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What the Raiders Said After Their 34-17 Loss


Head Coach Jon Gruden

(opening statement): "I'd like to congratulate the Ravens. They're a good football team. Very good defensively. Credit the young quarterback, and credit their coaching staff for making some great adjustments and modifying their offense to suit this kid. Very disappointed, obviously, with the loss."

(on how Derek Carr was when he came off the field): "He's OK. Took some shots, obviously. We fell behind two scores. We have to pass protect better when we have to pass protect. Everybody knows we have to pass protect. The problem all year was the problem today. When you get in a predictable pass situation, we have to rise up and do better. Credit to [Ravens' OLB Matt] Judon. Judon's going to be a heck of a player. Doggone Judon."

(on how the Ravens controlled the game in the second half): "They didn't make it really complicated. They have a great, I think, future Hall of Fame guard in [Marshal] Yanda. They probably called on their captain, and said, 'Hey, we're going after these guys.' And, that's what they did. When you can establish the inside run, the perimeter offense, all the bells and whistles with [Ravens' QB Lamar] Jackson, they're very hard to defend. You've got to stop the inside run, or you have no chance to stop everything else. They took over the game. Credit to them."

(on Michael Crabtree's touchdown): "I don't understand it. I'll have to look at it. Nick Nelson was obviously in the game, and we'll have to take a look at it, but credit Crabtree."

QB Derek Carr

(on his ankle injury): "I hurt it pretty bad. I tried to stand up, but I couldn't. Once I got to the sideline, I tried to hurry up and get back in there. I wanted to finish the game with my team. It's important to me, and I want my teammates to know that I am going to finish a game if I possibly can. I will not take the easy way out."

(on facing the Ravens and their ball control offense): "In a way it reminded me of college, when we used to play Air Force all the time. They are going to run the ball as much as they can, and keep you off the field. They will not throw the ball 50 times and give you a lot of possessions. Their job is to kill the clock, and you're not going to get too many plays on offense."

(on being sacked three plays in a row): "I don't ever remember that happening before. It was very frustrating because we were behind by so much. We had to look for big plays. I had to hold the ball a little longer. We had some good looks, but I couldn't get the ball there."

RB Doug Martin

(on how hard it is to keep the momentum going when the opposing team controls the ball): "We've just got to do what we know, do what we do in practice. We've got to be detail-oriented, doing your own job and not doing too much. Staying calm throughout the whole series, it's tough, but hats off to the Ravens' offense. How they were able to run the ball and eat up so much clock… We did it one time on that first series, but we've got to do that on a consistent basis."

TE Jared Cook

(on his touchdown catch) "Me and Derek [Carr] got the look we wanted. We looked at each other pre-snap and knew it was on. He did a great job, because he got drilled when he threw that ball. He was getting hit as he was throwing, and he left the ball outside, and I just tried to make a play on it. I really didn't even know it was a touchdown. I thought they might call another P.I. on me, but I didn't know it was a touchdown until me and Derek were over there talking and they said it was a touchdown, so I'll take it. I thought I was out on the one or the two."

S Reggie Nelson

(on the Ravens halftime offensive adjustments): "They made their adjustments, and we made ours. Unfortunately they just did a good job of running the ball. We just have to watch the film to see what we did wrong in the running game and try to fix it. We have a great challenge next week, so we have our work cut out for us."

(on the Ravens' offensive play mix): "We watched the film. They did a good job with Lamar [Jackson] who managed the game for them. He did a great job."

WR Marcell Ateman

(on feeling pressure not having much time and the Ravens scoring): "Yes, it was a big emphasis. We don't have the ball and they're scoring. We had to make something happen quick. We didn't try to put pressure on ourselves, but we tried to make the tempo go fast. They were giving us different looks, because we're trying to move the ball like that."

(on WR Michael Crabtree): "I grew up watching Michael Crabtree, especially when Texas Tech came into the league. He's a big receiver who makes plays. I thought Gareon [Conley] played good against him today."

CB Gareon Conley

(on if the Ravens offense surprised him): "They didn't surprise me at all. We expected them to run the ball a lot, and they did."

(on his impressions of QB Lamar Jackson): "He played very well today. He really gives them [Baltimore Ravens] a dual threat. He can beat you with the run, he can beat you with the pass. The important thing is to read your keys, and stay with him."

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