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Transcripts: Ravens Postgame Quotes


Opening Statement:

"Very exciting game. It was great to see our guys fighting to the end. Really looking at the whole training camp period we have built a foundation for our football team. I feel like our guys are working hard, I don't feel like we are particularly fresh, but now it's time to get ready for the regular season. It was good to see the young guys fight, compete trying to win a football game. To wrap up, score a touchdown and put us in a position to win the game. Good to see a Daniel Brown, an undrafted free agent who's been here from the start work as hard as he possibly can to be as good as he can. I'm proud of an effort like that. All those guys are an important part of this football team. I just told them in there, every single guy in that room is part of the foundation, and I'm proud of them."

On whether the effort of Daniel Brown can earn him a spot on practice squad:

"I think it puts him in conversation for practice squad. It puts him in a chance to be a guy if he doesn't get called out on the sidelines when he makes that play in practice. He shows us he can play. He comes back makes that catch along the sideline a play or two later, sticks the punt and a great catch in the end zone. Sometimes guys just need an opportunity, and that's what he's got."

On Brennen Beyer's effort:

"Yes, he's another one with potential for practice squad. He did a good job. He had a number of sacks, put pressure on them.

On the team's mistakes:

"Individually, a lot of guys did a number of things that didn't help during the game, if this was a regular season game you would say you can't make mistakes. You can't give them anything. You have to be consistent. Asa Jackson has talent, he's a good guy, a hardworking guy, but you have to be dangerous for them not for us."

On Marlon Brown and previous injuries:

"We did a little more with him because he has been hurt. We wanted to get him in some situations, especially going against their first team defense. Same for Matt Schaub, we wanted to get them in there, catch some balls and let them go get hit."


On whether he feels like he played his way off of the practice squad:

"That is out of my control. I just went out there and gave it everything that I had. When my number was called I tried to make the play as best that I could. I gave it all that I had and I hope that I put myself in the discussion [to make the team]."

On catching a touchdown in two consecutive games:

"It's a huge accomplishment. Like I said I give it my all and when my number is called I have to rise to the occasion and make a play. It's great coming from a smaller school [James Madison] to be competing in this League."

On the blocked punt:

"Coach [Jerry] Rosburg, the scheme that he had been setting up all night had us rushing from that side.  We did it like four times and I gave them a couple of outside looks and a couple of inside looks and on the last one I felt like that I was going to get an inside rush, but they blocked on it so hard that the outside rush came open and I was able to make the play."


On his playing time:

"I had an early injury in camp and missed like a week [of practice] which was a good week of going hard against the defense, practicing fundamentals and getting timing down so I definitely needed the playing time that I got tonight."

On whether Breshad Perriman's injury changes his role:

"I feel like even without his injury they would've called on me to play a major role. I feel like now they will do the same thing and I have to be ready when my name is called."

On whether he feels ready for the regular season:

"I feel ready and this game helped me spend some time in the game and get some catches."


On his frustrations with not completing big plays:

"It's been frustrating two weeks in a row. The guys out there are making some of the best blocks, and we deserve someone back there who will score. We've worked so hard at practice, and those guys block so hard all the time, but good things are in the future."

On concerns with fumbling:

"It's out of my hands now. I've always been a player that has a lot of confidence and try to make plays, and sometimes being aggressive gets you those results. I feel that this loss is on my shoulders because that was the touchdown that ended up winning them the game, and that is frustrating. But I'm going to go back to the drawing board tomorrow and keep trying to get better from there."


On tonight's game:

"The biggest thing about the fourth preseason game is that it is getting down to crunch time, trying to gather a 53-man roster, and it's the last show to see what kind of warriors we have. I think that was shown tonight; to see what kind of warriors we have. I commend everyone for going out there and playing; defensive line gave everything they had and fought their hearts out, so I definitely tip my hat to them."

On pulling it together before regular season:

"That's why we have preseason games, to try to get the bugs and kinks out. It's better to make it happen now than during the season."

On expectations for the season:

"Expectations are to continue to build, execute, and keep getting better, step-by-step, day-by-day, and practice-by-practice."

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