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Why the Ravens Can't Announce Free-Agency Deals (Or Comment on Them)


You may be wondering why you've seen reports about the Ravens' free-agent moves but we haven't made any announcements, or even commented on them.

We're keeping track of the latest reports in our free agency Rumor Mill, but cannot discuss them, even now as free agency is officially open (as of 4 p.m. Wednesday).

NFL teams will not announce deals until they're official, and they cannot become official until the player passes a physical. Players cannot pass a physical (as of now) until they come to Baltimore, and that is a major problem amidst the COVID-19 epidemic.

"We continue to make the well-being and safety of our organization and community top priorities during this critical public health situation," General Manager Eric DeCosta stated today. "In compliance with a recent memo sent by the NFL Management Council, we will withhold official announcement of any personnel moves until prospective players have safely executed a physical examination and signed a contract.

"Despite these circumstances, we are excited about the steps we've taken – and will continue to take – to improve our team during this free agency period. We look forward to announcing our moves at the appropriate time."

Here's an official note about the physicals:

Due to the evolving public health situation and subsequent agreement between the NFL and NFL Players Association, teams may not bring free agent players to a club facility or other location to meet with team personnel. Further, club personnel, including members of the team's medical staff, may not travel to any location to meet with or conduct medical examinations of a free agent player.​

The NFL and NFLPA are developing protocols that will provide clubs with opportunities to review a free agent player's medical records from his prior club(s) and to arrange for a free agent player to have a medical exam in the player's home city or at another nearby location.

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