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Transcripts: Press Conference Ravens vs. Bills, Week 4


Opening Statement: "Congratulations to the football team. I really think it shows what a group of a men – a group of people – are capable of. One, they just put their heads down, they don't worry about what people are saying, and they decided they are going to go to work every single day. They're going to meet, they're going to work on football, and they're going to practice the way they're supposed to practice. And when you do that as a football team, you have a chance to improve, and we have done that. Now we know we are just getting better. We know what's possible, we know what we're capable of, but we have a long way to go, and we have a lot of work to do. And we're just four games in, and we have 13 more regular season games to play. And where the season goes, it's going to be defined by what we do in the next 13 games plus. But I will say, the leadership on this team is incredible. Kyle Hamilton is sitting right over there. [He's] a young guy, taking the reins. You know all the other guys. You know 'Ro' [Roquan Smith], you know Lamar [Jackson], you know Mark Andrews, Isaiah Likely, all the young guys. You have a bunch of great leaders on this team. A guy like Patrick Mekari going from right tackle to left guard like that (snaps fingers) and playing the way he did. These are the kinds of things that make a difference."

The Bills came in undefeated, and QB Josh Allen was considered the leading candidate for MVP. I know what you mean by there's time left, but do you think this team made an early statement with how they won tonight? (Jamison Hensley) "I just think our guys are humble and hardworking, and they understand that faith is activated by belief, and we have a bunch of guys that believe, and they give glory where it's supposed to be given. They give glory to God and to each other. They work hard, and they have each other's backs, and that's all it is right now. Whatever else is said or written, it doesn't matter. As a matter of fact, we don't want to listen to the good stuff if there is any good stuff. We're not interested in hearing it. We just have to go to work. We have a big game next week, and we have to get ready for it."

RB Derrick Henry had 199 yards rushing. This is the second week in a row he's had a big game. How comfortable is he getting with being involved in this offense? (Todd Karpovich) "I think [Derrick Henry] is really excited about the offense itself. I think Todd Monken and the offensive coaches, Willie Taggart, the running backs coach – all of our guys have done a great job of working through the details of how to actualize the vision, the idea [of], 'OK, we could be this. We could be that,' but you have to put it together. So, that's starting to come together."

Coaching RB Derrick Henry now for four games, do you notice something different with him pregame than other people you've coached? Take us inside what you see from him pregame and into the game? (*Shawn Stepner)* "[Derrick Henry] is a pro; I know that. He's a really good guy. He's very humble. He's a man of faith, he's a family man, and he really loves football. He thinks about it. Driving into work, he thinks about football. Driving home, he thinks about it. He makes a play, he doesn't make a play [and] wants to learn something about the offense, he calls, he texts coach. That's all he talks about is football. That's all he wants to be doing when he's at the building, is do football because it matters so much to him. You appreciate that as a football coach."

You talked about some defensive players earlier, but can you talk a little about what DT Travis Jones has given you out there? It might not show up on the stat sheet, but he seems to be playing at a dominant level. (Ken Weinman) "I agree with that. I think Travis Jones is playing at a dominant level. Obviously, you watch that. You're a [defensive] front guy; you always have been. And that's where the game is won and lost. Travis Jones is dominating inside."

Last week you had said you thought maybe you had gotten a little conservative in the second half. Was there a conscious effort to be otherwise today? And how do you think that played out? (*Bo Smolka)* "There was, and we had the two three-and-outs coming out [in the second half] which was disappointing. And then Kyle Van Noy comes up with a big turnover – I thought Kyle had a fabulous game – [he] gets the turnover, and it kind of gets it sparked a little bit, and then our offense takes over from there. We were running the ball I thought very creatively, but also the boots, some of the quick play-action passes were good for us. Lamar [Jackson], again, has just been fantastic."

You talked about having a complete game. What did it feel like to get it at home on primetime against a team that is probably the hottest team in football to this point? (Cordell Woodland) "You do your work for moments like this; this is something that we will remember. And I hope all the fans will remember. I hope they look back on it and say, 'I was there that night.' For us, that's important and it is valuable, but we have to get ready for next week. We have to play a division game next week on the road in Cincinnati, and that's what we have to get our focus on. Our guys will enjoy it through tomorrow, but they'll be back in Tuesday afternoon, and it'll be all Cincinnati."

Do you feel like you guys set the tone from a physicality standpoint with that first run from RB Derrick Henry? Just what you were able to do when controlling both lines of scrimmage? (Jeff Zrebiec) "It's just important to block people, and I think our guys are doing a really good job across the board of blocking. The offensive line, the tight ends, the wide receivers. Lamar [Jackson] carries out his fakes; I just think that's the most important part of it."

You talked about in Dallas, 'This is our identity.' Obviously, you ran the ball well there and had a similar performance tonight. How much does that say about what the identity is of this team moving forward? (Brian Wacker) "That's kind of always what we've been about. If you look back at the history of the organization, even before [I was the head coach]. Running the ball and playing great defense, and then we have weapons. We're blessed with weapons. [Lamar Jackson] just walked in here right now. [He is the] best weapon in football right there, and everybody rallies around him, and he distributes to everybody else. That's where it starts, but the run game is massively important to us."

RB Derrick Henry will obviously be in the headlines, but can you speak to how integral RB Justice Hill has become in the offense? That 17-yard gain on third down that set up the touchdown... (Childs Walker) "How about the screen he took off with early in the game that made such a difference. We were second- or third-and-forever, and he goes and gets it on a screen pass; [we had] great screen blocking. Justice Hill has been very integral. I'm just really glad we got him resigned before he broke out in the last two games. That was nice." (Laughter)

How crucial was the cat-and-mouse game being the team that can line up with FB Patrick Ricard and a lot of tight ends on the field, and then being a team that prefers to play with a lot of speed, a lot of lighter bodies. What did you kind of expect going into this game? (Jonas Shaffer) "[The Bills] have a good philosophy; they have a great defense doing it. They put [the] nickel on the field, they're a penetrating 4-3 defense, they try to hit gaps, and then they fill the gaps up on the perimeter and on the edges when you go big. We've seen them do it in the past; we've played them before, with DBs [defensive backs] that show up that stop the run. That's what they do, and it has worked. They try to defend the whole field horizontally, and they add the defensive backs as you gap out. Our guys took advantage of that, because they blocked them. When you block them, that makes the difference."


On if the defense followed through on proving themselves against Bills QB Josh Allen, like he said earlier in the week: "Yes, I think so. I think when we get into meetings Tuesday, that one long pass on the scramble drill, that's going to eat at us a little bit, but I think we played a good game as a whole. [The] pass rush kept [Josh Allen] contained for the most part. I thought DBs [defensive backs] covered really well, even though Nate [Wiggins] dropped some money today – 'B-Steve' [Brandon Stephens], too, so we have two culprits. But yes, I think it all started up front. I think we were controlling the line of scrimmage really well. Travis [Jones], 'Beeks' [Nnamdi Madubuike], 'Broddy' [Broderick Washington], all those guys – 'Urb' [Brent Urban] – and once you get that shut down, then your defensive playbook opens up, so 'Z.O.' [defensive coordinator Zach Orr] could just call whatever he wanted to."

On what it felt like to play four quarters of dominant football tonight: "It was good. I can't lie; we came out of the half, [and] I think offense went three-and-out, and then [the Bills] scored that touchdown, and everybody was like, 'Alright, we don't need to do this again,' so I think everybody locked in at that point locked. Offense did their thing, and I think defense settled down. There was a mistake that happened, but I think we did a good job of resetting and then doing what we needed to do to finish."

On playing with six defensive backs on the field more over the last two weeks and if that has worked for the team: "Yes, I think it's good to be able to switch up like that, especially [against] a team like that. Then, when they're trying to get back on track, it's a lot of pass, and we get our rush packages onto the field, create some havoc [and] stuff like that. I think that's what 'Z.O.' [defensive coordinator Zach Orr] and all our coaches are really good at – when we get teams behind the sticks, having stuff to go in our playbook and some crazy pressures and this and that to confuse the other team and have looks. But yes, that dime package I feel like is good for us right now, but at the same time, I think our WILL 'backers, dime 'backers, Trenton [Simpson], 'Leek' [Malik Harrison], everybody is doing their thing at the same time, too. So, if we get away from it one game, then I think we'll be just as good."

On how much OLB Kyle Van Noy's sack-strip boosted the team when the game was getting a little tighter: "It's big to get stops like that. Offense picks us up a lot, and we have to pick them up, too. They can't get a first down – or something like that – and we're trying to chew clock to get out of here with a win, and I think there was a trick play that they ... It was kind of like the last fight, I guess, they had. So, [they had] the trick play, looking for a big play, and we ended up getting a big play, and I think offense went down and scored after that, so we kind of put out that fire, and we get a win."

On if that was a play that they had seen on film and what they communicated when they saw Bills QB Josh Allen go out wide: "No, honestly. We hadn't seen it on film or anything like that, but they were down, I think, two or three scores at that point; you know that they could try anything. First, in my mind, I'm thinking back to [playing] Tennessee in London last year, when they did the fake reverse with Derrick [Henry], and they went like 80 yards, or something like that, so I think everybody on the right side was just making sure it wasn't a fake reverse, and at that point, the DBs [defensive backs] on the back end did their job of staying deep. So, you kind of have to touch a stove one time, and it doesn't happen again."

On what it says about this team to beat the hottest team in football by such a large margin: "I think it says a lot, but at the same time, we didn't win a Super Bowl today. So, we have to come out [against] the Bengals next week in a division game, going on the road. [It's] a big win for us today, but we have to move forward to next week. It's only Week 4, and we're trying to get to what we need to get to – [what] we didn't get to last year – so we have a long road ahead of us, but I think we're on a good path."

On if the defense talked about playing with a certain level of physicality and if that wore on the Bills throughout the game: "Yes, we talk about that every day. I've been hearing that since Day One of rooking minicamp, and it's preached every day. It's one thing to talk about it, but it's another thing to do it, and I think 'Z.O.' [defensive coordinator Zach Orr] and everybody has been emphasizing that, and 'Ro' [Roquan Smith] is the tip of the spear with that, and everybody follows suit. You don't want to be that guy that's not crashing out out there and throwing your body in there. We have a day off tomorrow, so just hit while you can, and then rest up."


On what RB Derrick Henry was able to do tonight: "From the first play to the last play, he was doing his thing, and it was fun to watch. The offensive line, of course, did a great job too and we just did a good job executing the gameplan in general."

On the "fire and ice" between himself and Henry: "Whatever plays the coach draws up, we're willing and able to do whatever we can do to help the team win. So, that's what we did. He [Henry] got a lot of carries, made them count. I got some receptions out of the backfield and was able to do what I did with that."

On the offense throwing to him more out of the backfield: "We're just trying to find matchups where I can succeed and use everyone to the best of their abilities. That's what they've done with me, and we've been able to scheme up some things to get me into space."

On being 2-2: "We're still in the building phase, still trying to get better every single week. It's still early in the season and we've got a lot of great opponents coming up. We're just going to keep stacking up good practices and good games."

On anything different in practice these last couple of weeks: "We just kind of did the same thing in practice we always do. But the play of the games has kind of shaken out a little different than they did the last few weeks, but I feel like we're establishing our identity. The coaches are getting comfortable calling those plays, calling those runs, scheming up everybody and it's been a nice transition from the first couple of games to what we're doing now."

On Henry's 87-yard touchdown: "That was huge for our momentum. I was calling for that play all week, because I knew that if we did it, it would go. We've had that play in for a couple of years, but have not called it that much. This was a team [Buffalo] that was primed for it. All week, I knew that thing was going to go. I didn't know it would go for 87, I thought it may go for 75, but it had to be 87."


On his first quarter rushing touchdown: "Yes, I felt pretty good about that play all week. Justice [Hill] and everybody in the room were talking about how that play is always successful since they've been here – it's always been explosive. I was anticipating it, but I'm glad that they did a great job; O-line [and] receivers did a great job [and] tight ends blocking, I just had to make one cut and [was able to get] into the end zone."

On if he saw anything pre-snap defensively before his touchdown run: "I kind of saw it, too. I was like, 'I'm just going to see it and burst over the open – hit it – and get North and South.'"

On having back-to-back games of at least 150 rushing yards: "[I'm] just blessed. Credit goes to everybody in front of me blocking. The O-line – they've been incredible these last two weeks. In practice, coach [John Harbaugh] challenges us to come out [and] practice hard; work hard and it'll pay off in the game, and it [will] transition to the game, and it has. So, hats off to those guys and everybody blocking. Everybody's just being unselfish for me to have success. I want to do the same for those guys."

On if he feels like he's getting comfortable in the Ravens' offense: "If today doesn't show [you] that I'm used to it [and] I'm comfortable, then I don't know what else to say. It's been fun. We didn't start the way we wanted to, but like I told those guys, this is why I came here, because of the culture. Our back is against the wall [at] 0-2, [but] we just kept believing; we kept fighting and now we're back where we want to be, and let's just keep building on this one in all three phases."

On what he's seen from the Ravens' O-line: "I just think they took a lot of heat during the season. They didn't complain [and] went back to work and kept improving. I told them, 'I go as they go.' [We're] all tied in together, [so] when they [are] getting criticized, then I'm with them. I'm just proud of them, and they've been playing [their] butts off. Let's just keep it going."

On what the team's identity is: "I think just being resilient no matter what happens. For us to believe in one another [and] for us to believe in the man next to you that somebody's going to make a play, and we're going to make a play collectively on all three phases. [We just have to] keep working and keep letting the work show."

On being able to showcase his speed despite his age: "I don't really try to focus on the stigma on running backs. I just believe in my training and the player I am, and just try to go out and execute and help this team in any way possible. Thank God I was able to score on that first play. Like I said, it wasn't just a great job, it was a great call."

On being able to take down one of the best teams in the NFL: "I don't think we were trying to focus on the 'he says, she says.' I think we're focused on being 1-0 each week. The Bills are a great team – they've been hitting on all cylinders. We played a great game against them tonight. We were the better team tonight, but I'm sure they'll fix things in the next coming weeks. We're just focused on being 1-0 each week, playing Raven football and making each other better as the week goes on."

On the atmosphere in the stadium for a primetime matchup: "Talking to a lot of people on the team when I came here in 2019 for the playoffs [with the Titans], I was like, 'This atmosphere is unreal.' I was looking forward to seeing that same atmosphere today and it definitely didn't disappoint."

On OLB Kyle Van Noy's strip-sack: "I think you just play complementary football. The defense knew that we needed a play. We were stalling a little bit. Complementing the football and when you complement each other, things go what you want it to. Hats off to the defense; hats off to Kyle [Van Noy] who's the big vet in this league and had a big game. Those guys are relentless, and they played their butts off today, and it all paid off for us as a team."

On if the Ravens offense is starting to look the way he imagined it would: "Yes, we've got some momentum going. There's still things that we can get better at that we're going to focus on and get better at, but it's a long season. We got off to a great start last week, then didn't finish the way we wanted to. Then this game tonight, we got the momentum going and we were able to finish the game. We're still progressing, still working and still looking to get better.

On FB Patrick Ricard's play on offense: "I might not sleep tonight, but I might get a little sleep knowing that Pat [Ricard] got a touchdown. But I always tell Pat I appreciate his unselfishness. Just going in there and blocking unwillingly; banging his head – he had a cut on his nose [and] still [was] practicing hard each and every day. In the game it's not an easy position for somebody to just go in there and bang their head [and block] guys running full speed at them. Pat's been doing this [for] a long time; he's a Pro Bowl player and I'm glad I'm able to be his teammate and he's the one blocking for me now. So, it's been fun."


On what a win in this fashion says about the Ravens: "I believe Kyle [Hamilton] said it all; our back [was] against the wall, [and] we can prevail. We come out there and fight. All phases played great tonight."

On if he's satisfied with the team with the way the team continued to be aggressive: "Yes, I was, but I believe we scored every possession until I fumbled, and that kind of stopped our momentum. Then, they ended up getting the ball and scoring. I was ticked off about that, because like I said, in the NFL, a lot of games are momentum-type of games, and we go out there, and we scored three times, and then that fumble happened. It slows us down, but our defense was playing lights out. The offensive line played wonderful, and shoutout to Justice Hill, because I believe on that third down – that goes unnoticed – but that was a spectacular third down, for him to make a guy miss and get north, up the field."

On if his trust in RB Justice Hill has increased and if Hill is making him look good every time he gets the ball: "[Justice Hill] makes himself look good, and at the end of the day, I have to read coverages and see what a defense [does] and they kind of – with Zay [Flowers] running his route – they kind of ran it to Zay, and I just had to give him a shot. He caught the ball, and he did the rest."

On what a guy like RB Derrick Henry does for him as a quarterback: "Man, Derrick Henry, he opens up the play-action game. Guys running to the ball are trying to stop him from getting started in the backfield, and our offensive line just did a great job of giving Derrick lanes. Our receivers did a great job as well, blocking down the field and letting Derrick do his thing. Shoutout to the tight ends, as well."

On if he thought RB Derrick Henry's touchdown run on the first play was possible based on how Buffalo lined up: "Yes, just watching film and reading the front, we kind of knew what the defense would do. Like I said, the offensive line [was] giving him a lane, and the receivers and tight ends [were] blocking down field and then Derrick just doing what he [does]. Like I said last week, if he gets in the secondary, he's pretty much gone. It's hard to catch him, because he's fast. He's not just a powerful back. He's also fast, and he showed it on that first possession for the offense."

On the pass blocking from the offensive line, and OL Patrick Mekari, who only had 10 offensive snaps at left guard prior to tonight: "The offensive line did a great job; two weeks back-to-back. I believe we had one sack tonight; I believe that was my fault. I believe I should have gotten out of that, but the offensive line did a great job tonight. Like I said, [it's] not just Pat Mekari, but Danieel Faalele, as well, because that's the guy who they were sleeping on the most. Just all the guys, they just blocked their tail off, and they did what they were supposed to do."

On being under center more the last few weeks and his comfort level with that: "I like what Coach [Todd Monken] was doing tonight. He kept the defense honest. We were going to gun, being under center in play-action game, the run game. We [we're] just good across the board, like I said earlier."

On if he felt like this game was more characteristic of 'Ravens football' in his eyes: "Yes, it's the start of it. We got the running game going, but the receivers, they did their part. That [was] just the type of game [where] we had to run the ball more. They were playing two high [safeties], and Derrick [Henry] just did what he was supposed to do, and the offensive line [was] as well. Our receivers helped us out a lot, too."


On what it means to get a big primetime victory: "[This win] means a lot. It's a big-ass win. It's a very, very, very good win against a good team. I'm just happy that we started dominant, and we finished dominant."

On his sack in tonight's game and early success on the season: "I've just got to thank God. I just continue to work, and then just the rest of my team is just making it easier for me and vice versa. We all just like to feed off each other and help each other win. At the end of the day, we just want to get the win. At the end of the day, we just want to make sure that the defense is dominant, and we don't care who makes the play. But I'm happy I was able to make one today."


On being able to run the ball so effectively: "Whenever you can run the ball, it's a great feeling. Credit to our O-line for blocking everything up, our tight ends and our [running] backs – Derrick [Henry], Justice [Hill] – and Lamar [Jackson]. It's a credit to everybody. It was a great night for us."

On watching RB Derrick Henry go to work: "It makes you want to play harder. It makes you want to block as hard as you can, just because you know [that] whenever [Derrick Henry] gets the ball, he's going to just get a bunch of yards. He's named 'King Henry' for a reason, and it's just a dream to have him here."

On how much pride the team takes in moving opponents against their will: "Like I said, when you have guys like Justice [Hill], Lamar [Jackson] and Derrick [Henry], it makes you want to block to the whistle and really move guys, because you know that they're going to make someone miss, they're going to run someone over, [and] they're going to get that extra yard. For me, that's why I'm here – is to block – and I take great pride in it, so I make sure that I play to the whistle, [and] I move guys. It's just been a lot of fun this year, so far."

On recovering RB Derrick Henry's fumble for a TD: "I mean, sometimes the 'Football Gods' reward you." (laughter) "Thank you, Derrick [Henry]. He didn't want three touchdowns; he wanted two." (laughter) "But yes, I'll take it, I guess."

On if there was any disappointment in RB Derrick Henry rushing for 199 yards and not being able to reach 200: "Yes, I think it was because ... Yes ..." (deep sigh) "We'll get it for him. But it's all good."


On the fumble he didn't recover: "I don't really want to talk about it, but I am happy we scored. The ball came outside, and I saw it, and I said, 'I'm going to get it, I'm going to get it.' And I fell on it, and it slipped out of my hands. I'm going to blame it on the mist and sweat, but I'm glad we scored."

On the 87-yard touchdown run by RB Derrick Henry: "It was crazy. I was telling the guys that it happened so fast. The play happened, got my fit and all of a sudden the crowd started getting louder. I look down the field and there's Derrick [Henry] down the field and he had two guys to beat, and he beat them. Then I started running down like I had the ball and I started screaming – it was awesome. It was a great first play."

On the improvement of the team over the last two weeks: "I think just coming into practice and hard work. It starts in practice for us. From the board room, to practice, to team meetings, we came down, we started 0-2, but we're not going to sit around and pout about it. We're going to put our heads down and work and make it happen."

On his personal improvement: "I have to give credit to the rest of my colleagues on the offensive line. These guys have played a lot of snaps in the NFL, so I get any information that I can from them. I got my first start and they came up to me and they believed in me. They said I got this. And with that 87-yard touchdown run, we couldn't ask for a better start. No doubt."

On what was special about the offense today: "Buffalo has a very crafty defense. They're very well-coached. But we had great practices this week and what we executed in practice we put into play today. Our focus and intensity at practice paid off."

On RB Derrick Henry's influence on the offensive line: "The reality is he doesn't need much room to run. If you give him a little sliver of space, he's going to take advantage of it. He's '22' for a reason. He's 'King Henry' for a reason. He shows it week in and week out and we just have to give him a chance. He'll do the rest."


On what this win means for the team: "It was an awesome win. [We were] just able to actually have a complete game. I felt like we played a complete game, yet there was a mistake on the deep bomb. But everything this season has been self-inflicted, and that was the one time throughout this game. We've just got to enjoy this tonight and get ready to move onto Cincinnati."

On the defense stepping up against some doubt based on previous performances this season: "The outside noise is the outside noise, and that's why they're not inside, and just thinking about it from that perspective, we just have to be ourselves at the end of the day, and focus on who we are and control the controllables. If we know that we're ourselves, at the end of the day, the sky is the limit for each and every person on the defense."

On playing penalty-free football: "It was absolutely huge, and we feel like, if we play clean, penalty-free football and be ourselves, we're going to be a hard defense to beat. And if we play penalty-free [and] mistake-free – well there are going to be some mistakes – and you can drive the ball on us consistently throughout the game, [then] hats off to you. But I don't believe there are many teams out there that can do that."

On OLB Kyle Van Noy's performance: "That's awesome. I'm so excited for 'KVN' [Kyle Van Noy], man. He's a wily vet, and the guy, he knows how to approach each and every week, and he knows what moves he has going for each and every [offensive] tackle, and I think the scheme helped put him in the right place. So, I'm just very excited for his success, and he's just going to keep getting better throughout the year. People slept on him, but, hey, tell them, 'Keep sleeping.'"


On what this win means for the team: "It's a step in the right direction, especially how we started. To get a home [win] like this – a statement win at home ... We've just got to keep it going and get back to work and continue to work hard and take the coaching and become, just, one, as a team."

On what's worked so well for him early on in the season: "I think it just comes with the mindset that since I was on the street last year and finally got an opportunity, and [I] just took it personal. Then, just having the coaches – like Coach [John] Harbaugh, 'Z.O.' [defensive coordinator Zach Orr] and then [pass rush coach] Chuck Smith and [assistant defensive line coach/outside linebackers] Matt [Robinson] – just all kind of believing in me and working with me and letting me be me. And then to have the group that we have, that's young, feisty and hungry, it's been awesome. [I'm] super blessed."

On his teammates celebrating his success with him: "Honestly, that means a lot. I put a lot of time and effort and energy into them, and I appreciate it coming back – I really do. I care about these guys. These guys are going to be a piece of me when I'm done – when I'm done playing, and I see them doing their thing for years to come. I want to end up passing the baton to them and showing them love. I work really hard to be a good teammate, and [I'm] just trying to give back."

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