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Transcripts: Ravens Postgame Quotes (10/8)


Opening Statement: "Obviously, congratulations to the Steelers, making the plays they had to make to win the game. That was a great win for them. It's a disappointing loss for us. [We] had our opportunities, obviously, and [we] played hard. I love the way the guys played; they played hard, they fight ... We have to finish plays and do things like that and what you need to do to win a game like this, and we have to fight for that going forward. [We have] a lot of football to be played. It's going to be Week 6, and we need to clean that stuff up and finish games. What questions do you have?" 

(on the decision on not to kick the field goal at the end of the first half) "We were planning on kicking the field goal there. The idea was to run the clock down and not leave them time to come the other way and then just call a timeout and kick the field goal. But we had just a miscommunication – [in the] heat of battle. We weren't on the same page. They jumped the neutral zone, and guys thought they were in the neutral zone and went ahead and snapped it. So, that wasn't what we were planning on doing. You see Lamar [Jackson] was surprised by the snap, so that was just one of those things operationally that we just have to get better at. That's kind of an example really of where we're at. We just have to get better at operational things and just clean stuff up and make those plays. I think we're that close in so many ways, but that's the difference in a game on the road like this and in this kind of a rivalry game, so we'll learn from it. We have to and get better and move forward and be better next week in those areas." (Reporter: Were you close to calling a timeout?)"We were going to run the clock down and call a timeout. So, if they would jump, and Lamar's done a great job trying to get cadence and trying to get them to jump, and we get the free [play], and that's good, but it's a no-snap-type situation." 

(on if there was an option to run the ball after the punt recovery) "We did run it the first time. That was the first call, and they make the plays calls that were made. That's the things that you think are going to get in the end zone – that's what we try to do." 

(on what he saw on P Jordan Stout's blocked punt)"It's just an A-gap rush. We didn't block the guy we were supposed to block, and another situation where we can … To me, that's kind of an example of the whole game right there. We did not do the things that we needed to do in certain situations that we're capable of doing, we can do, [and] we will do going forward, but we didn't do them today."  

(on how the team can stop turnovers) "Well, we emphasize it in practice every day, and we'll just keep working to do that. There's a lot of things that go into that. Obviously, you have a great pass rush out there, they're bringing heat in those situations, and [we're] trying to make plays and do the things we have to do. So, it's definitely something we'll be chasing going forward. It's not something that we want to do. It makes a difference in games, there's no doubt about it." 

(on if he was surprised by the dropped passes today)"I'm not surprised by anything in the NFL, in football. It's just the way it goes, and we keep working on that. I know we'll make those plays going forward. Those are balls that our guys are going to catch; they catch them all the time." 

(on if there's any injury updates)"I don't have any right now, no. I just came from the team." 


(on the team leaving points on the field) "Personally, it was just … I just want to start off and say we fought hard. It just felt like at times that it was just too many things going wrong. It's almost like a sleeping giant, [and] we need to wake up." 

(on if there was point where they could take control of the game) "Yes. There's a lot of things where just hurt ourselves, and it's part of it. This is a tough game to lose because you feel like you control the whole game. I feel like we could do what we wanted, impose our will, and we still lost the game." 

(on if there was anything affecting the receivers today)"We have too good of players, too great of players, myself included. It's like … That stuff can't be contagious. If one [drop] happens, whatever, [we have to] move on and get to the next play. We need to be better. Obviously, Lamar [Jackson] is putting the ball right where it needs to be, and we need to be there for him and make plays. We do that, we win this game."  

(on how difficult it is having a seven-hour flight tomorrow after losing this game)"Moving on. Personally, I'm moving on. If you look at this game, and you see what type of team this is, the team that we have, and [if] you're going to kind of reminisce in the past and be sad about that – you're not on the right team because this team is dangerous. We're good, very good. So, it's a matter of being efficient, playing good ball, and every time, just do your job, that's all it is." 


(on how he felt physically, and if this was always the week he targeted to make it back)"I didn't really have a true week that I planned on being back for. I kind of just played it by ear [and by] how the trainers had me working and different things. This was a great week to come back, for sure – division game, Pittsburgh. So, it was definitely a good week to come back." 

(on giving up a 41-yard TD reception to WR George Pickens)"It was just a throw and catch. You kind of get beat sometimes when you blitz the house, and that was one of those times. So, obviously, you don't want to be on the other end of a game-winner, but it happens at the corner position. [You] just try to limit those to where you can contest those catches and hopefully break it up." 

(on how he felt after the game, physically)"Yes, I felt great." 

(on if he thought he would feel comfortable out there today)"Yes, yes. It felt good to be back, so I was really excited to be able to suit up with the guys." 

(on the team's frustration level right now)"I can really only speak for myself. I know I'm fairly frustrated [by] giving up the game-winner. So, I think the biggest thing is [that] you treat a win the same way you treat a loss; you go about 24 hours. This will be a little bit different, because we kind of have got to hop on a plane to London tomorrow. But by the time you step foot on that plane tomorrow, you're talking about the Tennessee Titans. So, frustration, I'm sure guys have frustrations, but for me – I can really only speak for me – ending like that definitely has you frustrated." 

(on if he felt the frustration and the lack of finishing at halftime)"Honestly … If I'm being honest, I really was only thinking me about me and getting through the game [after] coming back from injury. So, honestly, I was pretty focused on me, so to notice anybody else's frustration or [the] team's, I really couldn't tell you for sure." 


(on the turnover on downs late in the first half)"[It was] just [a] miscommunication, [like] what Coach [Harbaugh] said. We thought … Well, [Tyler Linderbaum] thought the guy had jumped in the neutral zone, so I thought we had a free play right there. Just a miscommunication – that's all." 

(on the end zone interception he threw)"I was just trying to get my boy [Odell Beckham Jr.] a shot. We've just got to get in sync – that's all. [Joey Porter Jr.] made a great play [and] made a great interception. We didn't want it to happen, but it happened." 

(on if he believes this is a game the Ravens gave away)"I believe so. We didn't want to, but [we had] little mishaps. We're right there. We had [the Steelers] beat. [On] offense, we had to find our groove; we didn't find it. The defense played a great game – kept stopping, kept giving us opportunities. We've just got to do what we do [and] finish drives." 

(on if the team's fumbles are frustrating)"Yes, that was … We don't want those to happen. We're throwing the ball, and guys slap the ball. [I] tried to hold onto it, but [T.J. Watt] made a great play." 

(on if the team's dropped passes are frustrating)"We don't expect our guys to drop passes. It happens in NFL football. It just happened at the wrong time. But we're going to get better and go to practice and go to work." 

(on if he spoke with his receivers after the drops)"We're focused on the game. At the end of the day, [we] let that play go. [The] next play – that's all we focus on." 


(on the emotions following a tough divisional loss to the Pittsburgh Steelers on the road) "Honestly, it's part of what happens. We didn't do enough to get the job done, and that's how I look at it, and I'm sure that's how the other defensive guys look at it at the end of the day, and that's all we can do. We just have to learn and get better from it." 

(on if the loss feels any similar to the Ravens' Week 3 loss to the Indianapolis Colts)"No. Every game has an identity of its own. This game was what this game was, and it was a story of this game. We didn't come out on the winning side, so all we can do is just … Each and every man just has to look themselves in the mirror and say, 'What can I do better?' – including myself, because I'm sure there are some things out there, after I review the tape, that I would love to get better at, as well. I'm sure each and every man would say the same thing." 

(on where he thinks the team is at after this road trip and with a game in London against the Tennessee Titans next week) "It's a long season; it's the NFL. And at the end of the day, [we're] 3-2 [and] 2-1 in the division. This game, it sucks at the end of the day, [but] we just have to look at it as a learning experience. [We have to] take the positives from it and build off the negatives, and that's all we can do in this game. We just look forward to getting over to London, learning from this and moving onto the Titans." 

(on if the defense gave the game away like QB Lamar Jackson said the offense did) "At the end of the day, you feel like … As a defensive player, my mindset – and the guys on the defense [mindsets are] – if they don't score, they don't win. So, at the end of the day – like I said earlier – we just have to look ourselves in the mirror and say, 'Hey, what can I do better on each and every play throughout the game?' and just build from that, because we all had some mishaps and some plays that we would love to get back. [I'm] just looking at it like that. We have to look ourselves in the mirror and have that mindset that [if] they don't score, they don't win, and that's just what we're going to carry throughout."

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