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Transcripts: Press Conferences 10/18/24


Opening Statement: "Good to see everyone today. Hope all you guys are doing well. Just a quick little recap from last week: I'm very pleased with our guys and kind of how they're playing. [I'm] seeing a lot of growth [after] playing a lot of young guys last week. These guys are trying to really lock into the details, pay attention to the details and really put it together on Sundays. Again, I thought they played hard; they played physical. I was really excited for what Ben Cleveland did on that field goal block; just, what an exciting moment for him. A guy that asks, a guy that wanted to be on there, and then finding an opportunity to get him out there and see what he can do. Moving forward to this week, we've got a great challenge [on] Monday Night Football. Just, for our guys, I just want to see them go out, play their hardest, continue to get better and just take it one play at a time. That's been our focus, and that's what we're doing out here [on] Tuesday, Wedneenday, Thursday [and] Friday – just trying to get better so we can go play our best football. Questions?"

A lot of players were really happy for G Ben Cleveland. What goes into that decision to have him out there? (Bo Smolka) "Honestly, when you think about it, when it first came up, those decisions are made through, like, 'OK, who do you have up? Who's available on the defensive line?' Because those are usually the guys you want to put out there first. I think at one point 'Harbs' [head coach John Harbaugh] came over to me and goes, 'Well if you are running short, we do have Ben Cleveland. We could think about that.' I was like, 'Ben Cleveland, he's big.' You need a big guy out there. You think about all the defensive linemen. I'm like, 'OK, I've got a big guy. This guy's a giant, [and he] can put his arm up. 'Yes, this is good.' OK, so then I got to go back, and I got to figure out, 'OK, who can I sub him in for, so the defensive line guys don't get mad at me?' They're like, 'Hey, you're going to take me out to put Ben in there?' So, you've got to think about those things, and then when you go through it, you're like, 'OK, this is a good week for him,' because we were missing a defensive lineman. So, [we] got him out there, let him rush, and he got his hand on the ball. But again, it goes back to a conversation that I had with Ben sitting on the bus, and he was like, 'Coach, I did this in high school. I think I can help you.' And here's me, it's like, 'OK, all right, we're going to try to figure this out.' We got him out there, and he kind of changed that game for us. So, [I'm] really excited for him, and when a guy tells you he wants to do something, then you believe in him, because he truly, really wants to be out there and give you his all to do whatever he's got to do to help the team."

Has G Ben Cleveland earned a full-time role on special teams now? (Ryan Mink) "I think [Ben Cleveland has] earned himself a full-time role. It's an opportunity to kind of get him out there [and] let him play. If we are short here and there, I know I've got a guy. Even if I do take him off the field, I know I'll always have a guy on the back end to put out there, and he's going to give you everything he's got."

What makes a player good at that? We see G Ben Cleveland's stature, but what makes a guy good at blocking kicks? (Childs Walker) "That's really where it starts right?" (laughter) "You can't put little guys out there – guys that don't have any reach when these guys kick these long field goals and that ball is short. So, you need a big guy, you need a giant, you need a guy that's got some reach – a guy that can get his hands up and get somewhat off the ground. Thats really what makes those guys. And then, when you watch those plays across the league, it's all 'want to.' It's just a guy that wants to go out there and realize that there are points to be had from the other team, and how can we affect that? So, go out there, give your all, execute, and then, sometimes you don't get it, but if you just keep applying pressure, those things happen."

Have you used offensive linemen in that role before? (Garett Downing) "Actually, I have not used offensive linemen since I've been here in that role, just because our defensive guys have been so good. But Pat Ricard, actually, played out there for us when he was playing fullback. We lined him, and he actually blocked a field goal against the Jets. Look, we don't care who you are; it's just a matter of when we put you out there, are you going to give us everything you've got on the play? And those guys were out there, and it's paid off for them."

Obviously, you don't want to mess with a good thing, but what is the difference between throwing someone like G Ben Cleveland in there and throwing someone like G/T Daniel Faalele, who's bigger but not as experienced? (Jonas Shaffer) "It's not really so much about experience. You wouldn't put Daniel [Faalele], because he's playing a lot on offense. You think about the guys that are in those reserve roles [as] who can help you, and how can they help you. It's not to say, if it came down to it, we couldn't say, 'OK this is a long field goal; hey, Daniel, do you want to get this one?' We could potentially do that if we felt like doing that, but that's not something I don't think that we would work towards."

We've seen it dating back to the summer and organized team activities, and obviously, WR/RS Deonte Harty has had some personal stuff going on, and he's been banged up, and he's banged up again this week. How tough has it been to get in a rhythm in the return game with Harty being on and off the practice field? (Jeff Zrebiec*)* "It's been complicated, but for us, [Deonte] Harty is our guy, and we believe in him, and when he's healthy and he's the right place, we know he can be a difference maker for us. It's kind of like you said; he's been going through a lot, [and] he's been dealing with a lot. But it's not so much of just that one guy making the difference for us, because we believe it takes 11 guys, really, to get the return going, and you guys have seen that over the years. It doesn't really matter who we put that back there; if the 10 other guys out front take care of their business, and they block the play the way the play should be made, any returner I feel like we put back there, is going to get yards for us [and] is going to have a great opportunity to score [and] to hit big returns. But as far as that, we just work on who's available and who's not available, and we just run our plays, and we work from there."


I know the big word for you is "drag" and reducing that "drag." How good do you think this offense is, in terms of getting rid of those things? (Jonas Shaffer) "We've been better. We've been better in a lot of ways, but it is week to week. You can't carry over points and yards – you just can't. It's a week-to-week league. You try to tell that to your guys. I think they've handled it really well. I get there's a week between games, so there is a lot to talk about – about what it's looked like or what we've been – but we have to do it this week, obviously, against a really good football team [and] a really good defense. So, our guys have had a good couple of days, and they've been focused. We really have [been]. We have to continue to put it all together in all the areas that matter, which we have been [doing]."

What's impressed you about QB Lamar Jackson finding a workable answer or the right answer before the snap? (Jonas Shaffer) "[Lamar Jackson] has been doing great. It's [his] second year in the system. We've streamlined some things. We're doing it better as a staff. We're doing it better in practice. I think we're detailing it out better. I think the guys are more and more comfortable. 'Bate' [Rashod Bateman] has been healthy, really throughout the offseason and now. [It's] Zay Flowers' second year in it. Mark [Andrews] and 'Big Zay' [Isaiah Likely] being healthy [and] adding Derrick [Henry helps]. So, we have a lot of pieces, and it's just our second year together, but again, we have to do it this week."

QB Lamar Jackson has talked about that comfort level and him being much more comfortable in his second year. As a coach, how would you describe your comfort level, in terms of where the execution is and where you want to get to? (Brian Wacker) "We're much further ahead. You have an offseason to look back at what you did, what you thought were the answers or the way you want to go about it, and we're doing things better. Our guys are playing at a high level. I think we're just all doing it better; it's not just the players. Obviously, us having a system that they can wrap their arms around, build confidence in [and] that's detailed out ... The players make it come to life, but if they don't understand what we're trying to accomplish or how we do it or how we do it every day on the field, it doesn't come to life on the field. So, [it's] up to us to streamline things and continue to do it better each week, and then, the challenge is you're playing someone really good, who sees what you do well, and they're going to counter that, and then, how do you continue to do it better and evolve?"

What has stood out to you about this offensive line? It seems like in the early part of the season, they were trying to find their way, but it's progressively gotten better each week. (Jamison Hensley) "Well, Roger [Rosengarten] is only going to get better. We ended up moving Pat [Mekari] to guard, so we've had a little continuity there. We've run the ball better. We've stayed ahead of the chains better. That's a formula for us to continue to get better. The first two games, we had a lot of two-minute, get-back-on-track third downs that are going to expose anybody; it's not just our O-line, [but] everybody. I think they're going to continue to grow, because even Daniel [Faalele], at right guard, is a young player. In terms of play, he hasn't played a ton, and we've played him a lot at tackle. He's still learning the guard position. So, I think they're just going to continue to grow. Ronnie [Stanley] is playing great football for us. Having Ronnie back at a high level ... Obviously, Tyler [Linderbaum] always plays at a high level. So, I think we're in a good spot."

You guys rank No. 1 in third-down percentage. There are a lot of reasons for that, but how important has RB Justice Hill been in blitz pickup? How much have you grown to appreciate and trust how he sticks his nose in there? (Jeff Zrebiec) "Justice [Hill] does a great job. He's a weapon out of the backfield, and he does a great job on pass [protection]. [He] really understands what we're trying to do and isn't afraid to stick his nose in there. And with our depth at running back, [and] with us being banged up, it's been everything for us on third downs and situational football."

You were talking about the offensive line and G/T Daniel Faalele. Do you feel like he's made notable progress even from Week 1 to now? (Childs Walker) "Sure. Sure, I think there's a difference between practice, preseason games, playing tackle, playing guard [and] communication with who's next to you. When it's Daniel and it's Pat [Mekari], or it's Daniel and Roger [Rosengarten] or ... And then, just the calls, and then just seeing it. All the things that those guys have to see – movement – because the game is no longer standing still. The D-Line moves, and the linebackers plug, and they pressure, and then you get calls late. Every day, you're going to continue to develop if your diligent in your approach, which Daniel has been."

With G/T Daniel Faalele, the first two weeks he struggled. He's been far superior since then. In those first two games, did you see the makings of what you were anticipating him developing into? (Kyle Phoenix) "I think [Daniel Faalele] is still developing as a player – I do. He's still a young player, at guard, learning how to ... Like any player, not just a young player, [he's learning] the stamina to do it for 60 plays and not flash. There is a point where you get to, 'All right, I'm comfortable in knowing what to do. Now, what [are] the looks that we see?' It's one thing to have your assignment, but then when the bullets start flying against the best in the world, multi-millionaires, [who] are paid to not let you block them [and] not let them stop you from getting the quarterback, that's a lot of times easier said than done. So, I think he's really come a long way, and he's only going to continue to grow as a player. He's only still just scratching the surface of what he can be."

Much has been made about opponents putting that extra player near the line of scrimmage, whether that's to account for QB Lamar Jackson or RB Derrick Henry. Do you think you'll keep seeing that, even though you guys have played very well against it the last few weeks? (Childs Walker) "I don't know. Each team is going to pose different issues for us. Tampa is built differently than Washington is, [and] Washington was built differently than Cincinnati was, so we'll see. Most of the teams that you play ... [Commanders defensive coordinator] Joe Whitt is a tremendous defensive coordinator. [Buccaneers head coach] Todd Bowles is an elite defensive coordinator. [Bengals defensive coordinator] Lou Anarumo ... They are really good coordinators. They are going to do what they do. They haven't gotten to where they [are] without really still sticking to their core principles, so with that being said, there are going to be some nuances that we have to be able to adjust [to], because we've changed a little bit. So, as we change and we put things on film, we have to be ready to adjust. That's just the way it is."


Going up against QB Baker Mayfield in the past, have you seen any difference in him in this season with the Buccaneers? (Jamison Hensley) "From an ability standpoint, no, I haven't seen much difference. We've always had a lot of respect for Baker Mayfield. He's a very good quarterback. He's really competitive. I think that's the thing that sticks out about him; he has that never-die mindset and play style, where he's going to try to stay alive every second of the play and try to make something happen for his offense, and he's done that. I think the thing that's been really impressive with him, in Tampa this year, is the freedom I feel like I see at the line of scrimmage that he has, to check in and out of plays and get them in the right looks. He's done a great job with that. That's going to be a big challenge and a big chess match for us to not give him the answers of what we're in and not let him try to check in a great play that they want to be in. I think that's the biggest difference I see from [him] this year is just [the Buccaneers] giving him more of the keys to the offense than in previous years."

When QB Baker Mayfield throws quick and short passes and relies on yards after contact, what's the checklist for you guys in terms of countering that? (Childs Walker) "You have to tackle. You have to tackle in space, and they're one of the top RAC [run after catch] teams in the league. Those dudes do a good job of getting north and south when they catch the ball. All of those guys have mean stiff arms, so we have to get a lot of hats to the ball. We have to get 11 hats to the ball, corral them, and then eliminate the yards after the catch, because that's where they make a lot of their plays at."

Along those lines, QB Baker Mayfield has been really good in the middle of the field. That's an area that you guys at times have struggled with. What do you think will help back there, or where do you look to improve on? (Brian Wacker) "I think it was just us improving our fundamentals and just simplifying everything and everybody doing their job. I don't think it's one particular person or one particular call or one particular coverage. It's kind of like everybody is doing their job, and then somebody doesn't, and then the offense is finding it. We've been working hard at that. We know that's an issue, so we're trying to make sure we take care of the middle of the field. Because, like I've gotten up here and talked about, you want to make quarterbacks throw outside the numbers as much as possible."

I've noticed DB Brandon Stephens and CB Nate Wiggins getting some extra reps after practice. What has been the focus there, and what does it say about those two guys to get that extra work after practice? (Garrett Downing) "Man, it's great. We always encourage people to work on their craft, not just with us, but on their own, and I think that just shows the competitiveness and willingness to continue to get better. [Brandon Stephens and Nate Wiggins], they've been playing good football for us, but they know they can go to another level. We know they can go to another level. The focus is just on technique and fundamentals. The big message for us and our guys this week is, 'It's about us.' If we do what we're supposed to do fundamental-wise, technique-wise [and] communication-wise, then we'll go out there and feel like we'll play a really good game."

A player that maybe hasn't played up to his standards or expectations is S Marcus Williams. Have you had a conversation with him? What is kind of a way that you can get him in better spots to make bigger plays out in the secondary? (Kyle Phoenix) "First thing, we still have the utmost faith and belief in [Marcus Williams]. He's a safety, so on film and on TV and during the games, he's the last line of defense, so it always looks like he might be at fault, but that's far from the truth. He's doing some good things. Obviously, just like a lot of our guys, he can play better, and he knows that, and he's working at that. My biggest thing for him is, 'You're back there for a reason. We brought you here for a reason. You've made many impact plays in this league, not just at your previous spot, but for us,' and he's made plays this year. 'Just have that confidence. You're one of the top free safeties in the league; go be that,' and that's what our conversations have been [like]. Honestly, up to this point, I think this has been his best week of practice during the season so far. He's got his hands on the football, [and] he's made some plays that we're accustomed to seeing, so I'm excited. I think we're going to see Marcus Williams really turn it up in these next couple of games."

When you look at the advanced analytics, it shows that you guys are forcing a ton of really tight coverage throws. There are not a lot of open wide receivers. The open wide receiver rating has been low. I know you're always looking at what you can improve on, but do you also look at that stuff and say, "Hey, I think we're covering better than the stats show." (Ryan Mink) "Yes, definitely. We've looked at our explosive passes; obviously, there is some stuff that we can clean up, for sure – scheme-wise and communication and technique-wise – but a lot of the plays, you have to give your hats off to the quarterback and receiver. They're making great throws and great catches on the sideline going to the ground, and we just continue to teach our guys, 'Keep on competing at the catch point. Keep on competing. Make them have to make the tough throws and catches.' We honestly believe we won't lose games because of that. I think some of our shortcomings haven't been because of the tight window catches that they've made; it's been the other plays when they haven't been contested. We're fine with that. We're going to make more of those plays than not."

We've seen CB Arthur Maulet back out on the practice field. Whether he comes back this week or next week or whenever, is that going to make your job a little more complicated in terms of finding work for him, S Ar'Darius Washington, S Eddie Jackson and everyone else? (Childs Walker) "Yes, definitely. It's a deep, talented group; we still believe that. Obviously, it is what it is [in terms of] what we've done so far this season, but we're still a very talented group, and it's going to be tough to try to find different ways to get guys on the field, but it's good though. I think it brings a good midseason competition of who can go out there and go do what. Who can go out there and execute at the best and the highest level? And the guys that can do that, they'll probably be out there."

What have you seen from S Ar'Darius Washington? He's been getting more snaps over the last few weeks in that role? (Brian Wacker) "I just see a guy that goes out there, and when the ball comes [Ar'Darius Washington's] way, he makes plays. He's explosive. He flies around. He's a guy who offers us a lot of versatility, because he can play safety, he can play nickel, he can play dime, [and] he can do a lot of different things. Like I said, ever since he's been in there throughout the whole season, I know if the ball comes 'AD's' way, more times than not, he's going to make a play. He's just been a playmaker. The more plays you make, the more opportunities you're going to get, and he's been taking advantage of that."

We talked about their passing game, but WR Chris Godwin in particular is leading the league in catches and leading the NFC in receiving yards. What's really stood out about him? He's been a good player for a long time, but the numbers really pop more this year than recent years. (Luke Jones) "[Chris Godwin] has always been a great receiver. He's always been tough. He's always been fast and strong. [He] can play in all different spots, can play in the slot [and] can play on the outside. Honestly, I just think he's just healthy. I think he was banged up for the past year or so, and I think he's finally healthy. He has his legs back underneath him, and it's really showing. We have to make sure we have a good awareness of where he's at and what he's doing, and then the main thing is tackling him. I've seen him stiff arm people and break tackles at a high rate – probably at the highest rate of a receiver I've seen so far – so that's going to be a challenge for all of our guys to get him on the ground."


On QB Baker Mayfield's jokes: "[Baker Mayfield] is one of my best friends. We've been close for such a long time. [There's] no quote from me, but [it's] always good to see 'Bake' being 'Bake.'" (laughter)

On if he keeps up with QB Baker Mayfield during the season: "[Baker Mayfield] kind of laid it out there, but he wasn't 100% factual. I think I was the last one to hit him up." (Reporter: "Oh, so he left you unread?") "Yes, Yes. No, we exchanged some words a couple weeks back, but I was the one to initiate it." (laughter)

On how much fun the offense is having right now: "A lot of fun. [It's] a lot of fun. It's a bunch of unselfish guys that are working towards the same goal, and it's a focus, week by week, of just trying to get better and prove ourselves and being there for one another. That's what this is about – is being efficient, being effective – and we've got a bunch of guys that are doing that."

On how well the offensive line has gelled together: "[The offensive line is] doing great. They're doing great. Having so much pressure and things against you, they kind of just turned a blind eye and just focused on themselves, and they're reaping the rewards right now and playing really good ball."

On how good it feels to make a greater impact each game: "It feels good. It feels good. I'm always trying and striving to be better. My main goal is to help this team win games, and whatever they ask me to do, I'm going to do that, and it's just going to continue to get better and better, and that's my goal."

On if he'll approach QB Baker Mayfield before the game: "I'm pretty locked in before games. I don't talk to family or anything like that, so we'll see. Hopefully, I'll see [Baker Mayfield] afterwards."

On if his receiving TD last week felt any different or more special, given it being his first score since his injury last year: "Yes, I just think it was a really cool moment for me. I love scoring, [and] I love catching the ball. I love doing all those things; that's kind of my bread and butter. It just felt really, really, really good to be back in there."

On if tying TE Todd Heap's record for the most receiving TDs in Ravens history was on his mind at all: "Not really. It's obviously something that I've been told and whatnot, but that's not on my mind. It's always about helping the team."
