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Transcripts: Postgame Press Conferences

Head Coach John Harbaugh

(opening statement) "OK, I appreciate you guys being here. [It was a] tough, tough loss. We didn't do what we needed to do to win the game. Quick turnaround – we have the Steelers in Pittsburgh on Thursday night. So, we'll have to heal up and get prepared and go play that game. What questions do you have?"

(on how hard it was to watch the missed tackles tonight) "You have to tackle better. That's the best run-after-contact team in the league. We did well early, but we didn't finish strong enough."

(on how the defense contained RB Derrick Henry and what changed later in the game) "I think the tackling was probably the biggest thing. I'll have to see the tape to tell you about anything up front in terms of the blocking and that sort of thing."

(on the performance of G/T Will Holden and the offensive line) "It's really hard to say without seeing [the tape]. I wasn't watching him, specifically, the whole game, in terms of an evaluation. I think [the offensive line] played serviceable, at least, and then we'll see on tape, and we'll find out."

(on if RB J.K. Dobbins having majority of the workload was the plan all along or if that developed as the game went on) "I think that's the way it went as the game went on."

(on what happened with the Titans players before and after the game) "After the game, there wasn't an issue. Coach [Mike] Vrabel, I think, was down there celebrating in the end zone, and then he came back around and shook hands. [What happened] before the game is irrelevant."

(on if he was happy that QB Lamar Jackson took a deep shot that resulted in an interception, or if he wished he did something else there) "Well, both – obviously. It's just a matter of executing the play. We don't want turnovers. We want to create big plays if we can – that's what you're trying to do in that situation."

(on what factored into the missed tackles at the end of the game) "That's something we'll have to look at. We didn't tackle very well at the end of the game at all; that's the biggest difference in the game. We had been tackling before that. So, tackling is tackling – we didn't do it very well."

(on how difficult it will be to play the Steelers in four days) "I don't know the measurement on that. We'll just have to do it, though. It doesn't really matter how difficult it is, it's something that we need to get done."

(on if there was any commonality on not being able to convert the drives into touchdowns in the red zone) "That's the kind of question that you'll have to look at it afterwards and determine after you take a look at it. It's really hard to say that right now, other than just not getting in done in terms of whether guys were open, or whether we didn't protect, or run the ball. Whatever happened, you have plays here and there that come up. I'll just have to look at that once the tape comes out."

(on how difficult of a loss this is with just a few games left) "I don't know. We just have to win games – as many games as we can."

QB Lamar Jackson

(on the team's frustration level) "We just had two losses in a row; games that we should've won. We had little hiccups in the game, but we still have to keep fighting through it. That team … It looked like that team wanted it more than us. They were playing physical. When we went up, I felt like we just took our foot off the gas. But we just have to keep it going for the team." 

(on if he felt there were any missed opportunities offensively when the Titans settled for field goals) "We have to finish drives. We're driving the ball down the field. We just have to stop putting [Justin] Tucker out there; we have to punch it in. When we get inside the red zone, or the high red zone, we just have to finish and stop putting our defense out there." 

(on what happened on the last series in overtime) "They did play-action. I got my head up. One of my receivers got bunched off the line. They dropped to that spot. I tried to make [No.] '98' [Jeffery Simmons] miss. [He] just grabbed me; I couldn't get out of it. Two guys were just on my legs." 

(on why it seems that he has chemistry with TE Mark Andrews but not WR Marquise Brown) "You know, [Marquise] 'Hollywood' [Brown] is a big threat, too, as well. Some looks, it's just not going to be a good look for him. But we're good. We're good. It starts at practice." 

(on what he can say to the locker room to be a leader) "Just focus. Keep our heads up. We were in worse situations my rookie year, and we turned the season around. People were doubting us then. I feel like people want us to lose, but we just have to bounce back. We're good. It's going to be a rival game come Thursday, and we'll turn up then." 

(on giving the pre-game speech and if he feels a sense of urgency to take on some leadership) "Yes, of course. [Pernell] McPhee was telling me since Week 1 that he wanted me to do a speech before the game. Me, I'm not really a vocal leader; I probably lead by example nine times out of 10. But I just felt like the time was right. I felt like we were doing pretty good, but we just have to finish. We shouldn't be in overtime. We have to finish drives."  

(on WR Marquise Brown not having many receptions over the last few games) "He's good. We're good. He just has to get the ball. We just have to give him opportunities to catch the ball; give him little quick gains here and there. The defense is already playing back off of him. We just have to get him opportunities and let him do his thing. That's why they call him 'Primetime Jet.'" 

(on his thoughts on WR Dez Bryant having his first catches in a game since 2017) "It was pretty good. We gained yards. [We] gained, like, five yards on each catch, I'd say. He did pretty good. We just have to keep putting him in [and] keep putting him in the game." 

(on what he saw on the interception) "I was just giving [Devin Duvernay] an opportunity. [I was] giving my receiver an opportunity. I could've thrown a better ball, but I was just giving him an opportunity. We were up in the game. I didn't put them in the red zone or anything like that. But it is what it is. I can't do anything about it. I can't take it back. I wish I [could] though, but I can't." 

(on bumping into CB Malcolm Butler after the TE Mark Andrews touchdown and if the game was more heated than normal) "Actually, he came back to me and told me I had bumped him on the touchdown – I didn't know. I was excited because we scored. But the game was physical, definitely. They were talking trash. As soon as the game started, our guys were talking trash back, but it's football." 

(on if the team knew head coach John Harbaugh was at midfield in the pre-game getting into it with some Titans players) "I wasn't there. I was inside when that happened. I didn't know." (Reporter: "I was going to ask you did word trickle to the players that that happened? And what does that say? Did you guys take any message from that?") "No, I didn't hear anything about that. We just found out after the game." 

(on the false start on the third-and-short) "I don't know what happened. Nobody jumped that I know of. I had my head down trying to get the first down; I can't really look and know what happened. But we came back and asked the guys. The guys said they didn't jump, and they don't know what happened. So, I'm with my guys. It is what it is." 

WR Derek Wolfe

(on the tackling miscues) "I haven't watched the film, obviously. We just played the game, so I've got to watch the film to see what happened with the tackling and fitting blocks and stuff like that. We just can't put 60 minutes together as a football team. We'll put a half together. This week, we finally put three quarters together. And we have to play better in the fourth quarter. I don't know if it's because guys are getting worn down; I don't know what it is. We've got a lot of young guys on the field, though. Sometimes this happens; when you have a lot of young guys on the field, it takes time for them to get battle-hardened and get this bad taste in their mouth, so they feel like they never want to feel that again. That's a good football team over there. They have a lot of injuries too, a lot of young guys playing, so there's no excuse. We've got to just play better football. We've got to tackle."

(on if he's worried about how the team will respond) "No. No, this organization has a standard. And Coach Harbaugh said it right after; 'It doesn't matter. It doesn't matter what happened. It's on to the next game.' We have to play Pittsburgh in Pittsburgh on Thursday night, and we have to focus on them, because it's a quick turnaround, get our bodies right and go try to get a win. You have to stack wins. Wins come in bunches. You've just got to get that one win. You can't get used to losing. That's one thing; I know how that feels, and you can't get used to it."

(on RB Derrick Henry's game-winning TD run) "I'll take responsibility. That last run – the touchdown in overtime – I played the block great, then went to make the tackle. He's the best running back in the league for a reason. He got away from me, and that's my fault. I've got to make that play, so I'll take the heat for that. That's on me. That's nobody else's fault but mine."

(on the physicality of the game) "This is NFL football; every game is physical. It doesn't really matter who you're playing. We've had physical games since the first game of the season. Every game is physical, because teams are lining up and trying to run the ball against us. So, it's going to be physical. It doesn't matter what team you're playing; it's always physical, and you always feel like you got in a car wreck afterwards, but you do what you've got to do to get to the next game. There are mornings I wake up on Sunday, and I can't even put my pants on, but I find a way, and I get out there, and I do it. So, there's no excuse. You've just got to go do it."

(on the chippiness of the game) "I don't think it was very chippy; it's a football game. This is violent – a violent game – and it's controlled rage. You're playing with rage. Of course, there's going to be chippiness. We've got a fiery head coach, fiery position coaches. The other team has the same exact type of situation over there, so they're going to be fiery, too. So, of course they're going to get chippy; it's just making sure we do it between the whistles. I think both teams did a good job of that today – keeping it between the whistles, playing hard, and trying to defeat the guy in front of you. We got chippy, too, with them. Every single week is going to be like that. The Ravens were the top team last year. They were the team to beat. They've got the returning MVP at quarterback, so we've got a bull's eye on us. So, we've got to bring our 'A-game,' because everybody else is going to bring their 'A-game.'"

T Orlando Brown Jr.

(on the difficulties of dealing with the loss) "It's always hard losing; It doesn't matter the sport you play. Obviously, with the circumstances being what they are, with us wanting to get to the playoffs and understanding the end goal and everything, it's not easy at all – dealing with losses. This team has a bunch of fighters. We've got a bunch of men that love this game, that love to play for each other. Ultimately, we have to do a better job and find a way to finish games and start pulling away. Obviously, last year, what we were able to do, it's so hard to repeat those different things consistently. It's hard losing, and we're not comfortable with it. We know what we're capable of as a team and as a unit. We understand that we want to be in the playoffs, and we want to get to a Super Bowl, but we've got to do a better job performing on Sundays."

(on their opponents setting the tone when in the past the Ravens have set it) "Yes, and, man, gosh, what that's a testament to, I'm not 100% sure. We ultimately want to be the 'bullies' on both sides of the ball up front and stop the run and run the ball well. Whatever that is, we're going to get back in the lab and figure it out."

(on playing Pittsburgh on a short week) "This is a great team, Pittsburgh, obviously. They're the best team in the NFL right now, so we have to do our part in preparation getting ready for them, their front five or front seven. We've already played them, and like I said, they're a great team, [and] they've got a great front. We've just got to make sure we're preparing, and, most importantly, get our minds right for a physical 'dog fight.'"

(on RB J.K. Dobbins) "I'll have to go back and watch the film, but the runs that I did see and the cuts that I did see … He's an elite talent, he's a great running back, he's got a really, really bright future, and a really, really bright future here in Baltimore. He's capable of a lot of different things, and we have a lot of trust in him. I trust him. As one of the veterans on this team, I've got a lot of trust in him. So, it's what we expect from him."

(on the challenges of playing with different offensive line combinations) "Yes, it is a little different. It's something that we, obviously, practiced with all week, so we were prepared for it. Will Holden and D.J. Fluker – I didn't get a chance, obviously, to watch the film yet – from what I saw, they handled their own really well."

(on if the past few weeks were an opportunity to get the offense in a rhythm, given their opponents' injuries on the defensive side of the ball) "It's hard to pay attention to those different types of things. At the end of the day, it's all about the execution on our side of the ball and making sure that we execute to the best of our abilities."

RB J.K. Dobbins

(on how he felt about the Ravens' effort) "We always give good effort, the whole team does. Defense, offense [and] special teams – we always give good effort, but today was … They just gave more effort than us. We just have to fix that. We play a … We have a quick turnaround, so we have to fix that very soon. And I believe we will." 

(on how he felt about his performance) "I just have to do things better. I have to find a way to help this team win the game. No matter what I do, I have to find a way to win this game for the team [and] help my team win. I didn't get that job done today, so I'll have to go back to the drawing board and figure out what I have to do better." 

(on his interaction with DB Desmond King II) "That's just the competitive spirit in me. I'm a competitive guy. I'm very passionate. I love this game. I love playing the game. He's a pro. He probably loves playing the game, too. So, we're just two guys that are competing. We know who each other are, we're good. It was just competitive – that's how I like it to be. That's what I'm here for; I'm here to compete at the highest level. [I] don't back down from anyone." 

(on the feeling in the locker room after a tough loss) "We have guys that have leadership. We know we have to get better. We know we have to find a way to win the game. So, that's what I feel in the locker room right now – leadership [and] that we're going to bounce back. That's what we're focused on right now. We can't control the past; we have to move on to the future. We'll look at the film, correct what we need to correct, and we'll be ready to go." 

(on if he was able to get into a rhythm in the first two quarters) "Yes, I definitely got in the rhythm. I was just trying to contribute, run my hardest [and] help this team win. I have to figure out ways to get better in the run game and just do things better so we can get the win." 

(on how frustrating the false start penalty was on the final drive of the third quarter) "We just have to fix our mistakes. We can't do that against a great team like Tennessee. We just have to fix it. We lost as a team. So, that one play didn't lose the game for us; that didn't do anything. We have to work as a team. We all had something we have to correct, so that's what we're going to do. We will fix that. That will be one of the things we fix, so we'll come back, and we'll be ready." 

ILB Patrick Queen

(on the poor tackling in the fourth quarter and overtime period) "We've just got to be better. That's all I can say, really, honestly. We did great through the third quarter. And we've been preaching this whole time that we have to finish the whole game. We just can't have a quarter here or a quarter there – can't have a half [here or there]. We've got to play all four quarters and dominate. When we went to overtime, we had a chances to stop them, and we didn't stop them."

(on the tone of the post-game locker room and how to look past this performance with a short week and Thursday night game ahead) "That's our main focus right now. 'Harbs' [head coach John Harbaugh] gave a speech, and our focus is on Pittsburgh. This season is whatever we make it to be. We've still got chances to do what we want to do. As long as we just move on to next week and just get better in practice, we'll be fine."

(on Titans WR A.J. Brown's touchdown reception late in regulation) "We've just got to tackle him and stop him. We know they're good after the catch. That's what kind of team they are after the catch – they get good yardage. That's what our focus was on – tackling after the catch. And it's just something we didn't capitalize on." 

(on the poor tackling) "We've just got to make the tackles. I know everybody on our side felt good. It happens – it's football. He's [Derrick Henry] a great player, and they're a great team. Something is going to have to give at some point. But [we're] looking forward to next week. I don't think we're going to be giving up any more [rushing yards]." 

(on the good things to take away about the team's performance in the first three quarters) "Of course. We know we haven't been playing the run too well. Those first three quarters, we were playing it lights out. Just like I said, that last quarter, things went south. And that's just something we've got to build on. Like I said, just finishing the game."  

(on the extent of his injury that he suffered) "I got kicked in the face and cleated, and it went through my lip."

WR Dez Bryant

(on a tough loss and the mentality the team needs to have going forward) "We're going to visit a great football team next week in the Pittsburgh Steelers. Losing a tight one like this, yes, it hurts, but you've got to let this go. We're still a great football team, and we've got to come to practice tomorrow and the next day and just stay focused. We've got to get focused. We know who we are, we know what we can become, and we know what we can achieve. We've just got to keep on believing in what we're doing, and I think that's the only thing that matters. This is a hell of a football team. We've just got to keep on going and keep believing in what we know how to do."

(on getting his first NFL catches since 2017) "Of course, being on the field is exciting, but I'm a natural competitor. To me, wins and losses are the only thing that matters. I'm extremely happy to be a part of the Baltimore Ravens, and that's the only thing that matters, is wins and losses. I don't really care about anything else – I just want to win. That's the only thing that matters, and I'm pretty sure that's the only thing that matters to everybody else in this locker room."

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