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Transcripts: Ravens post-game quotes 9.13.20

Head Coach John Harbaugh

(opening statement) "OK, I appreciate you guys being here. It's really, really different seeing you on the big screen Zoom instead of seeing you in our great room here. We're sorry for that, but this too shall pass. [I'm] really proud of our guys, proud of our team, proud of the team effort to open the season. I will say this; we miss the fans being here. I thought the incredible amount of support … Technology, right? The incredible amount of support from our fans that we normally have wasn't there. It was different. I felt like our guys did a great job at bringing their energy. We talked about it – B.Y.O.E. We had a T-shirt made up. (laughter) And they did it. They brought their energy, and I'm proud of them for that. But I also appreciate the people that bought the [Community of Fans] cutouts. A good friend and a super Ravens fan, Josh Charles, he was bragging all week about how he bought his cardboard cutout. But all the people that stepped up for Mo's Rows. I think we all saw the piece. I was crying, to be honest with you. We love [Mo's mother] Sonsy [Gaba]. We love all the people that supported Mo's Rows, that was really an incredible thing. So, thank you to all the fans who are supporting us from outside in, we definitely appreciate it.

"As far as the game, I thought the drives at the end of the half were the difference, obviously. We were able to pull away and kind of open up a lead there. [We had] 17 points off [of] turnovers. Lamar Jackson just played a phenomenal game. He just played a top-level game in every single way, and I think he was, probably, the biggest difference in the game. I have to give a lot of credit to the rookies. We started the game [with] all of them, really, Tyre Phillips, [Patrick] Queen, [Malik] Harrison, those guys played good, NFL football. We talked, I told them earlier … There's other guys, too, that played on special teams; [James] Proche [II] and Devin [Duvernay] and others, I don't want to forget anybody. The fact that now they've got a game under their belt, now they can go, 'OK, I can do this.' And they did it very well. I think Matt Skura coming back and starting at center after what he's been through is an incredible thing. I'm really proud of those guys. We had game balls. Our first game ball went to [Ravens President] Dick Cass. Dick Cass and the whole organization got us here. Dick led that. We wouldn't be here without Dick and the entire organization. Every single person that stepped up to bring us to this point so we could play football, and we are very grateful for that. On defense, it went to Calais Campbell. Calais, he kind of turned the tide there a little bit. After the first half, they were moving the ball. It wasn't just Calais, obviously, it was a team effort. But [he] made a couple big plays running past that got us going there a little bit. And offensively, Lamar got the game ball. With that, what questions do you have?"

(On having no preseason games and what they took from that) "Yes. It was just an unknown. It was going to be an unknown. I kind of went into it early on not knowing what to expect. We all did, but [I] told the team before the game and they really kind of set it. We don't know what the outcome is going to be. We don't know what's going to happen, but we know we're going to be bringing it. That's what the players did and I'm proud of them for that."

(On if QB Lamar Jackson stretching the field was part of the gameplan of if it's what the Browns were giving him) "I [say] part of both. Lamar [Jackson] did a really good job, and our offensive line did a good job of creating time in the pocket which allowed the coverage to expand. It wasn't like we were over top of them. I thought they did a good job of keeping the plays in front, but the coverage expanded so much. Our guys worked hard to get open. Lamar has amazing vision and can throw on the move. He sees the field so well. To me, those are the keys to that."

(On T Ronnie Stanley's injury) "Yes. Ronnie [Stanley], it's not a serious injury, just a little tightening up there. He got rolled on, I think. It's not a serious injury to my knowledge right now. I don't expect it to become one tomorrow, but we will let you know. Thanks."

(On what the rookies did that showed their professionalism) "The little things are a good question for the tape, but I did notice that they were composed. They were composed, and they didn't get too carried away. The moment wasn't too big for them. Devin Duvernay is a good example. He took the kickoff returns. He caught a couple passes, one or two [and] took them north. He's very poised [and] had good vision. I thought the guys covered kicks; you look at special teams, so many times you see that. Even James Proche [II], the one ball tailed on him, and he let it roll, which would not be what you'd want – I think he's very capable of catching that – but then he didn't compound his mistake by going to try to pick it up or something, with guys bearing down on him. I thought that was a pressure thing to do. Then he came back later when he, probably, would've wanted a fair catch, but I think he's so confident [that] he went ahead and caught it, got some yards and, I think, wanted to build for the future. So, I would say that. I would say they were composed in the environment, and that was really good to see."

(On if there was a point where he felt comfortable after not having preseason games) "That's really a good question. I don't think comfortable, man. You never really ever feel comfortable. I don't really think of it like, 'We're OK. We're a good team.' I just felt encouraged by … I saw how hard they were playing and how physical we were trying to play. Even though they were sneaking some runs through there, even at times, I could see how hard we were playing and how hard we were running to the ball. It felt like we just have to get our legs under us, get our sea legs, so to speak, and we'll be in good shape."

(On the overall defensive performance) "That's a good point. Six points against this offense is very, very good. And, really, the fact that we did contain their weapons was probably the key thing. We gave up more rushing yards than we wanted to, our guys are not going to be happy about that. I already know they're not, because I've seen them, and that's how they feel about it. But those are two excellent [running] backs. They see the field. They make great cuts. The offensive line is very adapted to running that scheme. We kept the receivers pretty much under control, which was big, because we know how good those guys are. Just a few plays in there, here and there. So, I was happy with that. We also know we can really improve and get so much better."

(On how ILB Patrick Queen can build off of his first game) "Absolutely. With his poise, I think the peace of mind to get that ball out. When Nick Chubb was fighting for those extra yards and he was able to get that ball out, that showed you a lot there. I'm sure there's a lot of little details that, really, he's going to want to get better at. This is his beginning, and I think it's a good start."

(On if spreading the ball out will be the gameplan all year) "That's a great question. You ever know. We want to spread the ball around to people, because we have a lot of weapons. But any gameplan can kind of unfold any kind of way during the week, and then, any game can unfold any kind of way during the week. So, you just have to be flexible, and everybody has to be ready to carry a big load, but our guys are up to that. They all want the ball, so that's a good problem to have."

QB Lamar Jackson

(on how he stays so composed when starting a drive on the 1-yard line) "That's a situation we go over in practice and stuff like that. I feel like our coach built us up for this, that type of environment or situation, and all of our guys do a great job of keeping their poise as well. We just moved the ball like we're supposed to."

(on picking up right where he left off after his MVP season) "It's just hard work and dedication. It started with the COVID, our guys coming down [to South Florida in the offseason], trying to get some chemistry down pat. The quick turnaround with [training] camp, we started getting chemistry there, and our guys just dialed in, and they helped me out a lot, made my job a lot easier."

(on if he feels like he is a better passer today than in 2019 Week 1 in Miami) "I do. [It's] just dedication. Coach 'Urb [Quarterbacks coach James Urban] is doing a great job – the QB drills, being consistent, even though sometimes, we might just repeat it, just to keep that dialed in in our heads and keep my body dialed in."

(on if there was a point in the game, not having a preseason, where you felt you would be good) "[It was during] our pre-game speech, I'll start there. Mark [Ingram II] gave us great energy, and I got to just look into guys' eyes, and I could just tell, not knowing the score, but how offense, defense and special teams was going to play."

(on if the team did anything differently today to keep the energy going) "Not really. Everybody had their headphones on inside the locker room, listening to their music, getting their own vibe. And like I said, Mark Ingram gave us a good speech, and so did [Pernell] McPhee when he came inside the locker room."

(on TE Mark Andrews' big day and the two of them not missing a beat from last year) "We've got Top 2, not two, in the league right now at tight end. He makes my job way easier. If it's a DB guarding him, a safety or linebacker, it doesn't really matter. He's going to do a great job of getting open. He's going to score a touchdown nine times out of 10. That's my guy. He makes my job easier for sure."

(on the atmosphere at the stadium without fans and whether or not he was able to hear what the defense was doing) "I was focused on what we had to do, just getting my eyes up as we went to the line of scrimmage. I wasn't really trying to listen to what the defense was doing, just knowing what coverage they were going to be in, [inaudible] I really wasn't paying attention to what they were saying."

RB J.K. Dobbins

(On scoring his first two touchdowns in the NFL) "It's a blessing to have two touchdowns in my first NFL game, but it was all because of my teammates. The linemen were blocking well. And then, I feel comfortable with all my teammates. They [have taken] me in, and they showed me the way."

(On his emotions throughout the day) "I never really get nervous. When I played my first game in college, I didn't get nervous. Today, I wasn't nervous. I think it just comes with practicing super hard [and] building my confidence in practice. It's definitely a blessing just to be in the league and playing with this great team. Right now, [we're] 1-0 – it's time to lock in on the next opponent. I'm definitely happy about my touchdowns, and things like that, and everything my teammates did. But now, we've got to move on to the next game."

(On if there was any difference in the contact and the physicality of the game as compared to college) "I didn't think so. I thought it felt the same. The competition is good though. It's the NFL – you definitely could see a little change in it. But the contact wasn't that crazy."

(On if playing with QB Lamar Jackson eases any missed opportunities the offense may have had) "That's a tough question. My boy [Lamar Jackson] is definitely a playmaker. When we mess up a few times, he can definitely make it right. It definitely helps a lot having him back there under the center."

(On what it feels like to score a touchdown on a 99-yard drive) "My teammates, they drove the ball down the field. They made it look pretty easy. I just capped it off – with great blocking, great play-call, everything. It was just the right situation."

DE Calais Campbell

(On his impact and the Ravens' defense) "It's honestly … It's crazy, because I feel like I didn't play as good as I wanted to. I left a lot of plays out there. But to still be able to affect the game and be able to win the way we did, that's just a testament to our preparation. We had an incredible camp, and it showed today."  

(On if not having fans affected the Ravens' energy level) "It is B.Y.O.E; bring your own energy. And that's what we did today. Coach [Harbaugh] did a good job to get us prepared. We have a lot of guys on the team who took turns bringing the energy for us, and we could feed off of it. It was really cool to see just how … We hadn't played a real game. We've been going back and forth in practice, and we hadn't gotten the chance to hit anybody else. To get here, even though there weren't fans in the stands, and the energy was kind of – we had to bring it ourselves, it was still cool to go out there and play football for the first time in a while."

(On the Ravens' pre-game demonstrations and their message) "A lot of players on this team are really passionate about the community – about our backgrounds and where we come from. So, most of the guys want to protest against the injustices in our communities. I saw [Ravens owner] Steve Bisciotti put out a message, and it's very clear; We're not protesting the flag [and] we're not protesting America. We're not protesting anything like that. It's just injustice in our community. And so, this was just an opportunity for us to use this platform to try to affect change in the communities."

(On how the game felt given the new protocols and unusual circumstances) "There were a lot of adjustments. A lot of the protocols on the sideline were unique. It was different. We're used to certain things, and then you have to adjust. And I'm sure that affected a lot of us on the sidelines. I know it [affected] me. But you have to figure it out. There are going to be adjustments throughout the whole year. But I'm glad that we were able to find a way to win the game, even with [everything] we had to handle with the COVID stuff."

(On if he was more tired during the game due to no preseason) "To a degree, maybe a little bit, but I think that it's just that first game. You can go back every year; the first game of football, it takes a lot to catch that second wind. That's football. But we got off to a fast start. We're 1-0. And obviously, I don't think anybody feels like they played their best football. But we're 1-0 – a lot to look forward to."

WR Marquise Brown

(On the Ravens' execution of the gameplan) "Yes, we did a good job of executing the gameplan. Lamar [Jackson] was out there, on point, putting the ball where it needed to be, and we had to just make our catches and make plays."

(On QB Lamar Jackson's improvements as a passer) "Yes, you can tell he's a lot more comfortable, and he's a lot more pinpoint with it. It's now our job to be at the spot, because that's where he's putting it. He's doing a good job of throwing it away from defenders and throwing it to where you can catch and run. So, he's been doing a good job of just improving his game."

(On the Ravens' offensive performance) "It just shows you that we can do it in both phases; we can run it, and we can pass it. So, it's going to make it hard for each team to gameplan for us. There are going to be some games where we run it more and some games where we have to pass it more. It's our job just to go out and execute and do what we do."

(On how it felt to play and not have to worry about his foot) "Yes, it felt good just to be back out there. It's been a long, long journey to even get to this point. So just to be out there – going against somebody else – with my teammates was pretty fun. I'm not having to worry about injuries and whatnot. I get to go out there and try to play for my team."

(On QB Lamar Jackson) "Yes, that guy, he's probably not going to ever change. All he wants is to win Super Bowls – head down and go to work."

(On the environment and communication) "Going into it, I didn't know how it was going to be. But just being out there with the guys, everybody was fired up. Everybody had their own energy; bring your own energy. So, we were out there having fun. We didn't really notice, but whenever we do get fans, it's going to be a lot better."

(On how different it was with no preseason and no fans) "It was different. Like you said, there was no preseason. So, we could talk about what we're going to do and this and that, but until you actually get on the field and go against an opponent, you really don't know – it's uncertain. So, to go out there, play for each other, make mistakes that we learn from and build on the good plays, it was a good experience."

(On the 99-yard drive) "Yes, from the point when we took the field, it was like, 'Let's go 99 [yards] and score. Let's go 99 and score.' So, for us to actually do it … On the drive before, we drove it down, and we had a turnover. So, this time around, we knew that we can't stop ourselves. We just had to play our game and drive the ball."

(On if he was able to hear certain things due to no crowd noise that he wouldn't typically hear) "Yes, you definitely could hear the defense and hear what they're calling out there. So, that was pretty good for us. But other than that, you just have to lock in on your assignment. It's football between those lines."

LB Patrick Queen

(on how comfortable he felt out there today) "Yes, I felt pretty comfortable. Coming in, Day One, the guys greeted me and treated me as family from the jump. Even before I got here, a lot of people reached out, so I felt very comfortable going into this game. Coaches prepared me the best way they could, trainers, even the head guys came and talked to me some. I just felt like I was at home."

(on if this is what he expected from his NFL debut) "It's what I expected. I wanted to do better than I did, but I'm grateful for what I got. I prayed about it, slept on it, dreamed about making plays. I actually dreamed about that same play that I made the tackle on, so it's crazy how things work when you pray about it. But I can't ask for a better first game."

(on his LB Ray Lewis t-shirt and following in the footsteps of some Ravens greats at LB) "It's all about respect. Just growing up, the Ravens' defense was physical. Ray Lewis really set the picture for me for the Ravens' defense, and I'm just giving him his respect by wearing this shirt, letting him know that I respect his game, and I respect what he did for this organization. I'm just trying to follow in the same footsteps."

(on his QB sack and forced fumble) "[On the] sack, just an open gap, took it and ripped through. Baker [Mayfield] was standing right there trying to burst out to his right, and [I] just made a play. The next one [the forced fumble], a puller came, and I had to take on a puller. I got him out of the way, and then L.J. [Fort] was on the tackle, and the first thing I saw was the ball, so I went for the ball and got it out of there."

(on if there was a lot pride from the rookie class today and how they played) "Yes, of course. It's the NFL – we're rookies, but at the same time, we're all in the same place, doing the same thing, and we're all trying to make a statement. Anytime our number is called, we're coming to play and coming to dominate. Everybody that comes in, they're going to get our all, and that's all we can ask as a team. As a coaching staff, they just want us to play 100%."

(on his t-shirt and if LB Ray Lewis sent it to him) "No, a person that my mom knows made it for me. Just like I said, it's just a sign of respect for him. Mom said that we got the shirt made, so I wanted to wear it and show him respect. I know everything he did for this organization, I know how he played; there's just so much that goes into it, I can't really describe it."

(on if there are any areas of his game that he needs to work harder on this week) "Everything in my game. Just technique, pad level, hands, coming downhill, not getting stiff-armed like I got on the last drive. There is a lot of stuff to clean up, and that's what you come in the next day and get better at watching film, and then you've got to practice."

(on how he adjusted to playing with no fans today) "At the end of the day, it's football; you've got to love the game. If you don't love the game of football, then you worry about fans, and you're not going to have fun. But I wish they were out there, I wish I could put on for them, but I know they were at home watching, and we still got some excitement out of them and gave them some good stuff on TV to get them excited. I can't wait for them to be back."

(on defensive adjustments that were made to control the run game after Cleveland had two long runs early, and what was said after their long drive) "It was stuff that we hadn't spaced on; just not getting lined up, getting the call but not thinking about what we had to do and execute. It was all on us, it was all stuff that we can fix and get better at and eliminate."

(on how the overall communication was on the field) "It was great. You could hear it way better without the fans yelling and echoing in your ears. You could barely hear the call, but even with fans being there, we'll still have to communicate. Just having no fans, it was an extra benefit for us to be able to hear calls from each other and know what to expect."

TE Mark Andrews

(On if he feels QB Lamar Jackson is a better passer this year than last season) "For me personally, looking at Lamar [Jackson], I've known the type of player he's been just [by] playing with him. The guys is incredible; he was incredible last year. To me, he's, obviously, the best player in the world, and his arm reflects that. It reflected that last year; it's this year as well. He's going to continue to grow, and he has. It's just a blessing to be able to play with him. He says I make his job easy, but it's the other way around for sure."

(On if he wants more recognition around the NFL as the best tight end in the league) "I try not to put too much thought into that stuff. It's just about going out every week, playing the best you can and doing everything you can to win games and help your team. Today was a good day. We have a lot to learn from and to grow from. I think as the season goes on, we're only going to get better. I try not to look at that stuff, but I want to be the best, and I've said that. I've been open about that."

(On playing without fans and crowd noise) "It's just different, it's definitely different. Being able to hear calls and what the defense is saying and stuff like that – there's that aspect of it, a little bit. You hear what they're doing. And then, obviously, we have to communicate on offense as well. Trying to be quiet, trying to stay [quiet] so they can't hear what we're doing. It's just different. You've got to bring your own energy. And I think that's the biggest thing – just being able to come out there, bring your own energy and play fast without these fans – because Baltimore fans are incredible, and I can't tell you how much they help us out. Definitely felt that – [we] missed them today. I'm looking forward to, hopefully, having fans soon."

(On if returning much of the offense from last season was an advantage with team chemistry) "It's big – the chemistry is there for sure. All these guys that … We've got a lot of young guys coming back. It was, kind of, nice to see. Our [offensive] line was probably the biggest change with guys moving around, and stuff like that – and they played great. There's a lot of chemistry going on. But, again, there was a lot of mistakes, a lot of things that we've got to correct. You want to be the best, you want to get to where we want to go, we've got to get better. I know we're going to. We have a lot of great guys in this locker room, and I'm excited for it."

(On the performance of RB J.K. Dobbins and G Tyre Phillips without having preseason games) "It's huge – I think those guys are just ball players. J.K. [Dobbins] had a great game. You see it in training camp – the type of player that he is, the versatility that he can bring to our offense. It's great – he's got Mark Ingram [II] to, kind of, show him the ropes. When you have that kind of combination of things, it's a good recipe. And, obviously, Tyre [Phillips] played his butt off. That's exciting to see him get in there and play and do well. He's only going to grow. That's a position where – when you're young – you've got a lot to learn. He's only going to grow, get better, and he's a great player."

(On the importance of the team having a great rushing performance against the Browns) "It's good – I think the, kind of, misconception of our offense is that we're only a run-first team. We've, kind of, shown time and time again that we can throw the ball. We used the run game to throw off that. We're going to be dangerous in the passing game. You've seen it last year, you're going to see it this year. We're going to continue to grow in that area, and we've got to continue to grow in the run game. We've got to be the best at that both."

(On the last drive before halftime with only 41 seconds left on the clock) "First off, it's two-minute drill. We rep this all the time in practice. This is a twice a week, or more, type of thing. All the guys know what to do. So, it's get up [and] get out, two timeouts – so we know if we're going to be able to use those. Those two early timeouts, really, made the difference for us. Guys [were] just making plays. I think the consistency with that drive was incredible. I haven't been a part of many two-minute drills that were that efficient. That was an efficient drive. It's really good to see that. That's not an easy thing to do. To be able to come out of there with points and get six [points], it's very encouraging. We get the ball [to start] the second half. It's very uplifting to this team, and we've got to be able to do that time and time again."

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