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Willie Snead IV, Miles Boykin Donate During COVID-19 Crisis 


During his two seasons with the Ravens, wide receiver Willie Snead IV has built a strong bond with the Baltimore community.

Snead announced on social media that he is donating $15,000 to help provide meals in Baltimore during the coronavirus pandemic. Snead has partnered with UnitedHealthCare, which will help the YMCA of Central Maryland give boxes of non-perishable food to 750 needy families. UnitedHealthCare also matched Snead's $15,000 donation.

Snead announced his gift during a heartfelt message on social media in which he thanked medical personnel, first responders, and others who are putting themselves at risk to help others.

"I want to thank all the first responders, all the doctors, all the medical staff around the world and around our country who are risking their lives every day to make sure that people are recovering from this virus and can go home to their families," Snead said.

In another act of giving, Ravens wide receiver Miles Boykin is holding a virtual meet and greet today on Chatalyze, with all proceeds going to the United Way's Covid-19 Relief Fund. There is a link with information on how to participate in Boykin's event on his Twitter account.

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