never going to be my offense. It's always going to be the Ravens' offense. I've been in this situation before on two or three occasions where there was a pre-existing coordinator and a very successful situation. What I did is … It really started back in 1995 when Mike Shanahan and Gary Kubiak left [for] Denver [and] I came into San Francisco as the coordinator. I think the framework and the formula for this is for me to go in and learn the offense and learn the nuances of the offense. The language is going to be similar, because Gary and I come out of the same training ground in terms of learning what people know as the West Coast offense, so to speak. So, my idea would be, 'Why would I have 40 some guys learn a new offense when I'm just one person? Isn't it easier for me to learn it than to start over with everybody else, including coaches?' So, I think the formula going in is certainly to learn the language and the nuances of the offense and what has been established there with the coaching staff and with the players, and then move forward from there."

Marc, I know you've been in football for many, many years and have a lot of experience, but there was an eight year period before you got to the Bears where you were out of the NFL. Once you got back with the Bears over the past couple years, was there any adjustments that you had to make? Were there a lot of changes once you got back in the league? Was there any kind of transition for you? (Jamison Hensley)

"I think that the first year in Chicago – from a standpoint of the offensive side – I think we had what many would consider a reasonably successful year offensively. We scored, we had productive players, so I think the transition [was successful] because of the coaches on the staff and the players that we had. The game up north is very much similar from a coaching standpoint than it is down here, so you just learn and grow as a coach while you're away. I was never that far away. I studied the NFL. I visited teams during the offseason to make sure I stayed current with changes – particularly defensively – that have happened throughout the league, but also offensively I studied teams as well. So, [during] the offseasons, even though I was away, were spent staying current with the NFL game."

Have you talked to QB Joe Flacco yet? You've got a reputation of kind of being the quarterback whisperer, why do you think that is? Why do you communicate so well with the quarterback, and how do you expect to gel with Joe? (Ryan Mink)

"There were about four questions in there. The first one is we know Joe [Flacco] has been busy, but I did text him. He had a baby yesterday. I did text him; I immediately texted him. I wanted to reach out to him immediately and get connected to him, and we texted back and forth for a few minutes and said that when things settle in his personal life that we would spend some time talking with each other. I think that's critically important. All those other things I don't know much about. I'm just a guy who loves to coach, coach football, and I certainly enjoy the connection I have with quarterbacks and working with quarterbacks and the entire offense. I don't know all about that other stuff, but I can tell you I'm greatly appreciative and feel very humbled to have the opportunity to be a part of the Ravens organization and work with John [Harbaugh] and his entire staff and players."

Marc, by the way, coach Harbaugh when he was on [the conference call] told the media that Marty Mornhinweg … He has hired Marty as the quarterbacks coach. Do you want to talk a little bit about Marty? (Kevin Byrne)

"Marty [Mornhinweg] and I talked yesterday for a little while. I've followed Marty's career. I know he was with Andy Reid, he was with John [Harbaugh], he was with Juan [Castillo] during his time in Philadelphia and had great success as a quarterback coach and play caller. So, I'm really looking forward to working with Marty. We've never really crossed paths, but we have mutual friends in the business, and I think that this is all going to be part of a formula to continue to play at a high level offensively and continue to get better."

You had a couple of options. What made you choose the Ravens as opposed to [another organization], and if you could tell us if you did in fact interview with Cleveland and Jacksonville? (David Ginsburg)

"I think I'd rather leave a lot of that alone. I had a chance to have a conversation with John [Harbaugh]. I followed his career all the way through, at least since he was at Philadelphia. The bottom line is that we had a very good conversation. I felt a strong connection, and I couldn't be more excited to be a Raven and to be working for and with John."

I did want to ask you, regarding your knowledge and history with the Harbaugh's … You talked about John Harbaugh, but also Jim Harbaugh had some very complimentary things to say about you. How much influence do you think that had on his brother, John? (Jerry Coleman)

"I don't know. I think that's a question that only John [Harbaugh] can answer. Jim [Harbaugh] and I started working together in Oakland when I was there as a coordinator and he came in [as] quality control. We worked together there, and we've maintained a relationship throughout the years. So, I can't answer the question, but I can say that I've watched Jim grow in this profession. I'm really proud of what he has accomplished. We've been colleagues and friends since we worked in Oakland."

Marc, is it a special feeling getting to work for [general manager & executive vice president] Ozzie Newsome after you coached him in Cleveland all those years ago?* (Luke Jones)*

"I'm really excited about that. It's kind of nostalgic to think it has been that long. It seems like yesterday, and I'm sure Ozzie [Newsome] feels the same way. But I learned a lot from Ozzie. As a player he was a championship caliber player, a Hall of Fame player, certainly, and it's kind of nostalgic to think that I'll be going to work in the same building. I'm really excited about that."

On game day are you a hands-on coordinator where you'll be down on the sideline? (Brent Harris)

"I think that's really up to John [Harbaugh]. I think that starts with John and what he thinks is best for the team. I've done it in both places and feel very comfortable being in the box and on the field. Obviously, I've spent most of my time over the last decade on the field calling plays. So, I feel good about either of it. And as I said, I think that it starts with John and what he feels best about, and I'm flexible to do either and feel comfortable in either place."

You mentioned your time in San Francisco. Do you feel like personnel-wise, organization-wise, any of those stops are really similar to what you're going to be walking into in Baltimore when you talk about the structure in place? (Jon Meoli)

"I think about it first from a coaching standpoint. When I went up to Cleveland back in the 1980s, Lindy Infante had been there, and I learned that offense and coached that offense with Ozzie [Newsome] and Bernie Kosar during that time. Going into San Francisco I did the same thing, I learned the offense. Going into Oakland – coming out of Arizona – Jon Gruden hired me in Oakland and he had a pre-existing offense in there, and I became the coordinator the second year. But all these offenses other than Cleveland … Cleveland was a different offense than what I'm coming into there with the Ravens, or when I went into Oakland and San Francisco because they're all West Coast based. So, the language is going to be similar and the way plays are called are going to be very, very similar. So, the learning aspect will be different."

I have a question about the blocking scheme. Last year, the team had much success in the zone-blocking scheme. Is that something that works well with your offense? (Kevin Richardson)

"Oh, yes. I think that in a lot of offenses the zone scheme is where it all starts and certainly that's where it's going to start with the Ravens. I've talked to Gary [Kubiak] over the years. It's essentially a zone-blocking system, but there are also other gap plays and trap plays and draw plays and other things that go in. But the platform, or the starting point, is certainly running the zone plays, and that's not going to change."

With the proliferation of so many quarterback injuries, could you talk a little bit about what it's going to be like to have kind of the "Iron Man" –  QB Joe Flacco never seems to miss a snap. How valuable is that?* (Stan Charles)*

"I think the best thing I can do is not talk about it. (laughter) I think you answered the question. You knew the answer to the question before you asked it. So, I think we'll leave it at that. Certainly, every day is a new day in the National Football League. We know that, and hopefully that will continue. I'm sure every fan of the Baltimore Ravens is hoping for the same, so we'll just leave it at that."

Coach Trestman, you had some big-bodied receivers in Chicago and had a lot of success with those guys – WR Alshon Jeffery and WR Brandon Marshall. How much do you feel like you'd like to have that in Baltimore and guys that can make big catches down the field? (Ryan Mink)

"I think Ozzie [Newsome] and John [Harbaugh], the way they handle the personnel, it's really in their hands. Certainly, I'll be the one to be flexible enough that when we bring in good players that we'll develop them and get them ready to play. Don't go in there with any pre-existing ideas of who's there, who's not there, what we need to do. I think that there's a tremendous personnel department there. I'm sure we'll talk about different types of players, but ultimately it's our job to coach the guys that Ozzie and John and our personnel department bring in. And I'm going to be excited to coach and develop whoever those guys are and certainly the guys that are there presently."

The Ravens have had a number of coordinators over the last few years that have gone on to become head coaches. Is that something that enters your mind in terms of potentially getting another chance to be a head coach down the road? (Luke Jones)

"Quite honestly, I'm grateful to get myself to stay in the game. I'm certainly grateful and appreciative for what John [Harbaugh] has done. I've never approached any job other than to show up each day and work as hard as I can to help the organization in a selfless manner. And really, I'm not even going to be thinking about anything but trying to get better every day and trying to help the team get better, and that's where my focus is."

I know your track record with running backs is really impressive. Have you checked out RB Justin Forsett and RB Lorenzo Taliaferro yet? (Dave Richard)

"I really haven't. During the course of the season, we didn't have many games where we would have crossed over games where we had Baltimore on the offensive side of the ball. So, that's going to be part of the learning process as I get into the tape over the next few weeks will be to … I'm going to be learning the offense, learning the language of the offense, but I'm also going to be doing it by watching certainly our players and getting to understand what they do well and talking to them about it as well as I begin to interact with the guys on a personal level. So, that will get started for me to begin commenting on players' strengths and weaknesses. I'm certainly not in a position to do that [yet]."

Marc – one thing specifically – I know you mentioned kind of merging your system and it being the Ravens' offense. I know you like to use a lot of shotgun – at least as QB Jay Cutler did. How do you see that working out [with QB Joe Flacco]? (Ryan Mink)

"I've been in all different kinds of systems. In Oakland, we were never in the shotgun. We played a whole season through the Super Bowl and never played in anything but under center. So, I think it's all based on strengths and weaknesses. It's a process of what are your guys going to do best? How does everything fit together? So, I've been in so many different systems in so many different places that flexibility is something that is certainly part of how I feel the process is going to work. I'm not concerned about whether we're under center, in the gun and how much we're in either or whether we have to be in it more. It's more about working with the guys on offense and working with Joe [Flacco] to put them in the best position to succeed on every play. And whatever that is, we're going to be able to accommodate it."

*Marc, you've been at a bunch of stops and you've worked with a lot of personalities and different guys. How have those experiences sort of shaped you as a coach, or more specifically how different are you now than you may have been earlier in your career? (Jeff Zrebiec) *

"That's a good question, part of which I can answer, part of it I can't, because I really don't know the answer. I just think that experience means a lot. I've seen it done a lot of different ways, been with a lot of different types of guys. So, I embrace the opportunity to work with different guys and their different personalities, and how they work and what's important in trying to get better, and I'm excited about that. I think the experience does help. It creates flexibility in your style to be able to mesh and to create this marriage you have to have with your quarterback each and every day."

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