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Transcripts: Press Conference Ravens at Buccaneers, Week 7


Opening Statement: "[It was] a very exciting game [and] two really good football teams [were] going at it. [There] was a lot of football, a lot of back and forth, a lot of offense [and] a lot of plays made, but I'm proud of the guys. I feel like [if] you look at it, there's a lot of things that we can get better at, and we can improve upon certainly, and we will keep striving for that for sure. Even though all three phases could have done some things better certainly, and we'll talk about those, all three phases came through when they had to in a big way. Our defense had six straight stops when our offense scored six straight touchdowns at one point in the game – six straight scoring drives. That's pretty darn impressive. Right there kind of tells the story, but we're happy. We gave glory and honor where it's given, to God, and we humbly try to go forward and see if we can get better. We have a big game next week against Cleveland – a division game at their place – and we have to start getting ready for that on a short week."

Do you have an update on CB Marlon Humphrey? (Jonas Shaffer) "No, I don't. We'll know more tomorrow. [Marlon Humphrey is] walking around in there; I can tell you that. He's in good spirits, but I don't know if it's too serious."

How would you describe the way QB Lamar Jackson is playing right now? (Jamison Hensley) "We're going to keep approaching every week one week at a time, one game at a time [and] one play at a time, because that's what [Lamar Jackson] doing, and he's doing it a high, high level. I'm proud of him, I'm happy for him, he's a great leader, and he's a great player. But we have a game next week against the Browns, and we have to bring our best, and that's what he's thinking about."

What's the confidence level you see in QB Lamar Jackson right now? (Brian Wacker) "I think we've had a confident team. It's good to go out there offensively and score points. Certainly, real confidence is gained by doing it, so I think it's good, but our guys don't really think that way. Our guys think about the things that they didn't do well. I can tell you Derrick [Henry], he's on the sideline [and] I'm trying to congratulate him on the long run up the left sideline that they got him at the 11-[yard line], and he's mad that they got him at the 11-[yard line], and [I] appreciate that. To me, that's what greatness looks like. So, we just have to get locked in for next week."

Growing up, how much did you look forward to watching "Monday Night Football" or even coaching it? Because QB Lamar Jackson has an incredible record when it comes to these primetime games. (Jonas Shaffer) "Yes, it's incredible, and he'll go down in the history of 'Monday Night Football' for sure, and he has a lot more to go. I'm telling you – he's going to be thinking about the next one and the next one. Well, we have one coming up here in a couple of weeks – another one on the road against a pretty good coach, but that's later. For me, it was dandy Don [Meredith] [and] Howard Cosell. It was Frank Gifford, right? It was those guys; it was incredible. That was it, well, when we got to stay up. When we got a little a older, we finally had a chance to stay up late enough to watch it. And then the highlights, I go back to Chris Berman, 'The Swami,' who's still doing it at the highest level, but you didn't see all of those highlights like you do now. So, those highlights would come on, [and] that was when you had a chance to see what the games looked like, and he would go through there and be making all of the noises that he makes, [the noises] that only he can make. So, it's cool to be in these games – it's an honor, you're grateful. I told the guys, 'It is going to be an honor to take the field on Monday Night Football, in Tampa Bay, against a great Tampa Bay Buccaneers football team on Monday Night. It's going to be an honor to do that. Let's cherish that, and let's try to do our best, and see if we can put our best foot forward.'"

Does it feel like QB Lamar Jackson takes it to another level on this kind of a "Monday Night Football" stage? (Ryan Mink) "That's levels. How do you measure levels? There's a lot of levels going on here, but I think we can take it to another level as a football team. Across the board, there's so many things that we can improve upon. That's what we're going to be focusing on."

They were very aggressive early – getting up field, blitzing a lot early. What do you feel like you guys did offensively to sort of turn the tide there when you got into that stretch where you scored on six straight possessions? (Jeff Zrebiec) "I think we just made some plays on long yardage. [We] got back on track on second down, some of the screen plays, some of the runs that popped, Lamar made plays – [he had] a couple of throws here and there. But we overcame penalties, we overcame things that set us behind, we overcame the score. We just made plays; we made a lot of plays. I want to work on all of the other things that are setting us back and see if we can keep on building on the things that are moving us forward. But I thought they overcame throughout the course of the game – that's probably the story of the game."

We've seen WR Rashod Bateman make plays on short throws, intermediate throws. Tonight, he gets like a 50-yard bomb. What does it mean for his development? How much more typical does he come? Is he able to hit all three levels? (Jonas Shaffer) "It's big. It's huge. You knew it was coming, and we've all been talking about it. You could see it coming in practice and even in games, with the route running and everything, but you wanted to see it happen. [Rashod Bateman] has been even getting more production every week. But to see that kind of a game, and to see that long bomb – how far did [Lamar Jackson] throw it? [He threw it] on a rope, and then 'Bate' [Rashod Bateman] to make the play and run a route to get open like that. That's very gratifying."

How would you grade QB Lamar Jackson as a lead blocker? (Jamison Hensley) "He told me. He told me. We do something called the 'Brown Shirt.' And the 'Brown Shirt' – we say every time we give it out after a win, 'It's our most prestigious award.' And the 'Brown Shirt Award' is a nod to the Navy SEALs, because when you get through BUDS [basic underwater demolition/SEAL training], and you become a SEAL, you get a brown shirt – that's my understanding. [Director of learning and development] Steve Clagget is a former Navy SEAL on our staff, and he took me through the history of that for a little bit, and we've been doing the brown shirt [award] for about 13-to-14 years – a long time. And it goes to the guy that does the dirty work; it goes to the guy that does the hard stuff. So, based on that block right there, I think Lamar [Jackson] might get his first 'Brown Shirt' this week."

You mentioned things that you want to work on. We've seen a couple of times where teams have been down, and they come back. This is obviously an explosive offense and so forth, but what are those areas where you'd like to see improvement? (Brian Wacker) "It's just the big pass plays; there's too many big pass plays. They hit screens on us more than they should have. We didn't play screens well, it's a very good screen team, and [there were] too many big pass plays. They've been making them all year. The route they ran against Cover 2 was a really well-designed route, and they caught us in the coverage they wanted us in. It was a beater for that coverage, and they executed it perfectly. It's a new route that we'll be working on; I give them credit on that one. Later, they hit a seam route against us where we didn't get into the coverage we wanted to get in, and that's tough, and we have to do better with that. But, we can do better; we will do better, [and] we have to keep chasing it. We have too many good players, too many good coaches – [we have] to catch the ball. I know we have guys who can catch. We had two or three interceptions. Marlon [Humphrey] got two – how many could we have had? [They were] right in our hands. You catch those things, [and] you don't have to worry about three more plays that you have to defend. We can do it, they'll do it, and once we start doing it, it's going to be another turbo boost for our team."

Going back to that lead block by QB Lamar Jackson, what does that say about his competitiveness? It's the fourth quarter, you're up 16 and other guys might just ... (Reporter) "It speaks for itself. That's the kind of stuff that [Lamar Jackson] does, and he ... How about the way he runs? He is just the ultimate competitor. There is no question about it. I don't know if I've seen a better competitor than Lamar Jackson, and I've seen some competitors – some great competitors – but he is [at] that level with the greatest competitors I've ever seen. [He] may be the greatest. We'll see. It's just amazing."


On becoming the Ravens' franchise leader in receiving TDs: "Obviously [I'm] incredibly grateful, and just thinking back, you got to think about getting drafted to this incredible organization. I've been blessed with incredible teammates and obviously No. 8 [Lamar Jackson] and having that connection, but I'm fortunate to have incredible teammates [and] unselfish guys. [We] just [have to] keep on going. Coaches, players, everybody; and you got to look back at the guys like Todd Heap, and the guys that have done it before you and just be grateful that I'm in this situation and blessed, and like [Lamar] said, [we're] just taking it week-by-week. I'm not satisfied."

On if he grew up watching former Ravens TE Todd Heap: "A little bit. [Todd Heap]'s an Arizona guy a little bit. He's an awesome dude, and an incredible player and obviously a Raven for life."

On how QB Lamar Jackson has played in primetime games: "It doesn't matter when, where or what, [Lamar Jackson] is the ultimate competitor. You see it out there – him making that Derrick Henry block. It's just play after play after play of him making big-time plays and helping this team win games. He does it better than anybody in the league, and we're so fortunate to be with him and just try to help him out. He lays it all out on the line every game. [He's] just really awesome, and he's the best. He's the MVP."

On if QB Lamar Jackson is playing his best football right now: "[Lamar Jackson]'s playing really, really good. He's playing really, really good, but like he said, it's a week-by-week [league]. We're going to continue to strive to be better [and] focus on the things that maybe we didn't do right and get better. We're not satisfied. We're just going to take it week-by-week and game-by-game. But yes, he's incredible."

On if the team showed maturity coming back after early deficit: "You really got to salute the defense having a turnover. I forget where it was, even what the score was, but that turnover from Marlon [Humphrey] was huge. It allowed us to kind of get up on them. I think it was complementary football [on] all three phases: offense, defense [and] special teams – guys making plays. That's the thing about this team – we have guys that are going to step up and make plays and are so unselfish, which is beautiful."

On WR Rashod Bateman's performance: "[Rashod Bateman]'s just hitting his stride. He's incredibly focused, and he's doing his thing. It's awesome to see him have the big-time play. That may have been the biggest play of the game – that big-time long touchdown. He's just making plays [and] doing what he does. [He's an] incredible athlete [and an] incredible receiver, and I'm very happy for him."

On going through a stretch earlier this season without much involvement on offense: "For me, like you said, just staying patient and knowing that I'm going to hit my stride. You kind of look at our stats, and everybody's able to touch the ball – everybody's able to do something. That's what I think makes us so dangerous is that we're spreading the ball around. We have athletes and playmakers all over the board – YAC guys, everything. For us, it's just about being unselfish, and we have that team; we have that offense; [we] don't get too high or too low. That's kind of my mindset."

On the team winning five straight games after 0-2 start: "Resiliency - that's the big word for us. After those two losses, just going to work and focusing on how we can be better, because we knew we were on the cusp of turning things over and being efficient and playing good ball. It's just the little things of football – not making the mistakes; little things of making big blocks; just lining up right, everything. The coaches, players, everybody – we're all on the same page, and that's what it is."

On his fourth-down conversion TD reception: "It was great. It was a great call [and] a great ball. I thought it was awesome. [It was a] big-time play in that moment, and just putting points on the board was great."


On what was clicking tonight and how it felt to connect on the long pass from QB Lamar Jackson: "It definitely felt good. The media said that me and Lamar [Jackson] don't have a connection, but we do, and we showed it tonight. I think we're doing a good job of showing it this season, with a lot of work put in that goes into that. Shoutout to Lamar for delivering the ball. [I] appreciate you [No.] 8."

On his perspective of his touchdown catch: "It's a play that we practiced all week. I didn't know if 'Monk' [offensive coordinator Todd Monken] was going to call it or not. He did. He trusted me, [and] he trusted Lamar [Jackson]. Honestly, I didn't think I was going to get the ball on the play, just based off the coverage, but I [saw] Antoine Winfield roll over, and I knew I had a chance at getting the ball."

On if it helped that he knows Buccaneers S Antoine Winfield Jr.: "No, I was talking a little smack to [Antoine Winfield Jr.], but no, that's my boy. That's my boy."

On what went through his mind when the ball was in the air: "Just catch the ball. Whatever I have to do, just catch the ball. I knew I was open. I thought I accelerated out of the break, so I just knew I'd catch the ball ... It was hanging for a minute, but I did; I caught it."

On if he's showing what he always knew he could do when he gets the opportunities: "I'm not going to speak on that, because I didn't speak on it before. That was something that was created about me. I know what I can do. I've shown what I can do, so I'm not going to sit here and keep defending myself. I'm just going to keep going out and playing ball, day in and day out, and I'm just going to let the media talk and do what they do best – create a story."

On how fun is it to be part of this offensive group: "It's definitely fun when you're winning games [and] putting up points. We can win in a lot of ways, but we didn't play a perfect game. There are still a lot of things that we need to clean up. Even myself, there are a lot of things that I need to clean up and get better at. I'm looking forward to going back to practice [and] fixing some things so we can get a 'dub' in Cleveland."

On the conversations between the offense after being down 10-0: "No conversations really have to be had when Lamar Jackson is your quarterback. If he stays poised; we stay poised. He'll lead us, and he has been doing a good job of that. We got down early in the game, [but there was] a lot of game left to play. We corrected what we needed to correct, and we made plays when it was time to make plays."

On if he sees any of the QB Lamar Jackson magic from the field: "No. Sometimes, I get in trouble – I'm not going to lie – because I try to watch him play and play at the same time. I have to stop doing that, but it's hard; it's really hard, because I want to watch and see what he's doing, too. I watch it on film, but it's definitely better to watch it live, for sure."


On seeing two interceptions go the Ravens way tonight: "We might have had like five [interceptions] out there. I mean, we won, but we want to close the game out in a better fashion. We want to catch picks, obviously. I don't know, I guess we just have some bad juju right now, but we'll get it off our backs."

On how helpful it was to have CB Marlon Humphrey's two interceptions: "Yes, I'm super happy for [Marlon Humphrey]. It's no surprise; he's been one of the best in this league for a long time. He has been making some big plays lately. That's just what he does. It's dope to see him do what he does and lead us back there in terms of making plays. It's up to us and everybody else to start doing the same."

On how the defense adjusted to CB Marlon Humphrey's injury: "I think we're so deep as a unit and as a team that [it was a] seamless transition. I really don't think, if you didn't know personnel-wise, it didn't change the game at all really. Guys stepped up, come in and know what to do and are prepared, and credit to the coaches for getting everybody ready."

On how CB Marlon Humphrey's two interceptions changed the game: "We came down and scored some points on them too, but red zone picks, they're double the importance, because they were threatening to score, and it's a 14-point swing at that point. It's huge for us to get the ball and just kind of disrupt the offense a little bit – keep them guessing – and we came out kind of slow, so I think that momentum kind of helped us."

On preparing for the Cleveland Browns in Week 8: "I've said it before, but anybody can beat anybody in this league, so we're going to prepare for this game accordingly. I think the Browns are a very physical team. They don't have the best record right now, but I think on tape, when you watch them, they have talent, and they can cause some issues if you don't take them seriously. [It's] a division opponent; [I have] a lot of respect for them. [We've] got to go in there and do what we do."

On how QB Lamar Jackson is playing: "[Lamar Jackson] is one of one, and it's a blessing that the Ravens drafted him, and it's a blessing that all those other teams passed on him. It's almost scary to see him getting better at this point. I say it all the time; I'm glad he's on my team [and] I don't have to deal with him. He's just one of one. If I had to equate it to somebody, he's just ... Basketball-wise, it's like LeBron [James] out there. He just does everything, and it's tough."


On if it ever gets old to bust out a long run: "I'm slow as hell. I got knocked out of bounds. I don't want to talk about it ... It pissed me off to see that. I'm pissed off by that."

On what he thought about QB Lamar Jackson being his lead blocker on that play: "I just told 'L' [Lamar Jackson], I appreciate him, man. That's unbelievable that somebody is a quarterback of his caliber to be that unselfish [and] to be blocking downfield [for] your teammate. He is ... That's the type of guy that could have a hell of a game and [doesn't] even know his stats. All he knows [are] the guys he threw to and the guys who scored. The dude is just incredible. I said in an interview a few weeks ago; I think he's the G.O.A.T., for sure."

On how often QB Lamar Jackson wows him: "At practice and in the game. Every time I see [Lamar Jackson] pick up the football, it's a wow moment. It's all the time."

On if there was any type of panic when the team was down 10-0: "No, I think we all just trust [and] believe in one another. We know if we just go out there and execute and give Lamar [Jackson] time – the offensive line doing a great job [and] guys get open – we have playmakers all over the field that if everything happens the way we want it to ... We didn't start off getting in the end zone, but we just had to trust and believe in one another that it would eventually happen, and it did."

On if he had previously watched QB Lamar Jackson during a primetime game: "Yes, I remember the one time everybody thought [Lamar Jackson] had to go to the bathroom and poop, and then he came back out and won the game." (laughter) "I've seen him plenty of times; heck yeah, 100%, I've watched him plenty of times."

On preparing for the Browns in Week 8: "Divisional games are always tough. This is my first time actually being in the AFC North, but anytime when I was in Tennessee, division games are always tough. We've got a short week; we've got to heal up and get ready to go to Cleveland."

On the Ravens' historic rushing attack: "Like I said, it takes all 11 guys. [The] offensive line is doing a hell of a job; I mean a hell of a job. All the credit goes to them. Receivers are blocking; tight ends; Pat Ricard being the beast [and] the juggernaut and making my job easier. 'Trav' [run game coordinator Travis Switzer] our run game coordinator coming up with the runs and putting us in the position to have success; 'Monk' [offensive coordinator Todd Monken]. It takes all of us – we [are] all tied in together to have success and thank God – hopefully it keeps. I hope it keeps going."

On the Ravens' growth on the offensive line: "Well I think it's just the belief in one another. [The offensive line] took all the heat and went back to work, and that's just grown men locked in wanting to get better and making each other better. All our respect goes to them. I'm thankful for those guys – very, very thankful. They've been playing lights out, so give them all the credit. Don't give me none. Give them all the credit. It makes my job a lot easier."

On the Ravens' resilience: "I think that's just the definition of this team is just being resilient, and believing in one another and playing complementary football, which we try to talk about. I think it's just in the preparation though – how we practice, and how we attack each and every practice. Guys just coming and wanting to get better collectively and make each other better, and I think that speaks volumes, and it's paying off on gamedays."


On how slow the game was for him tonight: "It wasn't slow tonight. Those guys were flying around. They were getting after us a bit. They got a couple of sacks – a few sacks – [and] disrupted us a few times, but we came out victorious, so that's all that matters."

On the conversation with the offense when they were down 10-0: "Let's go. You know we have to score points. To us, we see a team just moving the ball and putting points on the ball without us scoring. We didn't really do anything on our first drive. It's like, 'Man, we have to have some urgency with ourselves,' and that's what it was. I believe that's what we did the next couple of drives. We started putting points on the board. Those guys were still getting after us a little bit, but we came out on top."

On if there is a feeling that it's going to click and they'll score a lot of points eventually: "No, that [isn't really on] our mind. Our mind is just focused on the drive, focused on the play and just go from there – try to put points on the board. We don't really look at it like, 'Oh, we're clicking. We have them.' It's like, 'We have to score each and every time we're out there.'"

On if it matters to do what he did tonight on the national stage: "No, I'm chasing something right now, so each and every game is going to be the same thing for me. I'm going to be the same person. Every game, I'm trying to win."

On if he could ever imagine a time where he was RB Derrick Henry's lead blocker: (laughter) "No, not really, but [Derrick Henry] made a move. [He] cut back across the field. I'm just trying to get him in the end zone, so it's like, 'I got you.' I see this guys, [No.] 24 [Tyrek Funderbunk and] I see [No.] 31 [Antoine Winfield Jr.]. I thought [Henry] was past me with [No.] 31. I would have kept blocking him, but he got a lot of yards."

On the long touchdown pass to WR Rashod Bateman: "It looked like it was going to be two-man [coverage], but [No.] 31, [Antoine] Winfield, dropped – kind of buzzed [or] poached – and 'Bate' [Rashod Bateman] just did the rest. I just had to get him a good ball."

On TE Mark Andrews becoming the franchise's all-time touchdown reception leader: "That's crazy, man. We've been at it for a few years now. That's great for Mark [Andrews]. I feel like he should have been had that last year, but we made it happen. It's only more touchdowns from here, no doubt."

On if the five-game win streak feels any different than other years where things have been clicking: "I don't even worry about the years prior. I'm focused on right now, and us just being 5-2, it doesn't really matter. We're just trying to be 1-0 each and every week we're out there on that field."

On if he feels especially locked in: "[I'm] playing football. I'm trying to win. That's all that's in my mind – trying to win. Yes, sir."

On if there is something about playing under the lights: "No, not really. It was great weather [and] a great atmosphere. The humidity was fine. Let's play football; that's all."
