The month of September marks Hunger Action Month at the Maryland Food Bank (MFB), a nationwide initiative, championed by Feeding America, that enlists Marylanders to become involved with issues concerning hunger.
To help kickoff the campaign, Ingrid Harbaugh and members of the Lady Ravens joined Orioles' wives to help sort and package food for distribution to hungry families across Maryland. As part of MFB's *Be A Voice *Campaign, Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake joined the women in encouraging local residents to speak out against hunger by donating food, funds or time.
The day of service at MFB lent itself as a great opportunity for the two teams to come together and go head-to-head against hunger, creating a positive impact in our Baltimore community.
The Lady Ravens Association consists of spouses and significant others of Ravens players, coaches and staff. The women support the Ravens in their community efforts and assist in generating funds for the Ravens All Community Team Foundation. Over the years, the Lady Ravens lent volunteer support to the Habitat Build Days, Ravens' Hometown Huddle event, Breast Cancer Awareness activities, Ravens Family Food and Funds Drive, Helping Up Mission coat drive distribution and various players holiday events.
After having an impactful day at the MFB, the Lady Ravens have agreed to continue to volunteer there once a month throughout the season. Additionally, the coaches' wives have had a relationship with Sarah's House (Ft. Meade, Md.), a housing program for homeless families. The wives frequently visit Sarah's House to prepare and serve lunch, as well as mingle with the families in residence there.