Presented by M&T Bank, the Baltimore Ravens and the Governor's Office on Service and Volunteerism (GOSV), the Honor Rows program recognizes youth groups and organizations that provide outstanding volunteer service to their communities. Since the beginning of the partnership, M&T Bank has honored nearly 16,000 youth volunteers from a wide range of organizations through the Honor Rows program. Throughout this season, we'll be spotlighting past honorees to showcase their lasting commitment to youth volunteerism and public service.
For over 100 years, the Girl Scouts have been building girls of courage, confidence, and character "who make the world a better place." With over 2.5 million members across the globe, Girl Scouts offer every girl a chance to practice a lifetime of leadership, adventure and success. Originally recognized as an Honor Rows recipient during the 2019 season, Girl Scout Troop 1093 of Central Maryland has demonstrated a strong history of giving back to their community. From organizing food collection drives for food insecure families, to advocating for youth health & wellness, Girl Scout Troop 1093 remains committed as youth leaders and philanthropic ambassadors. Girl Scout Troop 1093 has also continued to support local healthcare providers during the COVID-19 pandemic by making personalized "thank you" cards and meals for hospital staff.
M&T Bank, the Baltimore Ravens and the Governor's Office on Service & Volunteerism are proud to honor Girl Scout Troop 1093 and their outstanding impact in our community.
To learn more about the Girl Scouts of Central Maryland and Troop 1093, visit: https://www.gscm.org/en/about-girl-scouts/who-we-are.html
To learn more about the M&T Bank Honor Rows program, visit: https://www.baltimoreravens.com/community/honor-rows