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Transcripts: Postgame Press Conferences

Head Coach John Harbaugh

(Opening Statement) "First of all, it was just a really good football game, in terms of being exciting. I'll credit the Eagles. It was just a hard fight. It was a tough, hard, football fight. They came hard back. That's a really good football team. I have to give [Eagles QB] Carson Wentz a lot of credit. He got hit, and kept coming back. He was making plays with his legs, hanging in there and making throws. I give Carson a lot of credit, I thought he led them. Their defense was tough and played really well. They got a really good front and it showed. They had a really good plan. [Eagles Defensive Coordinator Jim Schwartz] and [Eagles Head Coach Doug Pederson] did a great job with their team. It's a win that we are very, very happy to have. We'll be very proud of it because it was a fight. I'm proud of our guys for winning the fight in the end. Getting the job done with the two-point stop, obviously, and getting the first down at the end of the game to close it out. Those are two close plays and I'm really proud of those guys. Certain things we're not going to be happy with, and certain things we are. I think we've got to execute better on both sides. We gave up too many big plays on defense. The defense in the first half played well, but in the second half there were just way too many big plays. They had one big play in the first half, too. We've got to figure that out. We can't give up big plays. They are known for big plays, and that's kind of what they do. We knew that. We've got to get them stopped. Offensively, we just didn't move the ball well enough consistently. We did at times when we had to. Penalties were a big factor. [We had] way too many penalties, especially the pre-snap penalties. I don't know about the other ones, we'll see. Some of them were okay. But the pre-snap penalties were just not good. We had too much trouble lining up, and we had assignment issues that we are not happy about. Those are things we'll have to work on. Individual players that played really well are [Ravens DE] Calais [Campbell], he played a great game. He led those young guys who played well inside. He also had three sacks, which is outstanding. [Ravens QB] Lamar [Jackson] played a heck of a game. [Ravens OLB Matthew] Judon and [Ravens LB] L.J. Fort getting the last stop as we said before was really great. I thought [Ravens CB] Jimmy Smith played really well. I'm sure other guys, too."

(On the injuries to RB Mark Ingram II, G/T Tyre Phillips, and CB Anthony Averett) "I have not talked to the trainer about those guys since during the game. I don't think those are any long-term injuries, but we'll find out after."

(On whether the two-point game is a sign the team has things to improve upon) "Yes, I would say just like other games. Our guys take everything very seriously. There is never a time where they don't take the opportunity to improve very seriously, this one no less. Certainly, every game gets our attention because we're a very accountable team. I'm proud of the guys in that way, and we have a lot to work on for sure."

(On whether the defense got tired or lacked execution in the second half) "It's both. The big plays are what got us. There were a couple of penalties that kept some drives alive, and there were big chunk plays. The quarterback ran for a bunch of yards. We have to get that taken care of. They had some long passes. Those are just not things that are going to help you. We've got to do a better job with those things, and we will. Our guys are very determined and work hard. We'll improve."

(On what he attributes the pre-snap penalties to) "It's never one thing that you can trace, because every play is different and every alignment is different. We do use a lot of cadence. That's something the we believe in. We're not a simple cadence team, because if you try to do that with teams like the Eagles, they take off on your snap count and are really tough to handle. We use cadence, and we've been using it ever since [Ravens QB] Lamar [Jackson] has been in there. We jumped a couple of times and didn't line up a couple of times. We had wrong formations where we covered up eligible receivers. Those are the things that really should never happen. We'll look at those things and keep working on them."

(On the two-point stop by OLB Matthew Judon and LB L.J. Fort) "We were bringing pressure there. Both of those guys were right where they were supposed to be, and that's why we had too many people for the gaps. They executed the defense very well. Of course [Judon] saw what he saw as far as the run play, I think they just executed the defense really soundly and made a great tackle."

(On whether he expected DE Calais Campbell to step up after DT Brandon Williams was placed on the Reserve/COVID-19 list) "We talk a lot, and it's something he was ready for. He'll tell you this, but I think he relishes the opportunity to mentor these young guys. It's something that he takes very seriously, and he had those guys confident and ready to go. They played well."

(On the defensive gameplan after halftime) "We knew we were going to get everything they had in the playbook. We were going to get shots and things like that. We talked about it. It wasn't anything they did that we didn't understand. They made some plays, and that's what the NFL is. There are really good players out there making plays. Catches get made and throws get made. There were a couple of penalties, which is the most disappointing thing probably. It wasn't anything we weren't ready for as far as halftime conversations."

(On whether the team prepared for Eagles QB Jalen Hurts) "Yes, we practice that every day. That's something we work on all the time. We could have made a couple of tackles there. I'll tell you on the first one, the linebacker got tackled and he was the guy responsible for the quarterback. But [Hurts] is really a tough tackle and a great player. Those are plays that we see a lot, they just executed them well."

QB Lamar Jackson

(On whether he was happy with the offensive performance today) "Yeah, for the most part. We just got killed with penalties. We really just stopped ourselves. I feel like we were driving the ball down the field pretty decent. We did a great job today. We just have to work on the small things. And I feel like the sky is the limit for us. We did pretty good. We stepped it up from last week."

(On how good it felt to run the ball and be the closer at the end of the game compared to the drive before when the Ravens went three-and-out) "Like I always say, I hate putting our defense back out there when they've been doing a great job the whole season. They did a great job today as well. Look, obviously stuff they were catching was weird. They did a great job on their side of the ball – the Eagles did. Our defense always pulls us out of situations. It was our turn and we finished it the second time."

(On the feeling when he recognized from the 20-yard line during his 37-yard touchdown run that he was not going to get caught by the Eagles defense) "I don't like that. I don't like what you just said there because usually when I think I'm not going to get caught and I start slowing down, people always give extra effort. They know I'm getting slapped on the foot. I'm stumbling. No touchdowns. So, I have to do better. I'm not going to look back next time. Keep my eyes forward and get all the way into the endzone. Count on me for no mishaps for us."

(On how the play evolved into his 37-yard touchdown run) "I made a read. The line did a great job. When my line was pulled, kicked the guy out, and I just had to do the rest and score. It was a success for us."

(On his touchdown pass to TE Nick Boyle) "He did a great job doing his job. Getting the guy, pushing him in, and coming out late. I just had to buy some time a little and let my guys work. If it wasn't for [Ravens TE] Nick [Boyle] getting open, I would have had to throw the ball away, so that was great by Nick."

(On how it felt as the second half progressed when the defense was letting up points) "It was alright. I felt like our defense still played good. It wasn't really them. It was just a lot of flags being called. It was meant for us to go out there and finish the game. I'm tired of our defense just going out there and doing it. Sometimes it's our turn. Get them a booth. Let them come chill on the sideline for a drive or two."

(On the team's outlook going into the bye week and if they're close to where they want to be overall) "Honestly, yeah. Because it was small things. It's really small things that slows our offense down. Our defense always plays great. We just have to clean up little things and we'll be there. We'll be all right."

(On DE Calais Campbell saying 'a close win like this can build championship character' and whether he agrees) "Yeah, I agree as well. Usually when you go out there and beat teams by a lot sometimes teams get cocky. The Eagles put up a fight with us. Honestly, we needed that. And I agree with him. We just have to keep moving forward. Come out of the bye week and we have the Steelers as a rival game. We just have to go out there and be us."

(On whether not having an explosive passing game concerns him) "Yeah, we need to work on that. Better situations and I feel like we just need better speeds with that and we will be fine. We will be fine with that. When your number is called, just do the rest. That's all."

(On what they lose in terms of play and personality when RB Mark Ingram II is off the field) "Explosiveness. Him just doing his thing. I mean, it's Mark Ingram. He was still on the sideline with us talking to us and cheering us on. We were good with that. He is always going to be himself. We need him to do his thing. We got great backs as well so if he goes down other guys step up to do the job."

(On having over 100 yards rushing) "I just appreciate the victories. When my number is called and I get a lane, I just have to go and score. It's about scoring on our offense."

(On what he thinks about achieving his fastest career speed at 21 MPH today) "I slowed down. I just had a burst really. I had guys doing a great job with their blocking assignments. I just had to do the rest. My number was called and, like I said, I'm going to try and finish. I'm not just going to get the ball, get the first down, and get down. I'm going to try to finish."

(On why he was throwing side-arm more in this game) "There were tall guys, and when they put their hands up, I had to find the lanes to get to my guys."

(On the play where it looked like miscommunication and frustration in the huddle with TE Mark Andrews) "We were good. We had to get the play in, and we got the play in late, so that's why it was really confusing. It was not serious."

DE Calais Campbell

(on the team's reaction to Brandon Williams being placed on the COVID-19 reserve list) "It was one of those things where you hate to see it happen, but you know it's always a possibility. I know he's going through the whole process. You feel bad for him and his family, but you know that he's just trying to work to get back. We have young guys who you've got to talk to them and tell them, 'Hey, this is your opportunity. Step up and play the game the best you can. Let's go out here and have some fun and play football.' But it was definitely one of those things where it's like, 'Oh, man,' You hate to see it, but you know it's always a possibility with this current climate [that] we're in."

(on how it felt to be playing in the middle and getting to the quarterback) "It felt pretty good to go out there and compete. This team was a great team. They fought hard. They're a desperate team at home. You've got to tip your hat off to them, because Carson Wentz made some plays. But our 'DBs' and whoever started the game, we really locked in. It just felt good to go out there and just make a play to get the game going and start the momentum, get it kickstarted. Honestly, I really felt like this was a tough, hard win on the road against a really good opponent. It feels good to get the 'W.' [There were] a lot of mistakes, a lot of stuff to clean up, but it definitely feels good to make some plays and win a ballgame."

(on what it felt like to see the Eagles driving down the field in the fourth quarter) "These are the kind of games that build character. This is a championship character that's built in moments like this. This team, they have winners. They have guys who can make plays and step up in big moments. You have to tip your hat off to them; they fought hard. They didn't quit; they just kept coming and they made a couple big plays. Obviously, we're going to break the tape and clean it up, but you have to respect that. In the moment when it really mattered, they're going for two, our guys came up big to close the game out. That's the kind of fight I like to see in my team. They made a play and made it interesting, but we knew they had to get two. So, we showed up and made a play when it counted and won the ballgame."

(on how if he expected to get sacks against this offensive line) "The way our 'DBs' played in practice, I had a real good feel that they would give us opportunities. Our 'DBs' are the best in the game, and they made play after play. They gave us time. My mindset every time is, 'Alright. Beat the guy in front of me, get to the quarterback and get a sack.' I know with the DBs that we have, that's a task where if we just keep rushing [and] stay alive, then good things are going to happen. So, I have to tip my hat off to the secondary. As a D-lineman, you love playing with a secondary like this one."

(on the 2-point conversion play at the end of the fourth quarter) "We study a lot of tape, and they're one of the few teams that do that a lot. They really have a big playbook in the two-point plays, and we were ready for everything. I really … You have to tip your hat off to [Matthew] Judon and L.J. Fort; they were right where they were supposed to be, and they came up big with the play that they needed to make. I'd put my faith in those guys any day of the week. Game on the line, one play – I trust my guys, and they showed up big time. It was great to see."

(on why the Eagles were able to make big plays) "I have to watch the tape to really see what was the issue there, but they made plays. They have a quarterback who is a top-notch quarterback when he's in the zone. He put the ball up and gave his receivers an opportunity to make a play, and they did. Up front, he was moving around and making it hard for us to get to him. You just have to give him respect; he made plays of a championship caliber. For us, I'm just glad that we kept coming. We didn't get discouraged, and we came up big when we needed to."

(on how the bye week will be beneficial to the team) "It's huge, just re-grouping. [We're] 5-1 going into the Bye [Week]; we get a chance to just catch our breath, get our bodies right, and then we come out of the Bye [Week] with a big one. This is the game that they say, 'You're not really a Raven until you play against the Steelers.' So, I'm looking forward to the opportunity; it's going to be a great game. But during the Bye [Week] I'm just going to relax, hang with the family and try to take care of my body, and then get ready to go to work."

S DeShon Elliott

(on what the defense will take from this game) "We have to learn to finish, man. We have to learn to finish [and] continue to work on our communication and tackling. I know it's early, but when you have a lead like that, you can't let off the gas pedal. We let off their necks. I feel like we have to be better than that. We did alright. That was a great team out there. They never quit. They never quit, and we have to learn how to finish. But we're going to get better week to week. We're going to take a couple days off and get back at it. I just felt like it wasn't enough; we didn't do enough. Games can't be that close if we want to be great. But it'll all come along. Mistakes were made, but we're going to get better. It is what it is."

(on if CB Marlon Humphrey influenced his 2-FF performance) "Actually, a lot. Last night, I watched like an hour-and-a-half of just Marlon [Humphrey] tape from the last two years – trying to see how he was getting the ball out; and it showed today. But I also had a couple of mistakes; I dropped an interception that I should have caught [that] probably would have sealed the game. But I'm growing, I'm getting better. It is what it is. Marlon, of course, 'balled out,' but we have to communicate better. We have to communicate. We have to tackle. It's on to next week. It just wasn't enough. This wasn't 'Ravens' football. We have to play better than this."

(on where he feels the team is at right now) "Big picture, we're 5-1. Yes, a lot of teams in the league would be excited if they were 5-1 going into the Bye Week, but we're not. We expect excellence, we expect greatness, and right now, we're not being great. I can only speak for the defensive side of the ball, so right now on defense, we're not being great. We're not playing sound defensively. All we can do is just get better, and we're going to work to do that. It is what it is."

(on if this close victory puts a chip on their shoulders heading into the Bye Week) "Oh, definitely, because we know we have a lot to work on. We see what we need to work on, and I know we're going to get it fixed – especially with this extra week we have. So, it's really just knowing what mistakes we made today, knowing that, 'OK, well, at least we have time to work on those mistakes whether it was communication or the missed tackles.' We'll be fine. We'll get it right. We're just striving for excellence, so I'm not going to settle for how we played today. Today was not enough. They came back, and we have to learn how to finish. We have to learn how to step on teams' necks. We can't just let them get back into the ballgame no matter what's going on."

(on the miscommunications that led to Philadelphia's big plays) "It's communication. We have a very extensive and very difficult defense, so sometimes communication can be iffy. But we can't settle for that. We can never have busts. We have too many great players [and] too much talent in our back end to have any type of bust. So, I'll put that on myself, because I need to help communicate. And there were probably a couple times out there where I could have communicated better for everybody else and communicated better for myself. So, it is what it is. We'll get better."

RB J.K. Dobbins

(on what it was like to be in the running back rotation after RB Mark Ingram II was ruled out) "It's always tough to see somebody like Mark [Ingram II] go down, even if it's not even too serious, because I want to see him succeed and do great things. Going out there, I felt like I was ready for it, and I feel like my teammates helped me. So, it was good to get thrown in the fire at this moment, but we have to do better." 

(on what the mood of the offense was on the field in the fourth quarter) "We just had to get it going. We didn't execute like how we should have as Ravens. We just have to keep working, keep getting better and execute next time when we get back on the field." 

(on what QB Lamar Jackson was like as a leader in a close game) "He's exactly what I expected; a leader, a guy that wants to make a play and wants to win the game. I'm glad he's on my team." 

(on if the penalties were discussed on the sideline, or if it's just part of the game) "It's just part of the game. We can only control what we control, and we just have to keep executing. If they call a [penalty], we just have to find a way to fix it." 

(on what he expects from the Bye Week) "I'm just taking care of my body during the Bye Week. We have a huge game [against Pittsburgh] coming up, and [I'll be] getting ready for that and preparing for that. That's what I'm going to do." 

T Orlando Brown Jr.

(on the disappointment of the amount of penalties) "It's always unfortunate when we shoot ourselves in the foot. That's something that Coach 'Harbs' [John Harbaugh] has been on us about since Day One – since I've been here – even before I've been here. We've got to do a better job of making sure that we play more efficient and don't shoot ourselves in the foot."

(on QB Lamar Jackson's 37-yard touchdown run) "He's really good. He's one of the best at what he does when he gets out the pocket, and he gets past the line of scrimmage. I've got a lot of confidence in him, and what he does. My job is just to make sure nobody touches him (laughter) – if it's not a draw or anything like that. But a lot of times, he's just going out there and making plays on his own."

(on if the officials were calling the game any differently that resulted in the amount of penalties) "I'm not going to sit here and blame the [referees] for anything. As a player and as a teammate, we've just got to do a better job executing [and] making sure we're not shooting ourselves in the foot." 

(on the mood of the locker room at halftime and his expectations going into the second half) "The mood was just, basically, executing better. We didn't feel like we had the game won or anything like that. It was a really intense halftime – like it always is. [We] made a few adjustments, did what we needed to do. But we were just focused on coming out here and playing a better second half."

(on managing the time of possession in the last four minutes of the game when the Eagles closed the deficit to eight points) "I'll just have to see it on the film. I don't know exactly what happened. Obviously, in those situations, we want to do a better job of staying on the field – like you said."

(on the timing of the Bye Week for the offensive line) "We're all still ready to play ball just coming off this long offseason. We're looking at it as an opportunity to get better this week [and] get ready for Pittsburgh – who's got an amazing defensive front. We're not where we want to be. So, I wouldn't say there's any content in our room. We're really focused on the next game and the next game, and the next opponent – making sure that we're bettering ourselves to go out there and play our best ball."

(on how the offense is feeling) "We want to play so much better. We want to be so much more consistent. The mentality here with Lamar [Jackson] and 'G-Ro' [offensive coordinator Greg Roman] and everything that Lamar brings to the game, as far as mentality, is scoring every drive. That's where we want to get to. We want to be perfect. We want to be the best offense to touch the field in the world, consistently – play-in, play-out, series-in, series-out. We're just not there yet. We understand that we've got a lot of work to do. But at the end of the day, we're chasing perfection."

TE Nick Boyle

(on what he saw on his TD catch and if he was expecting the ball to come to him) "I had it down flat, so if I would have had blocked it better, I probably wouldn't have gotten the ball. So, it was kind of weird that way. But, no, I wasn't really expecting to get that ball, but you know with Lamar, he's magic with the ball in his hands, and he can just find you wherever you are."

(on what the team focuses on going into the Bye Week knowing they have a big division rivalry game upcoming against Pittsburgh) "They're a good team, they're physical, but we've really got to look at ourselves and clean up all the penalties we had. We're not playing as clean as we always want to, and we've got to really take in this Bye Week to hone in and focus on getting those things cleaned up."

ILB L.J. Fort

(on what he saw on the Eagles' final two-point conversion try) "The last play, the [running] back was offset to me, and I was thinking 'read zone,' because they had run it multiple times earlier, so I was guessing they were going to try to do that. My job is to try to make [Carson Wentz] give the ball to a running back [and] make him one dimensional. He pulled it, surprisingly, and me and [Matthew] Judon were able to make the stop."

(on getting a game ball and what that meant to him, especially after spending time with the Eagles earlier in his career) "You always want to make big plays, especially coming from a team that let you go. So, that was a great feeling, and to be able to get the closer was the cherry on top."

(on the main focus for this team heading into the Bye Week before hosting Pittsburgh) "Just to make sure everybody gets healthy – that's the focus every Bye Week. Get all the little kinks out and then get back to the details, making sure we know all the little nuances of this defense so that when we're out there, we can play fast. I'm sure everyone is going to be juiced up for that Pittsburgh game."  

CB Marlon Humphrey

(on the resilience of the Ravens' defense) "Yes, we showed great resilience, even at the last drive – the two-pointer. But the second half definitely didn't go the way we wanted. Early on, we were playing lights out, and I don't think we got relaxed, but it just seemed like they got a couple – [got] a little bit going on us. But even after all that – even the last two-point play to win the game – we still came back, and that's what shows resiliency. Any other team – we just gave up two scores – we could have easily just let them in for the two-point [conversion], too. But we kept trying to fight, and it ended up paying off."  

(on the team's mentality when playing on the road) "Yes, when we go on the road, we know we're coming into their house, and we know it's going to be tough. We knew coming into 'Philly,' especially with fans, that they were going to be ready to play. It's all about … When you leave the house, you know it's going to be a tough one. We always bring what we have with us, and so far, it's been working out."

K Justin Tucker

(on his 55-yard field goal and the confidence level going into a kick that long) "After our pre-game warm-up and monitoring the wind throughout the course of the game, we knew it was going to be in our face, left to right. Morgan [Cox] threw back a perfect snap – 12 o'clock laces – Sam [Koch] spotted it quick, and we were able to knock it through. As it left my foot, it felt really, really good. It got about halfway there, and I did start to question whether or not it was going to get there; I was doing that whole, 'Tony Romo/Jim Nantz thing … [Imitating Tony Romo] 'I don't know Jim if it's going to have the leg!'But, thankfully it did, and that was definitely a big play in the game."

OLB Matthew Judon

(on the what he and ILB L.J. Fort saw on the 2-point conversion stop) "L.J. [Fort] made a great play. I was just there to assist on the tackle; he initiated contact. We knew they were going to try to run it in. They went heavy and tried to run it in, and it was a little ... They'd been running it well, so we had to come up with a big stop right there and we came up with it."

(on what making a big stop with the game on the line says about what type of defense this is) "We're not ever going to give up. We're never going to hang our head. We understand it's a football game; they're going to make some plays, and we're going to make some plays. We're just never going to give up."

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