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Transcripts: Ravens Postgame Quotes (9/24)


Opening Statement: "I appreciate you being here. Congratulations to the Colts for finding a way to finish the game and win it. [It was a] tough one for us. [We had] our chances to win the game, and it didn't happen for us. There are 14 games left in this season, and our focus is going to tur very quickly to Cleveland in Cleveland, a division game on the road. [We're] going to do anything we can do to go in there and be the best football team we can be and play our best football. What questions do you have?" 

(on if he got an explanation the last drive where there was a no call on the route by Zay Flowers) "The pass interference? Did I get an explanation? Is that the question?" (Reporter: Yes) "No. I didn't get an explanation." 

(on S Kyle Hamilton's performance in the game) "I thought Kyle [Hamilton] played great. I thought he played great. [He was] running pretty much all over the field [with] tackles, defending. [We] put him in that nickel position. He had to cover their receivers in the slot, all the different ones and run defense, obviously, space tackling – I thought he played great." 

(on how disappointing the ball security was in the first half) "That's football. You have to protect the football. That's it. If we're going to be a good ball security … If we're going to be a winning football team, we have to understand that you can't spot in possessions like that. We have to hold on to the football. Our guys know that. They'll be working very hard to get that done. It's challenging, [and] it's a tough game. There's a lot of guys flying around out there, and there's a lot of hard hitting going on, but that's the No. 1 job of anybody that has the ball in their hands – that's to protect it."  

(on if WR Zay Flowers to fair catch the ball on the free kick after the safety) "We were going to fair catch that ball because it was 1:58 [left on the clock], and that was before the two-minute warning. After the kick return team was out there on the field, [the officials] pumped [the clock] up over two minutes, and we were unable to communicate to him. We were trying, but we couldn't communicate to [Zay Flowers]. They were winding it. That was unfortunate."  

(on the last drive if K Justin Tucker could have kicked the ball) "It would have been a 64-yarder, a 63-yarder – no, that was too far. It was really the footing more than anything else on that."  


(on his overall thoughts of the loss) "It was a crazy game. You look at the chances that we had, and there were many of them. At the end of the day, we fought, but it's all about finishing for us." 

(on the feeling of letting it slip away) "It's just about finishing. It was right there to be had, and this is the type of game you learn from. You grow from it and get better as a team. We're not going to take this one lightly." 

(on why the offense was off) "It's not just one thing, and we're close. Like I said before, it's just a matter of getting back in there and making things happen. This game is so close, literally a game of inches. We're just going to keep on fighting and learn from this. But we have to be able to finish these games." 

(on the odd nature of this game) "It was a good game. They fought hard and I thought we fought hard. It was just one of those games. It was one of those games that you look back on at the end of the year, and you thought it made you better. We were right there taking our chances driving the ball. We need to be more efficient, and we will be." 

(on how disappointing the turnovers were after a fast start) "Taking care of the football. At the end of the day, it's doing things the right way. But the football is the most important thing. We can't have that." 


(on the game) "I just think we just didn't do all the details that we needed to do to be successful. The defense did a good job giving us opportunities, but unfortunately, I just think we didn't capitalize on those." 

(on the offense's lack of deep shots down the field) "Maybe [offensive coordinator] Todd Monken saw something that we didn't see; that's why we're going to go back to the drawing board – to see what he did see – so he can explain it to us, and we can communicate with him what we saw. And it's nobody's fault. We'll just go back and fix it, watch the film, get better and just look forward to next week." 

(on not being able to put the game away) "It's definitely tough. We wanted to put those guys away, but unfortunately, we didn't. Like I said, the defense gave us opportunities. I think in the future, we'll definitely need to capitalize more, and I feel like we will." 

(on if he came out of the game healthy) "Yes, I feel fine right now. [My hamstring] just got a little tight. Our training staff did a good job taking care of me. We'll get it checked out tomorrow." 

(on if he's worried about the mental toll of injuries piling up) "No. Fortunately, I think the Ravens are built for these situations. So, we're prepared for it. [It's] next man up. Everybody can make plays, and we've all seen everybody make plays. So, it kind of is what it is. If that happens, [it's] next man up, and we'll still make the play." 

(on the offense's biggest reason for not being able to finish off the game) "I just think we just didn't execute. At the end of the day, that's what football comes down to – it's execution and Xs and Os; it's black and white. It's just as simple as that. So, I just think we've got to go back to the drawing board, practice these things and get better at it." 

(on how tough it is for the offense to get out of a funk after consecutive fumbles) "Sometimes it's tough, but I feel like we've got the team to do it; I just feel like we didn't do it today. Some days you win some, and some days you lose some. But we're just looking forward to fixing it." 

(on if it gets tougher knowing that they'll play the next three games on the road) "No, I don't think we really care about playing at home or away. It's just football, at the end of the day. So, we're going to go on these road games and take care of business how we need to take care of business." 


(on his thoughts on the game) "For one, this is the National Football League. [It's the] next man up. All these guys get paid. Everybody gets paid. We're still going to go out there and play like starters – myself and other guys who go out there. Two, I feel like we shouldn't have lost. Of course, everybody felt like that. We're trying to go undefeated and win all the games. That's a goal here, and I feel like that is the standard here. We have to get back to doing that next week." 

(on if it was as bizarre of a game as it looked) "[It] definitely [was]. It felt like everything was going good on one side ... It's a complementary football league. You have to have complementary football to win games in the National Football League. Like I said, everybody gets paid. We are professionals. We want to play complementary football and give the ball to the offense. They walked down there and scored. [If] we keep playing defense like we were playing, everything will always work out. We have to get back to work and prepare for next week." 

(on S Kyle Hamilton's performance) "I call him [Kyle Hamilton], 'The Avatar.' [He is] 6-4 at safety and can run, can hit. I like playing with him. I think he's a great player, smart guy. Kyle, he's going to bring it. I feel like everybody here that I play with on the defense can fly around. We play well together. We just have to keep bringing it." 

(on if there was a play in overtime that he thought would seal the game) "Yes, when we turned the ball over and got it back, I thought the game was over then. But like I said, [it's not] game over until the clock says 0:00. We just want to try to make plays. We did. We put our offense in a position to win the game, or we thought we did. Especially at home, we just want to get away with the win at home. Today, we let one slip away." 

(on playing the next three games on the road) "We don't care about playing [anywhere]. We could play in the backyard of somebody's house, and we're going to still fly around and hit. We have a divisional opponent next week, the Cleveland Browns, and I'm sure everybody is going to be looking forward to it. It's a division game, and we need something to get back from what happened today. So, we are going to go to practice, and you know how it is. Last week, since I've been here it's going to be pretty exciting to get back to it and get back to the Raven way like we've been playing all season." 


(on why the offense wasn't able to finish drives) "We weren't playing complementary football to the defense. The defense played great all day and put us in a lot of opportunities to put the game away, but one thing is for certain, you can't turn the ball over. Obviously, I take pride in that myself, especially being a [running] back in this league. When you get to touch the ball, it's a privilege in any given situation no matter how far you go. No matter the situation, you have to take care of the ball. We had two turnovers today, and that was the difference in the game. Coach [John] Harbaugh even mentioned it earlier, the message would have been the same regardless of who would have won or lost. It's all about learning experiences, this game. Making sure that 3-0 and 2-1, in the grand scheme of the entire season, as long as we continue to progress and become a team, we are capable of becoming in the long run, then that is the ultimate goal." 

(on what happened on his fumble) "I have to be more aware of my surroundings in that situation, regardless of if I have my eyes on the end zone, or if I am running through a crowd of people. The entire team, and the entire city is depending on me when I have the ball in my hands and on each and every one of us when we have the ball in our hands. We just have to move on. It was an early part of the game, [and] we tried to make plays as the game went on, but we have to learn from that and continue to grow." 

(on if there was a message to the team at halftime after the turnovers) "Not necessarily. At the end of the day, it's a game of two halves. So, we had to come in and make sure we didn't repeat that recipe because that would have been a recipe for disaster. At the end of the day, as long as we play complementary football, offense defense and special teams, we pick ourselves up on the offensive side, we are going to be successful but, we weren't able to finish our job." 

(on if he feels that this game was one that slipped away from them) "Hindsight [is] 20/20. At the end of the day, you can look back at different things, like of course if you did this or didn't do this, the result would be different. But, the result is the result. So, we have to strap it on next week. We have another divisional opponent on an away game, so it is going to be tough task to go in and get a win in any given situation, home or away. So, we just have to take things we can learn from, play to our best capabilities and continue to move on." 

(on talking about the offensive fumbles during the game) "Just play ball at the end of the day. The old quote I used to say, 'It's not the first time, and it's not the last time.' Hopefully it is the last time, but at the end of the day, we just have to play ball. We can't allow something to take away your confidence or allow you to shell up and not be who you are – just play ball and make plays for the team." 

(on how difficult it was to get up to speed with the offense) "Of course it was a challenge. Certain things may mesh. I might think some [play] was some [other play] may be compared to what it was. But at the end of the day, they put me in the best position to be successful by putting me in successful plays. Now, going into Week 2, [they will] open the playbook up a little bit for me. I'm going to get more into the things that I know [that] I can [do to] continue to help this team win. I want to continue to do that." 


(on if there was something that he saw watching Indianapolis Colts' film during game preparation that helped lead to his success as a pass rusher in the game) "Anytime you get edge blitzed like that, it's a team rush. You have [Jadeveon] Clowney on the edge. He's one of the best pass rushers in this league. He's pretty much giving himself up so I can free up and get those sacks. We were joking about it going back and forth the whole game, but it's him doing his job allowing me to get TFLs and sacks. It just goes hand in hand. We were practicing it all week and executed it well." 

(on if he was surprised that the Indianapolis Colts did not block him on his second and third sacks) "Honestly, that's probably about as unblocked as you can get. You have to make your layups. Like the offense does, they want to take advantage of defensive mistakes. We want to do the same thing on their side. They were having some protection issues. It was a team effort. Guys in the backend allowing time for me to get there covering well, because we were pretty much in zero [coverage] in those pressures allowing me to get there. It's a team effort." 

(on his move back to the nickel role after DB Ar'Darius Washington was put on injured reserve earlier in the week) "[The] coaches do a good job of sprinkling me in there every now and then – keeping it fresh. [It] doesn't leave my mind, and we can have that flexibility in our defense if I need to go to nickel or Geno [Stone] went down today – [I] went back to safety. Art [Arthur Maulet] came in and played nickel for a little bit. I think it just allows us to be a little flexible and just a little deeper at each position honestly, because guys can play [in] so many different places." 

(on what the mood was like in the locker room after a tough loss in overtime to the Indianapolis Colts at home) "[It was] pretty bad. You want to win every single game we come out here for. I thought we had a great week of practice – offense and defense, special teams included. [It was] just not the result that we want, but luckily there's Cleveland [Browns] next week and hopefully get a win there. [We] have to review the game, see what we did well, improve what we didn't do well in and move onto next week." 

(on how frustrating it is when the Indianapolis Colts' K Matt Gay made four field goals of 50+ yards which ended up being the difference in the game) "There's only 32 kickers in the league – in the world that kick in the NFL. They're good, and unfortunately, we couldn't get a block. We had a lot of opportunities [and] had a lot of good rushes by guys on the inside. They have guys on their side who are paid to do things well at the same time. Shoutout to that guy [Colts K Matt Gay] who made a lot of big kicks in the game. [He] never flinched, but at the end of the day we shouldn't have even been in that position to lose on a game-winning field goal. There's a bunch of stuff – you go back, watch the film, improve on. It's Week 3 now, and hopefully [by] Week 13 we won't even be remembering this. We have to work our way there at the same time." 

(on if the safety that the Ravens' defense registered in the fourth quarter was something that the defense felt made the necessary stops) "Nothing's necessary until the clock hits at zero. Everybody was celebrating, but after we looked up at the clock and we knew the situation that he had actually stepped out of bounds instead of the time going off a little bit and [the] two-minute warning being used then that they pretty much had two timeouts left. We weren't going to run a lot of clock off. I think [the] defense did a good job of re-setting, because in that moment – I think it was 16-19 at that point – and they still had an opportunity to go win the game. I think the defense did a good job just limiting them to a long field goal. Unfortunately, the game didn't end up how we wanted it to, but we gave ourselves an opportunity." 

(on if the loss to the Indianapolis Colts adds to the raw frustration level after a big win in Week 2 over the Cincinnati Bengals and looking to build off that) "It's the funny-not-funny part about this league. Every single week, you don't get any layups. There's really no bad team in this league, and every single week you have to practice well. You have to prepare well. You have to play well. At the end of the day, we did beat a good team last week [the Cincinnati Bengals] and played a great team this week as well. [It] didn't go our way, but I think it's a lesson that we can learn from – never get too high, never get too low. In this league, every single week is a challenge, so we have to find a way to bring it." 


(on what was off with the timing between him and the receivers) "All day I was?" (Reporter: Not all day) "Some of them were just mishaps, a part of the game. I try not to miss those passes. Great coverage, sometimes, that's all."  

(on why the offense couldn't get the first downs in the game) "We just have to lock in more [and] stay focused more. [We need to] take what the defense gives us [and] try to move the ball the fastest we could, but conservatively." 

(on how disappointing the ball security issues were) "It messed with us a little bit; the turnovers, the fumbles, the mishaps [and] the bad passes. But it's a part of football, things happen with the weather. We just have to do a better job." 

(on what he saw on the final play on the route WR Zay Flowers ran) "We had plenty of opportunities in the game to finish strong, but it is what it is. [We] live to fight another day." 

(on if there was a communication issue between him and C Sam Mustipher on the low snap of the ball) "Yes, it was just miscommunication." 

(on if he feels like the team should have closed out the game) "Absolutely. Like I said, we had plenty of opportunities to put the game away, especially when our defense did a great job at stopping those guys. [We had] great field position [and] we didn't move the ball at all. That ticked me off. It ticked all of us. We like to finish the job. The defense did great today. They always do great, but especially today giving us that opportunity to finish the game and we didn't." 

(on his first two rushing touchdowns of the season being a part of the run-designed plays) "Yes, absolutely. That was kind of designed like an RPO [run pass option]. Yes, it was part of it."  


(on his overall thoughts on the loss) "What is there to talk about? We took a loss. We have to play better both offensively and defensively. For them to come into our house and beat us, that just shouldn't happen. There were so many mistakes that we made. We just have to clean that stuff up." 

(on if he feels they let the game slip away) "Yes, we did. We did. We gave them opportunities to make plays. We made some mistakes on defense. We left a few runs on the perimeter and some bubble screens hurt us, and that's stuff we usually don't let happen. It doesn't feel good. We just have to take this one on the chin and move forward." 

(on Colts RB Zack Moss gaining over 100 rushing yards) "Credit to him, but that doesn't happen on our defense, so we need to be better. We have to do better, especially at home, every game really, but especially at home." 

(on losing at home) "We are not supposed to lose at home, but we did, and I hate this feeling. We have to get healthy. We have the Browns next week, a division game, and we're looking forward to it. It sucks today, but we digest it today, and look forward to tomorrow and get ready for the next game." 


(on if they had the offense rolling pretty well early in the game) "Yes, really like you alluded to, we shot ourselves in the foot. There were various times that we didn't execute. That always falls on us to go out there and run the plays that were called and go execute at a high level. We didn't do that enough." 

(on what it means to be from Baltimore and start at M&T Bank Stadium) "It meant a lot. Growing up here, being from around here, I'm grateful. [I'm] extremely grateful. It's a blessing to be able to play for a franchise like this, [and] be able to play with guys like this. Growing up watching this team and understanding the pride and tradition – really all of these guys in the locker room, the work that they have done throughout the community for years – I am very proud to have that Raven on my arm." 

(on if the weather affected his snapping ability today) "No. I'm not going to make excuses for the weather. They had to deal with the same thing. So, that falls on me." 


(on his thoughts following the game) "We've just got to get better. There's no excuse for what we put out on the field today. They had too many rush yards [and] too many big plays that we didn't capitalize on – just simply not doing our job. I gave up a touchdown. If I don't give up that touchdown, we win. So, it starts with us. It starts with me and 'Ro' [Roquan Smith] in the middle, taking over. There are too many big plays that we want back. And that's the thing about the league; you can't have plays that you want to get back. So, in order for us to be the team that we want to be, we've just got to [get stops] when we're supposed to." 

(on the Ravens' run defense) "We just didn't play our type of ball. Communication was off. Just doing our job was off. That's why me and 'Ro' [Roquan Smith] are here – to stop stuff like that. Put it on me that we didn't communicate good enough, and we'll get it fixed." 

(on the miscommunications in rush defense) "Just every run that got out … Communication … Like I just said, we can't have that, so we'll take the charge – playing in the middle – and we'll get it fixed." 

(on if he sensed the safety would be the final defensive play Baltimore needed to make) "We kind of knew there was still a chance that they could get the ball back, so we were still prepared. But it definitely felt like a momentum shift for us; we just felt like it was going to be a positive thing. Unfortunately, we gave up some plays after that. We knew [that] to not be back on the field again, we needed to get [another] stop, and we didn't get that stop." 

(on his coverage on the Colts' touchdown) "I think I turned my head around too early, and he [Zack Moss] kind of got extended off of me. Like I said, I can't afford to do that stuff. I think I had good judgement on the ball, and unfortunately, I didn't make the play. Like I said, if I don't give up that touchdown, we win. So, put it on me." 

(on how challenging it is to cover a running back like RB Zack Moss in the passing game) "I was in good coverage; I just judged the ball and went for the jump. I kind of got extended off of him [Zack Moss], and he made a heck of a catch. [It was] a heck of a throw. And like I said, that's on me. It'll be fixed, and I guarantee it won't happen again." 

(on the mental toll of "next man up") "We can't have any fall off. [There is] no excuse. We practice hard, [and] everybody practices. It's not like guys are not getting reps; everybody is getting reps. We all communicate, and the coaches make it really simple for the gameplan. So, there's no excuse for us to have any drop off. That's why we've got to go out there, communicate [and] do our job to the best of our ability." 

(on the mood in the locker room) "We knew we had it. It was sitting there. We could have been 3-0, and we're not. So, there's nothing we can do about it now. We've just got to capitalize next time. [We can't] let this one [loss] turn into two." 

(on turning the page towards the upcoming consecutive divisional games) "We just can't let this turn into two. We know who we're going to next week and stuff, and it's going to be the same thing – running the ball. So, if we can't stop the run, then we're going to be in trouble. So, the mindset is just now focusing on them, getting better and just being able to communicate and make the plays that we need to make." 


(on missing a 61-yard field goal towards the end of the third quarter) "I got my plant [foot] in the ground. [I] struck the ball in my sweet spot. Sometimes, the nature of this game is the ball does not go through, or you fall short sometimes. I'm going to choose to take on a positive mindset and look at the things that we can improve upon. I'm going to look at the things I can improve upon, and I'll just leave it at that." 

(on how he has gone forward after tough losses in his career) "I think the way you pick up the pieces and move on [is] you just take it one step at a time. I think this team has the guts, the fiber to get that done. I think it's just about coming in on Monday through Saturday this upcoming week [and] taking it one day at a time, one meeting at a time, one practice at a time, one practice rep at a time. I know that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm going to do everything I can to make myself the best football player possible for this team when we play in Cleveland next Sunday."

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